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Abate, TG, Borger, T, Aanesen, M, Falk-Andersson, J, Wyles, KJ and Beaumont, NJ 2019 Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation. Ecological Economics, 169. 106521. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106521

Abreu, A, Bourgois, E, Gristwood, A, Trouble, R, Acinas, SG, Bork, P, Boss, E, Bowler, C, Budinich, M, Chaffrom, S, de Vargas, C, Delmont, TO, Eveillard, D, Guidi, L, Ludicone, D, Kandels, S, Morlon, H, Lombard, F, Pepperkok, R, Karlusich, JJP, Piganeau, G, Regimbeau, A, Sommeria-Klein, G, Stemmann, L, Sullivan, MB, Sunagawa, S, Wincker, P, Zablocki, O, Arendt, D, Bilic, J, Finn, R, Heard, E, Rouse, B, Vamathevan, J, Casotti, R, Cancio, I, Cunliffe, M, Kervella, AE, Kooistra, WHCF, Obst, M, Pade, N, Power, DM, Santi, I, Tsagaraki, TM and Vanaverbeke, J 2022 Priorities for ocean microbiome research. Nature Microbiology, 7 (7). 937-947. 10.1038/s41564-022-01145-5

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Acevedo-Trejos, E, Brandt, G, Bruggeman, J and Merico, A 2015 Mechanisms shaping size structure and functional diversity of phytoplankton communities in the ocean. Scientific Reports, 5. 8918. 10.1038/srep08918

Agirbas, E, Tilstone, GH and Feyzioğlu, AM 2017 Contrasting Wind Regimes Cause Differences in Primary Production in the Black Sea Eastern and Western Gyres.. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17. 981-994. 10.4194/1303-2712-v17_5_13

Akcaalan, R, Albay, M, Koker, L, Baudart, J, Guillebault, D, Fischer, S, Weigel, W and Medlin, LK 2018 Seasonal dynamics of freshwater pathogens as measured by microarray at Lake Sapanca, a drinking water source in the north-eastern part of Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 10.1007/s10661-017-6314-7

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Aldridge, JN, Lessin, G, Amoudry, LO, Hicks, N, Hull, T, Klar, JK, Kitidis, V, McNeill, CL, Ingels, J, Parker, ER, Silburn, B, Silva, T, Sivyer, DB, Smith, HEK, Widdicombe, S, Woodward, EMS, Van der Molen, J, Garcia, L and Kröger, S 2017 Comparing benthic biogeochemistry at a sandy and a muddy site in the Celtic Sea using a model and observations [in special issue: Biogeochemistry, macronutrient and carbon cycling in the shelf sea benthos] Biogeochemistry, 135 (1-2). 155-182. 10.1007/s10533-017-0367-0

Alendal, G, Blackford, JC, Chen, B, Avlesen, H and Omar, A 2017 Using Bayes Theorem to Quantify and Reduce Uncertainties when Monitoring Varying Marine Environments for Indications of a Leak [in special issue: 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland] Energy Procedia, 114. 3607-3612. 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1492

Araújo, RM, Assis, J, Aguillar, R, Arioldi, L, Bárbara, L, Bartsch, I, Bekkby, T, Christie, H, Davoult, D, Derrien-Courtel, S, Fernandez, C, Fredriksen, S, Gevaert, F, Gundersen, H, Le Gal, A, Lévêque, Laurent, Mieszkowska, N, Norderhaug, KM, Oliveira, PB, Puente, A, Rico, JM, Rinde, E, Schubert, H, Strain, EM, Valero, M, Viard, F and Sousa_Pinto, I 2016 Status, trends and drivers of kelp forests in Europe: an expert assessment. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 (7). 1319-1348. 10.1007/s10531-016-1141-7

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Artioli, Y, Blackford, JC, Butenschon, M, Holt, JT, Wakelin, SL, Thomas, H, Borges, AV and Allen, JI 2012 The carbonate system of the NW European shelf: sensitivity and model validation. Journal of Marine Systems, 102-10. Jan-13. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.04.006

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Asai, S, Ianora, A, Lauritano, C, Lindeque, PK and Carotenuto, Y 2015 High-quality RNA extraction from copepods for Next Generation Sequencing: A comparative study. Marine Genomics, 24. 115-118. 10.1016/j.margen.2014.12.004

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Ashley, MC, Mangi, SC and Rodwell, LD 2014 The potential of offshore windfarms to act as marine protected areas – A systematic review of current evidence. Marine Policy, 45. 301-309. 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.09.002

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Atkins, WRG and Harris, GT 1925 Seasonal changes in the water and heleoplankton of fresh-water ponds.. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 13 (3). 750-754.

Atkinson, A, Harmer, RA, Widdicombe, CE, McEvoy, AJ, Smyth, TJ, Cummings, DG, Somerfield, PJ, Maud, JL and McConville, K 2015 Questioning the role of phenology shifts and trophic mismatching in a planktonic food web. Progress in Oceanography, 137. 498-512. 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.04.023

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Atkinson, A, Hill, SL, Barange, M, Pakhomov, EA, Raubenheimer, D, Schmidt, K, Simpson, SJ and Reiss, C 2014 Sardine cycles, krill declines, and locust plagues: revisiting ‘wasp-waist’ food webs. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29 (6). 309-316. 10.1016/j.tree.2014.03.011

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Atkinson, A, Hill, SL, Pakhomov, EA, Siegel, V, Anadon, R, Chiba, S, Daly, KL, Downie, R, Fielding, S, Fretwell, P, Gerrish, L, Hosie, GW, Jessopp, MJ, Kawaguchi, S, Krafft, BA, Loeb, V, Nishikawa, J, Peat, H, Reiss C, C, Ross, RM, Quetin, LB, Schmidt, K, Steinberg, DK, Subramaniam, A, Tarling, GA and Ward, P 2017 KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926–2016. Earth System Science Data, 9. 1-18. 10.5194/essd-9-193-2017

Atkinson, S, Thomas, SF, Goddard, P, Bransgrove, RM, Mason, PT, Oak, A, Bansode, A, Patankar, R, Gleason, ZD, Sim, MK, Whitesell, A and Allen, MJ 2015 Swirl Flow Bioreactor coupled with Cu-alginate beads: A system for the eradication of Coliform and Escherichia coli from biological effluents. Scientific reports, 5. 9461. 10.1038/srep09461

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Attrill, MJ, Wright, J and Edwards, M 2007 Climate-related increases in jellyfish frequency suggest a more gelatinous future for the North Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 52 (1). 480-485.

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Austen, MC, Crowe, TP, Elliott, M, Paterson, DM, Peck, MA and Piraino, S 2018 VECTORS of change in the marine environment: Ecosystem and economic impacts and management implications. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 1-6. 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.01.009

Aytan, U, Feyzioğlu, AM, Valente, A, Agirbas, E and Fileman, ES 2017 Microbial plankton communities in the coastal southeastern Black Sea: Biomass, composition and trophic interactions. Oceanologia, 138. 14, pp. 10.1016/j.oceano.2017.09.002

Bale, AJ and Morris, AW 1981 Laboratory Simulation Of Chemical Processes Induced By Estuarine Mixing - The Behavior Of Iron And Phosphate In Estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 13 (1). 01-Oct. 10.1016/S0302-3524(81)80101-6

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Banks, AC, Vendt, R, Alikas, K, Bialek, A, Kuusk, J, Lerebourg, C, Ruddick, K, Tilstone, GH, Vabson, V, Donlon, C and Casal, T 2020 Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC). Remote Sensing, 12 (8). 1322. 10.3390/rs12081322

Barange, M, King, J, Valdes, L and Turra, A 2016 The evolving and increasing need for climate change research on the oceans. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 73 (5). 1267-1271. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw052

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Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, Bricaud, A, Organelli, E, Poteau, A, Schmechtig, C, Gentili, B, Penkerc'h, C, Leymarie, E, D'Ortenzio, F and Claustre, H 2018 Assessing the variability in the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration from a global Biogeochemical-Argo database. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1002/2017JC013030

Barlow, RG, Gibberd, M-J, Lamont, T, Aiken, J and Holligan, PM 2016 Chemotaxonomic phytoplankton patterns on the eastern boundary of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 111. 73-78. 10.1016/j.dsr.2016.02.011

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Barnes, MKS, Tilstone, GH, Suggett, DJ, Widdicombe, CE, Bruun, JT, Martinez-Vicente, V and Smyth, TJ 2015 Temporal variability in total, micro- and nano-phytoplankton primary production at a coastal site in the Western English Channel. Progress in Oceanography, 137. 470-483. 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.04.017

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Barnes, RSK and Barnes, MKS 2012 Shore height and differentials between macrobenthic assemblages in vegetated and unvegetated areas of an intertidal sandflat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 106. 112 - 120. 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.05.011

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Barón, E, Dissanayake, AD, Vilà-Cano, J, Crowther, C, Readman, JW, Jha, AN, Eljarrat, E and Barceló, D 2016 Evaluation of the Genotoxic and Physiological Effects of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-209) and Dechlorane Plus (DP) Flame Retardants in Marine Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (5). 2700-2708. 10.1021/acs.est.5b05814

Bass, A, Wernberg, T, Thomsen, M and Smale, DA 2021 Another Decade of Marine Climate Change Experiments: Trends, Progress and Knowledge Gaps. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.714462

Bassindale, R, Southgate, BA and Pentelow, FTK 1933 The effect of cyanides on the gill colour of fish. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 18 (2). 671-676.

Batten, SD, Ostle, C, Helaouët, P and Walne, AW 2022 Responses of Gulf of Alaska plankton communities to a marine heat wave. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 195, 105002. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2021.105002

Batten, SD, Raitsos, DE, Danielson, S, Hopcroft, R, Coyle, K and McQuatters-Gollop, A 2018 Interannual variability in lower trophic levels on the Alaskan Shelf. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.04.023

Bayne, BL, Clarke, KR and Moore, MN 1981 Some Practical Considerations In The Measurement Of Pollution Effects On Bivalve Mollusks And Some Possible Ecological Consequences. Aquatic Toxicology, 1 (03-Apr). 159 - 174. 10.1016/0166-445X(81)90012-6

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Bayne, BL, Salkeld, PN and Worrall, CM 1983 Reproductive Effort And Value In Different Populations Of The Marine Mussel Mytilus-Edulis-L. Oecologia, 59 (1). 18 - 26. 10.1007/BF00388067

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Bayne, BL, Widdows, J, Moore, MN, Salkeld, PN, Worrall, CM and Donkin, P 1982 Some Ecological Consequences Of The Physiological And Biochemical Effects Of Petroleum Compounds On Marine Mollusks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 297 (1087). 219 - 239. 10.1098/rstb.1982.0039

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Beacham, TA, Mora Macia, V, Rooks, PA, White, DA and Ali, ST 2015 Altered Lipid Accumulation in Nannochlropsis Salina CCAP849/3 Following EMS and UV Induced Mutagenesis. Biotechnology Reports, 7. 87-94. 10.1016/j.btre.2015.05.007

Beale, R, Liss, PS, Dixon, JL and Nightingale, PD 2011 Quantification of oxygenated volatile organic compounds in seawater by membrane inlet-proton transfer reaction/mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 706. 128 - 134. 10.1016/j.aca.2011.08.023

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Beanland, FL 1940 Sand and mud communities in the Dovey Estuary. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 24 (2). 589-611.

Beaugrand, G and Edwards, M 2015 Future vulnerability of marine biodiversity compared with contemporary and past changes. Nature Climate Change. 10.1038/NCLIMATE2650

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Beaugrand, G, Kléparski, L, Luczak, C, Goberville, E and Kirby, RR 2024 A niche‐based theory of island biogeography. Ecology and Evolution, 14 (6). ttps://

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Beaugrand, G and Reid, PC 2002 Major reorganisation of North Atlantic pelagic ecosystems linked to climate change.. GLOBEC Newsletter, 8 (2). 30-33.

Beaulieu, C, Cole, H, Henson, S, Yool, A, Anderson, TR, de Mora, L, Buitenhuis, ET, Butenschon, M, Totterdell, IJ and Allen, JI 2015 Marine regime shifts in ocean biogeochemical models: a case study in the Gulf of Alaska. Biogeosciences Discussions, 12 (16). 14003-14048. 10.5194/bgd-12-14003-2015

Beaumont, NJ, Jones, L, Garbutt, A, Hansom, JD and Toberman, M 2014 The value of carbon sequestration and storage in coastal habitats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 137. 32-40. 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.11.022

Behrenfeld, MJ, Westberry, TK, Boss, ES, O'Malley, RT, Siegel, DA, Wiggert, JD, Franz, BA, McClain, CR, Feldman, GC, Doney, SC, Moore, JK, Dall’Olmo, G, Milligan, AJ, Lima, I and Mahowald, N 2009 Satellite-detected fluorescence reveals global physiology of ocean phytoplankton. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 6 (5). 779-794. 10.5194/bg-6-779-2009

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Belcher, A, Tarling, GA, Manno, C, Atkinson, A, Ward, P, Skaret, G, Fielding, S, Henson, SA and Saunders, RA 2017 The potential role of Antarctic krill faecal pellets in efficient carbon export at the marginal ice zone of the South Orkney Islands in spring. Polar Biology, 40. 2001-2013. 10.1007/s00300-017-2118-z

Bene, C, Barange, M, Subasinghe, R, Pinstrup-Andersen, P, Merino, G, Hemre, G-I and Williams, M 2015 Feeding 9 billion by 2050 – Putting fish back on the menu [in special issue: Feeding 9 billion: Challenges and Choices for 2050] Food Security, 7 (2). 261. 10.1007/s12571-015-0427-z

Bianchi, C.N., Dailianis, T., DANDO, P. R., Morri, C. and SOUTHWARD, E. C. 2021 Description sheets for habitat MB5.539 Facies with Tritia species and nematodes in hydrothermal vents.. United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan. Interpretation Manual of Marine Habitat Types in the Mediterranean Sea. The Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean.. 49-52.

Bianchi, Carlo Nike, Dando, Paul R. and Morri, Carla 2011 Increased diversity of sessile epibenthos at subtidal hydrothermal vents: seven hypotheses based on observations at Milos Island, Aegean Sea. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 2 (1). 1-31. 10.1080/19475721.2011.565804

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Biermann, L, Clewley, D, Martinez-Vicente, V and Topouzelis, KN 2020 Finding Plastic Patches in Coastal Waters using Optical Satellite Data. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). 10.1038/s41598-020-62298-z

Birchenough, SNR, Reiss, H, Degraer, S, Mieszkowska, N, Borja, A, Buhl-Mortensen, L, Braeckman, U, Craeymeersch, JA, De Mesel, I, Kerckhof, F, Kröncke, I, Parra, S, Rabaut, M, Schröder, A, Van Colen, C, Van Hoey, G, Vincx, M and Wätjen, K 2015 Climate change and marine benthos: a review of existing research and future directions in the North Atlantic. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 6 (2). 203-223. 10.1002/wcc.330

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Bishop, JDD, Wood, CA, Lévêque, L, Yunnie, ALE and Viard, F 2015 Repeated rapid assessment surveys reveal contrasting trends in occupancy of marinas by non-indigenous species on opposite sides of the western English Channel [in special issue: The English Channel and it’s catchments: Status and Responses to Contaminants] Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95 (2). 699-706. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.11.043

Blackford, JC, Bull, JM, Cevatoglu, M, Connelly, DP, Hauton, C, James, RH, Lichtschlag, A, Stahl, H, Widdicombe, S and Wright, IC 2015 Marine baseline and monitoring strategies for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38. 221-229. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.10.004

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Blackford, JC, Stahl, H, Bull, JM, Bergès, BJP, Cevatoglu, M, Lichtschlag, A, Connelly, DP, James, RH, Kita, J, Long, D, Naylor, M, Shitashima, K, Smith, D, Taylor, P, Wright, I, Akhurst, M, Chen, B, Gernon, TM, Hauton, C, Hayashi, M, Kaieda, H, Leighton, TG, Sato, T, Sayer, MDJ, Suzumura, M, Tait, K, Vardy, ME, White, PR and Widdicombe, S 2014 Detection and impacts of leakage from sub-seafloor deep geological carbon dioxide storage. Nature Climate Change. 10.1038/nclimate2381

Bochenek, M, Koprivova, A, Mugford, ST, Bell, TG, Malin, G and Kopriva, S 2013 Transcriptome analysis of sulfate deficiency response in marine microalga Emiliania huxleyi. New Phytologist, 199. 650-662. 10.1111/nph.12303

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Borger, T, Beaumont, NJ, Pendleton, L, Boyle, KJ, Cooper, P, Fletcher, S, Haab, T, Hanemann, M, Hooper, TL, Hussain, SS, Portela, R, Stithou, M, Stockill, J, Taylor, T and Austen, MC 2014 Incorporating ecosystem services in marine planning: The role of valuation. Marine Policy, 46. 161-170. 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.01.019

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Borger, T, Broszeit, S, Ahtiainen, H, Atkins, JP, Burdon, D, Luisetti, T, Murillas, A, Oinonen, S, Paltriguera, L, Roberts, L, Uyarra, MC and Austen, MC 2016 Assessing Costs and Benefits of Measures to Achieve Good Environmental Status in European Regional Seas: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learnt. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00192

Borger, T, Böhnke-Henrichs, A, Hattam, C, Piwowarczyk, J, Schasfoort, F and Austen, MC 2018 The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 140-151. 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.03.009

Borger, T, Hattam, C, Burdon, D, Atkins, JP and Austen, MC 2014 Valuing conservation benefits of an offshore marine protected area. Ecological Economics, 108. 229-241. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.10.006

Borger, T and Piwowarczyk, J 2016 Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass restoration in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 3. 10.15351/2373-8456.1034

Borges Mendes, CF, Silva de Souza, M, Tavano Garcia, VM, Costa Leal, M, Brotas, V and Eiras Garcia, CA 2012 Dynamics of phytoplankton communities during late summer around the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 65. Jan-14. 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.03.002

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Borja, A, Elliott, M, Snelgrove, PVR, Austen, MC, Berg, T, Cochrane, S, Carstensen, J, Danovaro, R, Greenstreet, S, Heiskanen, A-S, Lynam, CP, Mea, M, Newton, A, Patrício, J, Uusitalo, L, Uyarra, MC and Wilson, C 2016 Bridging the Gap between Policy and Science in Assessing the Health Status of Marine Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00175

Bosch, NE, Wernberg, T, Langlois, TJ, Smale, DA, Moore, PJ, Franco, JN, Thiriet, P, Feunteun, E, Ribeiro, C, Neves, P, Freitas, R, Filbee-Dexter, K, Norderhaug, KM, Garcia, A, Otero-Ferrer, F, Espino, F, Haroun, R, Lazzari, N and Tuya, F 2021 Niche and neutral assembly mechanisms contribute to latitudinal diversity gradients in reef fishes. Journal of Biogeography, 48 (11). 2683-2698. 10.1111/jbi.14237

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Bouman, HA, Platt, T, Doblin, M, Figueiras, FG, Gudmundsson, K, Gudfinnsson, HG, Huang, B, Hickman, A, Hiscock, M, Jackson, T, Lutz, VA, Melin, F, Rey, F, Pepin, P, Segura, V, Tilstone, GH, van Dongen-Vogels, V and Sathyendranath, S 2018 Photosynthesis–irradiance parameters of marine phytoplankton: synthesis of a global data set. Earth System Science Data, 10. 251-266. 10.5194/essd-10-251-2018

Bracher, A, Bouman, H, Brewin, RJW, Bricaud, A, Brotas, V, Ciotti, AM, Clementson, LA, Devred, E, Di Cicco, A, Dutkiewicz, S, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Hickman, A, Hieronymi, M, Hirata, T, Losa, S. N, Mouw, C, Organelli, E, Raitsos, DE, Uitz, J, Vogt, M and Wolanin, A 2017 Obtaining Phytoplankton Diversity from Ocean Color: A Scientific Roadmap for Future Development. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. 55, pp. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00055

Breckels, MN, Bode, N, Codling, EA and Steinke, M 2013 Effect of Grazing-Mediated Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Production on the Swimming Behavior of the Copepod Calanus helgolandicus. Marine Drugs, 11 (7). 2486-2500. 10.3390/md11072486

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Breen, S, Hussain, R, Breeze, E, Brown, H, Alzwiy, I, Abdelsayed, S, Gaikwad, T and Grant, M 2022 Chloroplasts play a central role in facilitating MAMP-triggered immunity, pathogen suppression of immunity and crosstalk with abiotic stress. Plant Cell and Environment. 10.1111/pce.14408

Breton, E, Christaki, U, Sautour, B, Demonio, O, Skouroliakou, D, Beaugrand, G, Seuront, L, Kléparski, L, Poquet, A, Nowaczyk, A, Crouvoisier, M, Ferreira, S, Pecquer, D, Salmeron, C, Brylinksi, J-M, Lheureux, A and Goberville, E 2021 Seasonal Variations in the Biodiversity, Ecological Strategy, and Specialization of Diatoms and Copepods in a Coastal System With Phaeocystis Blooms: The Key Role of Trait Trade-Offs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.656300

Brewin, RJW, Ciavatta, S, Sathyendranath, S, Jackson, T, Tilstone, GH, Curran, K, Airs, RL, Cummings, DG, Brotas, V, Organelli, E, Dall’Olmo, G and Raitsos, DE 2017 Uncertainty in ocean-colour estimates of chlorophyll for phytoplankton groups. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4 (104). 10.3389/fmars.2017.00104

Brewin, RJW, Mélin, F, Sathyendranath, S, Steinmetz, F, Chuprin, A and Grant, MG 2014 On the temporal consistency of chlorophyll products derived from three ocean-colour sensors. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 97. 171-184. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2014.08.013

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Brewin, RJW, Raitsos, DE, Dall’Olmo, G, Zarokanellos, N, Jackson, T, Racault, M-FLP, Boss, ES, Sathyendranath, S, Jones, BH and Hoteit, I 2015 Regional ocean-colour chlorophyll algorithms for the Red Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, 165. 64-85. 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.024

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Brewin, RJW, Sathyendranath, S, Müller, D, Brockmann, C, Deschamps, P-Y, Devred, E, Doerffer, R, Fomferra, N, Franz, BA, Grant, MG, Groom, SB, Horseman, A, Hu, C, Krasemann, H, Lee, ZP, Maritorena, S, Melin, F, Peters, M, Platt, T, Regner, P, Smyth, TJ, Steinmetz, F, Swinton, J, Werdell, J and White, GN 2015 The Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative: III. A round-robin comparison on in-water bio-optical algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment, 162. 271-294. 10.1016/j.rse.2013.09.016

Brewin, RJW, Sathyendranath, S, Tilstone, GH, Lange, PK and Platt, T 2014 A multicomponent model of phytoplankton size structure. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119. 1-19. 10.1002/2014JC009859

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Brewin, RJW, Smale, DA, Moore, PJ, Dall’Olmo, G, Miller, PI, Taylor, BH, Smyth, TJ, Fishwick, J and Yang, M 2018 Evaluating Operational AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Data at the Coastline Using Benthic Temperature Loggers. Remote Sensing, 10 (6), 925. 1-23. 10.3390/rs10060925

Brewin, RJW, de Mora, L, Jackson, T, Brewin, TG and Shutler, J 2015 On the Potential of Surfers to Monitor Environmental Indicators in the Coastal Zone. PLoS ONE, 10 (7), e0127706. 22, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0127706

Brodie, J, Williamson, CJ, Smale, DA, Kamenos, NAK, Mieszkowska, N, Santos, RS, Cunliffe, M, Steinke, M, Yesson, C, Anderson, KM, Asnaghi, V, Brownlee, C, Burdett, HL, Burrows, MT, Collins, S, Donohue, PJC, Harvey, B, Foggo, A, Noisette, F, Nunes, J, Ragazzola, F, Raven, JA, Schmidt, DN, Suggett, D, Teichberg, M and Hall-Spencer, JM 2014 The future of the northeast Atlantic benthic flora in a high CO2 world. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (13). 2787-2798. 10.1002/ece3.1105

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Publication - Book

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Publication - Book Section

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Austen, MC, Hattam, C and Borger, T 2015 Ecosystem services and benefits from marine ecosystems. In: Crowe, Tasman P; Frid, Christopher J, (eds.) Marine ecosystems: Human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press, 11-21.

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Austen, MC, Hattam, C and Garrard, SL 2015 Chapter 11: Human activities and ecosystem service use: impacts and trade-offs. In: Crowe, TP; Frid, CLJ, (eds.) Marine ecosystems: human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press, 335-376.

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Bettencourt, R, Barros, I, Martins, E, Martins, I, Cerqueira, T, Colaco, A, Costa, V, Rosa, D, Froufe, H, Egas, C, Stefanni, S, Dando, PR and Santos, RS 2017 An Insightful Model to Study Innate Immunity and Stress Response in Deep‐Sea Vent Animals: Profiling the Mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. In: Ray, Sajal, (ed.) Organismal and Molecular Malacology. Rijek, Intech, 141-187.

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Firth, LB, Knights, AM, Thompson, RC, Mieszkowska, N, Bridger, D, Evans, A, Moore, PJ, O'Connor, NE, Sheehan, EV and Hawkins, SJ 2016 Ocean sprawl: challenges and opportunities for biodiversity management in a changing world.. In: Dale, AC; Smith, IP; Hughes, RN; Hughes, DJ, (eds.) Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. CRC Press, 189-262.

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Holland, RJ, Scott, K, Wegg, T, Beaumont, NJ, Papathanasopoulou, E and Smith, P 2015 Energy production and ecosystem services. In: Ekins, Paul, (ed.) Global Energy: Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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Hooper, TL, Langmead, O and Ashley, M 2016 Ecosystem Services in Marine Environmental Impact Assessment: tools to support marine planning at project and strategic scales. In: Geneletti, Davide, (ed.) Handbook on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 255-275. (Research Handbooks on Impact Assessment).

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Hopkins, FE, Nightingale, PD and Liss, PS 2011 effect of ocean acidification on the marine source of atmospherically active trace gases. In: Gattuso, J-P; Hansson, L, (eds.) Ocean Acidification. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 210-229.

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Ingels, J, Hauquier, F, Raes, M and Vanreusel, A 2014 Chapter 5.3. Antarctic Free-Living Marine Nematodes. In: De Broyer, C; Koubbi, P; Griffiths, HJ; Raymond, B; Udekem d’Acoz, C d'; Van de Putte, A; Danis, B; David, B; Grant, S; Gutt, J; Held, C; Hosie, G; Huettmann, F; Post, A; Ropert-Coudert, Y, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 83-87.

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Kay, S, Caesar, J and Janes, T 2018 Marine Dynamics and Productivity in the Bay of Bengal. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, Craig W; Adger, W Neil; Hanson, Susan E; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 263-275, 593pp.

Koundouri, P, Giannouli, A, Airoldi, L, Bas, B, Broszeit, S, Elginoz, N, Giannakis, E, Zagonari, F, Krontira, Y, Moussoulides, A, Tsani, S, Troianos, D, Xepapadeas, P, Xepapadeas, A and Zanuttigh, B 2017 Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Mediterranean Sea. In: Koundouri, P, (ed.) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications - Volume 1. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 85-101.

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Moens, T, Braeckman, U, Derycke, S, Fonseca, G, Gallucci, F, Gingold, R, Guilini, K, Ingels, J, Leduc, D, Vanaverbeke, J, Van Colen, C, Vanreusel, A and Vincx, M 2013 Ecology of free-living nematodes. In: Schmidt-Rhaesa, A, (ed.) Handbook of Zoology, Vol. 2 Nematoda. De Gruyter, 109-152. (Handbook of Zoology).

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Papathanasopoulou, E, Holland, RJ, Dockerty, T, Scott, K, Wegg, T, Beaumont, NJ, Taylor, G, Sünnenberg, G, Lovett, AA, Smith, P and Austen, MC 2015 Energy and ecosystem service impacts. In: Ekins, Paul, (ed.) Global Energy: Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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Pittman, SJ, Winship, AJ, Poti, M, Kinlan, BP, Leirness, JB, Baird, RW, Barlow, J, Becker, EA, Forney, KA, Hill, MC, Miller, PI, Mobley, J and Oleson, EM 2016 Chapter 6: Marine Mammals - Cetaceans. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 227-265, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

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Reid, PC 2000 The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey and climate change issues. In: Fischer, J.; Baretta, J.; Colijn, F.; Flemming, N.C., (eds.) Bio-ecological observations in operational oceanography. Southampton (UK), Southampton Oceanography Centre, 19-20, 19pp. (EuroGOOS Publications, 15).

Reid, PC 1999 North Sea Ecosystem: Status Report. In: Kumpf, H.; Steidinger, K.; Shermann, K., (eds.) The Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem. Oxford (UK), Blackwell Science, Inc., 476-489, 704pp.

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Reid, PC 2000 Plankton, fisheries and climate change - insights into ocean ecosystems. In: Earll, B., (ed.) Coastal Management for Sustainability - Review and Future Trends. Proceedings of a meeting held February 9th-10th 2000, London. Kempley (UK), Bob Earll, 63-68.

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Stern, R, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Al-Kandari, M, Vezzulli, L and Richardson, A 2021 Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. In: Clementson, L; Eriksen, R; Willis, A, (eds.) Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier, 624pp.

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Turley, CM 1993 Direct estimates of bacterial numbers in seawater samples without incurring cell loss due to sample storage. In: Kemp, PF; Cole, JJ; Sherr, BF; Sherr, EB, (eds.) Handbook of Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology. CRC Press, 143-147, 800pp.

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Winship, AJ, Kinlan, BP, Ballance, LT, Joyce, T, Leirness, JB, Costa, BM, Poti, M and Miller, PI 2016 Chapter 7: Seabirds. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 283-319, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

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Publication - Conference Item

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Artioli, Y, Lessin, G, Blackford, JC, Middelburg, JJ, Pastres, R, Soetaert, K, Solidoro, C, Stephens, N, Almroth-Rosell, E, Dale, A, Glud, R, Queiros, AM, Rabouille, C, Regnier, P and Yakushev, E 2016 A multi-disciplinary consortium approach for advancement of conceptual frameworks, modelling and experimental approaches to benthic-pelagic coupling. [Poster] In: EuroMarine 2016 General Assembly.

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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2014 Offshore renewable energy device impacts on seasonally stratified seas around the UK: an unstructured modelling approach. [Lecture] In: 5th FVCOM Workshop, SAMS, Oban, Scotland, 2014/11/17. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW and Torres, R 2016 Fine-Scale Modelling Applications - Aquaculture, Marine Renewable Energy and Marine Litter. [Speech] In: Plymouth City Council Tamar Modelling. Plymouth City Council. (Unpublished)

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Magnan, A, Turley, CM, Al-Moghrabi, S, Celliers, L, Hall-Spencer, JM, Holthus, P, Isensee, K, Papathanasopoulou, E and Recuero-Virto, L 2015 Governance, Governments and Legislation. [Invited Paper] In: Ocean Acidification Impacts on Coastal Communities, Third International Workshop on Bridging the Gap Between Ocean Acidification and Economic Valuation, Oceanographic Museum, Principality of Monaco, 12 - 14 January 2015. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN, 25-28.

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Sewell, J, Bishop, JDD and Seeley, B 2014 Through the portal – improving the flow of information on non-native marine species in Great Britain.. [Speech] In: TRANS-CHANNEL FORUM PROCEEDINGS "SCIENCE AND GOVERNANCE OF THE CHANNEL MARINE ECOSYSTEM", Caen, France, 02/07/14 - 04/07/14. Caen, France, Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie.

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Sewell, J, Smith, C, Gibb, N, Higgs, S and Parr, JR 2014 Life Around the Turbines. [Speech] In: Second EMSEA Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 01/10/14 - 03/10/14. Gothenburg, Sweden.

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Jackson, EL, Langmead, O, Evans, J, Ellis, R and Tyler-Walters, H 2008 Protecting nationally important marine Biodiversity in Wales. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 76pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Jackson, EL, Langmead, O, Evans, J, Wilkes, P, Seeley, B, Lear, D and Tyler-Walters, H 2010 Mapping Marine Benthic Biodiversity in Wales.. Bangor, Wales, Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru / Countryside Council for Wales, 87pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Jickells, TD 2003 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT12 cruise report RRS James Clark Ross 12 May – 17 June 2003. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 83pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langmead, O, Jackson, EL, Griffiths, CA, Wilkes, P, Neilly, M, Lear, D, Luckraft, I, Foggo, A and Tyler-Walters, H 2009 Accessing and developing the required biophysical datasets and data layers for Marine Protected Areas network planning and wider marine spatial planning purposes Report No. 20, Task 2F.UK marine benthic diversity layer.. Bristol, DEFRA, 92pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS and Burt, GR 2006 Characterisation of European Marine Sites: Mersey Estuary Special Protection Area. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 18. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 202pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Chesil and the Fleet cSAC, SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 11. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 154pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Plymouth Sound and Estuaries cSAC, SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 9. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 202pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Poole Harbour SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 12. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Summary Report. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 14. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: The Exe Estuary SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 10. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 151pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: The Fal and Helford cSAC. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 8. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 160pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: The Severn Estuary pSAC, SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 13. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)

Lilley, MKS 2006 Creating a modern database from archive material - The Norman Holme archive: Interpretation of marine field research notebooks in the historical context of the MBA, 1958-83. Plymouth, UK, The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 59pp. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)

Magnan, A, Bille, R, Cooley, SR, Kelly, R, Portner, HO, Turley, CM and Gattuso, J-P 2015 Intertwined ocean and climate: implications for international climate negotiations. Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales, IDDRI, 4pp. (IDDRI Policy Briefs N°04/2015)

Mainwaring, K, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of blue mussel beds to pressures associated with human activities.. Peterborough, JNCC, 96pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Mieszkowska, N, Leaper, R, Moore, P, Kendall, MA, Burrows, MT, Lear, D, Poloczanska, ES, Hiscock, K, Moschella, P, Thompson, RC, Herbert, RJH, Laffoley, D, Baxter, J, Southward, AJ and Hawkins, SJ 2006 Marine biodiversity and climate change: assessing and predicting the influence of climatic change using intertidal rocky shore biota. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 20. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 202pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast (SAC) 2014 Intertidal Sea Cave Survey. Natural England & Scottish Natural Heritage. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

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Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2015.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change Monitoring in the UK: Final report to Natural England on the MarClim annual survey 2015.. Natural England. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Rocky Shore Survey: Birdfood Availability Study. Natural England, 126pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

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Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral mixed substrata. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 33pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 32pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum on very sheltered mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 37pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum with epiphytic sponges and ascidians on variable salinity infralittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Marshall, C 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum, sponges and ascidians on tide-swept mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F, Wilding, C, Hill, JM and Tyler-Walters, H. 2020 Serpula vermicularis reefs on very sheltered circalittoral muddy sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 26pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F, d'Avack, EAS and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus on variable salinity mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 37pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Queiros, AM, Talbot, E, Kay, S, Sailley, SF, Vu Hoang Le, T, Thi Pham, C and Widdicombe, S 2022 Climate-smart spatial planning assessment in support of conservation and blue growth in Da Nang city’s marine environment.. Plymouth, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 25pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Readman, JAJ 2020 Sponges, shade-tolerant red seaweeds and Dendrodoa grossularia on wave-surged overhanging lower eulittoral bedrock and caves. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 31pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Rees, N 1999 AMT-8 Cruise Report. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item availability may be restricted.

Rees, N 1999 AMT-9 gangplank report. Grimsby – Montevideo 15 September to 13 October. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item availability may be restricted.

Roberts, C, Smith, C, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2010 Review of existing approaches to evaluate marine habitat vulnerability to commercial fishing activities. Bristol, Environment Agency, 139pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Robins, DB 1996 AMT-1 cruise report and preliminary results. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 93pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Robins, DB 1996 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-2 cruise report 22nd April - 22nd May 1996 Port Stanley (Falkland Islands) to Plymouth (UK). Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 146pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Robinson, C 2003 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT13 cruise report RRS James Clark Ross 10 September – 13 October 2003. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 127pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Sinclair, Rachael, Lacey, Clare, Tyler-Walters, H, Sparling, C and Tillin, H.M. 2020 Developing FeAST for mobile marine species.. Perth, Scottish Natural Heritage, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Skinner, J, Bailly, D, Le Coz, M, Fletcher, S, Glegg, GA, Glenn, H, Herry, L, Molfese, C, Sewell, J and McQuatters-Gollop, A 2014 Pathways for effective governance of the English Channel.. Plymouth, UK, Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tillin, H.M., Watson, A, Tyler-Walters, H., Mieszkowska, N and Hiscock, K. 2022 Defining Marine Irreplaceable Habitats: Literature review. NECR474.. Natural England, 152pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tillin, HM 2020 Coralline crusts and crustaceans on mobile boulders or cobbles in surge gullies. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 28pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tillin, HM and Ashley, M 2020 Polychaetes, including Paraonis fulgens, in littoral fine sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 32pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tillin, HM, Hull, SC and Tyler-Walters, H 2010 Development of a sensitivity matrix (pressures-MCZ/MPA features). Southampton, ABP MER, 145pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Turley, CM 2016 The Risk of Ocean Acidification to Ocean Ecosystems. United Nations Environment Programme. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H 2005 Assessment of the potential impacts of coasteering on rocky intertidal habitats in Wales. Plymouth, (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 129pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H, Ager, OED and Hiscock, K 2002 Development of a marine sensitivity mapping database and GIS integration. Stage 1. Review of current habitat and species information. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 157pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Arnold, C 2008 Sensitivity of Intertidal Benthic Habitats to Impacts Caused by Access to Fishing Grounds. Bangor, Wales, Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru / Countryside Council for Wales, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and De-Bastos, E. 2020 Ampelisca spp., Photis longicaudata and other tube-building amphipods and polychaetes in infralittoral sandy mud. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 32pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Hiscock, K 2003 Assessing the sensitivity of seabed biotopes to human activities and natural events. Edinburgh, Scottish Natural Heritage, 16pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Hiscock, K 2005 Impact of human activities on benthic biotopes and species. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 163pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Hiscock, K 2005 Impact of human activities on benthic biotopes and species.. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 163pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Hiscock, K 2003 A biotope sensitivity database to underpin delivery of the Habitats Directive and Biodiversity Action Plan in the seas around England and Scotland. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 122pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H, Hiscock, K, Lear, D and Jackson, A 2001 Identifying species and ecosystem sensitivities.. Plymouth, MarLIN, 255pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Jackson, A 2000 Tyler-Walters, H. and Jackson, A. (1999). Assessing seabed species and ecosystems sensitivities. Rationale and user guide, June 2000 edition.., Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 46pp. (MarLIN Report No. 4)

Tyler-Walters, H, James, B, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2012 Descriptions of Marine Protected Area (MPA) search features. Edinburgh, Marine Scotland, 75pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Lear, D 2004 Sensitivity mapping for Oil Pollution Incident Response. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 50pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H, Lear, D and Allen, JH 2004 Identifying offshore biotope complexes and their sensitivities. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H, Lear, D and Hiscock, K 2003 Irish Sea Pilot - Mapping Sensitivity within Marine Landscapes. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 142pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H, Marshall, CM, Hiscock, K, Hill, JM, Budd, GC, Rayment, WJ and Jackson, A 2005 Description, temporal variation, sensitivity and monitoring of important marine biotopes in Wales. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 91pp. (Volume 1 Background, Volume 2 Littoral biotopes, Volume 3 Infralittoral biotopes)

Tyler-Walters, H and Pizzolla, P 2008 Halidrys siliquosa. Sea oak. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 37pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H., James, B, Carruthers, M, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2016 Descriptions of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs).. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage, 149pp. (Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 406.)

Tyler-Walters, H. and White, N. 2017 Alkmaria romijni. Tentacled lagoon worm. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 20pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wiebe, P, Atkinson, A, O'Brien, TD, Thompson, PA, Hosie, GW, Lorenzoni, L, Meredith, MP and Venables, H 2017 What are Marine Ecological Time Series telling us about the Ocean? A status Report. Chapter 6 Southern Ocean. NONE, UNESCO, 16pp. (IOC-UNESCO, IOC Technical Series, No. 129: 297pp)

Wilding, C, Jackson, EL, Langmead, O, Hiscock, K, Evans, J, Sewell, J, Oakley, J and Tyler-Walters, H 2009 Marine Health Check Update 2009. Godalming, WWF-UK, 67pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Corrigan, SE, Stuart, E, Ashton, IA, Felstead, P, Lubelski, A, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Seaweed aquaculture and mechanical harvesting: an evidence review to support sustainable management. Natural England, 117pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Stewart, EJ, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Hand harvesting of seaweed: evidence review to support sustainable management. NRW Bangor, 275pp. (573)

Williamson, P and Turley, CM 2016 How can we minimise negative effects on ocean health? Policy card E1-E2. AVOID and UKOA programmes, 2pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Williamson, P, Turley, CM and Ostle, C 2017 Ocean acidification. MCCIP. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wilson, CM, Wilding, CM and Tyler-Walters, H 2020 Basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus). Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wolff, E, Arnell, N, Friedlingstein, P, Gregory, J, Haigh, J, Haines, A, Hawkins, E, Hegerl, G, Hoskins, B, Mace, G, Prentice, IC, Shine, K, Smith, P, Sutton, R and Turley, CM 2017 The Royal Society Climate Updates: What have we learnt since the IPCC 5th Assessment Report?. UK, The Royal Society Policy Publication, 35pp. (DES5123)

Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD, Nall, CR and Rennocks, L 2017 RAS 2016 Non-Native Species Rapid Assessment Surveys in English Marinas (NE & SW coasts). The Bromley Trust, 35pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD, Rennocks, L and Crundwell, R 2016 RAS 2015 Non-Native Species Rapid Assessment Surveys in English Marinas (E Anglia & W coast). The Bromley Trust, 34pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD and Yunnie, ALE 2015 RAS 2014 Non-Native Species Rapid Assessment Surveys in English Marinas. The Bromley Trust, 34pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Woodward, EMS 2004 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-11 cruise report. Grimsby (UK) to Montevideo (Uruguay) 12th September to 11th October 2000. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 65pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Publication - Thesis

Maud, JL 2017 Calanus helgolandicus in the Western English Channel: population dynamics and the role of mortality. Queen Mary University of London, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, PhD Thesis.

Dissemination / Communication

Turley, CM, Keizer, T, Williamson, P, Gattuso, J-P, Ziveri, P, Munro, R, Boot, K and Huelsenbeck, M 2016 Hot, Sour and Breathless – Ocean under Stress.. [Dissemination / Communication]

Output (Electronic)

Findlay, HS, Beesley, A, Dashfield, SL, McNeill, CL, Nunes, J, Queiros, AM and Woodward, EMS UKOA Benthic Consortium, PML intertidal mesocosm experimental environment dataset. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Harmer, R and Lindeque, PK Effect of elevated temperature on egg production, grazing and mortality of Calanus finmarchicus in the North Atlantic. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Lindeque, PK and Parry, HE Molecular identification of bivalve larvae from Station L4, Western English Channel. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Lindeque, PK and Parry, HE Molecular identification of bivalve larvae gut content. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Parry, HE, Harmer, R and Lindeque, PK Diversity of zooplankton assemblages at Station L4, Western English Channel, measured using next generation sequencing. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Rees, AP and Cummings, DG PML Benthic Survey primary production and chlorophyll-a at 4 different study sites off Plymouth, South West England, between 2008 and 2011. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Tarran, GA and Lange, PK Abundance of microbial phytoplankton abundance through the water column during the AMT25/JR15001 cruise in 2015. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS and Harris, C AMT26 (JR16001) nutrients. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS and Harris, C Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise AMT27 (DY084) micro-molar nutrient measurements from CTD bottle samples during 2017.. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS and Harris, C Nutrient concentration profiles from long term time series at Station L4 in the Western English Channel from 2000 to 2013. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS and Harris, C Western Channel Observatory (E1) nutrient concentration profiles (2002 - 2017). [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS and Harris, C Western Channel Observatory (E1) nutrient concentration profiles (2002 - 2018). [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS and Harris, C Western Channel Observatory (L4) nutrient concentration profiles (2000 - 2017). [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

Woodward, EMS, Harris, C and Tuerena, R AMT25 (JR15001) micro-molar nutrient measurements from CTD bottle samples.. [Output (Electronic)]

Item not available from this repository.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 01:09:57 2025 UTC.