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Baker, G, ed. 2017 The Marine Biologist - Issue 8. Plymouth, The Marine Biological Association, UK, 32pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Baker, G, ed. 2017 The Marine Biologist - Issue 9. Plymouth, The Marine Biological Association, UK, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Frost, MT; Dye, S; Stoker, B; Buckley, P; Baxter, J, eds. 2017 Marine climate change impacts: 10 years’ experience of science to policy reporting. Summary Report. Lowestoft, United Kingdom Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership, 12pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Adams, KA, Hosegood, P, Taylor, JR, Sallee, JB, Bachman, S, Torres, R and Stamper, M 2017 Frontal circulation and submesoscale variability during the formation of a Southern Ocean mesoscale eddy. Journal of Physical Oceanography. null.

Agirbas, E, Tilstone, GH and Feyzioğlu, AM 2017 Contrasting Wind Regimes Cause Differences in Primary Production in the Black Sea Eastern and Western Gyres.. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17. 981-994.

Al-Naimi, N, Raitsos, DE, Ben-Hamadou, R and Soliman, Y 2017 Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Chlorophyll-a in the Arabian Gulf. Remote Sensing, 9 (3). 301.

Aldridge, JN, Lessin, G, Amoudry, LO, Hicks, N, Hull, T, Klar, JK, Kitidis, V, McNeill, CL, Ingels, J, Parker, ER, Silburn, B, Silva, T, Sivyer, DB, Smith, HEK, Widdicombe, S, Woodward, EMS, Van der Molen, J, Garcia, L and Kröger, S 2017 Comparing benthic biogeochemistry at a sandy and a muddy site in the Celtic Sea using a model and observations [in special issue: Biogeochemistry, macronutrient and carbon cycling in the shelf sea benthos] Biogeochemistry, 135 (1-2). 155-182.

Alendal, G, Blackford, JC, Chen, B, Avlesen, H and Omar, A 2017 Using Bayes Theorem to Quantify and Reduce Uncertainties when Monitoring Varying Marine Environments for Indications of a Leak [in special issue: 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13, 14-18 November 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland] Energy Procedia, 114. 3607-3612.

Alonso-Fernández, A, Otero, J, Bañón, R, Campelos, JM, Santos, J and Mucientes, G 2017 Sex ratio variation in an exploited population of common octopus: ontogenic shifts and spatio-temporal dynamics. Hydrobiologia, 794 (1). 1-16.

Item not available from this repository.

Anderson, MJ, Walsh, DCI, Clarke, KR, Gorley, RN and Guerra-Castro, E 2017 Some solutions to the multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem for dissimilarity-based analyses. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 59 (1). 57-79.

Andrello, M, Guilhaumon, F, Albouy, C, Parravicini, V, Scholtens, J, Verley, P, Barange, M, Sumaila, UR, Manel, S and Mouillot, D 2017 Global mismatch between fishing dependency and larval supply from marine reserves. Nature Communications, 8. 16039.

Archer, SD, Stefels, J, Airs, RL, Lawson, T, Smyth, TJ, Rees, AP and Geider, RJ 2017 Limitation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate synthesis at high irradiance in natural phytoplankton communities of the Tropical Atlantic. Limnology and Oceanography, 63 (1). 227-242.

Atkinson, A, Hill, SL, Pakhomov, EA, Siegel, V, Anadon, R, Chiba, S, Daly, KL, Downie, R, Fielding, S, Fretwell, P, Gerrish, L, Hosie, GW, Jessopp, MJ, Kawaguchi, S, Krafft, BA, Loeb, V, Nishikawa, J, Peat, H, Reiss C, C, Ross, RM, Quetin, LB, Schmidt, K, Steinberg, DK, Subramaniam, A, Tarling, GA and Ward, P 2017 KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926–2016. Earth System Science Data, 9. 1-18.

Aulló-Maestro, ME, Hunter, P, Spyrakos, E, Mercatoris, P, Kovács, A, Horváth, H, Preston, T, Présing, M, Torres Palenzuela, J and Tyler, A 2017 Spatio-seasonal variability of chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorption and responses to photobleaching in a large shallow temperate lake. Biogeosciences, 14 (5). 1215-1233.

Banni, M, Sforzini, S, Arlt, VM, Barranger, A, Dallas, LJ, Oliveri, C, Aminot, Y, Readman, JW, Moore, MN, Viarengo, A and Jha, AN 2017 Assessing the impact of benzo[a]pyrene on marine mussels: use of a novel targeted low density microarray complementing biomarkers data. PLoS one, 26 (12(6)), e017846.

Barange, M, Butenschon, M, Yool, A, Beaumont, NJ, Fernandes, JA, Martin, AP and Allen, JI 2017 The Cost of Reducing the North Atlantic Ocean Biological Carbon Pump. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3.

Barlow, R, Lamont, T, Gibberd, M-J, Airs, RL, Jacobs, L and Britz, K 2017 Phytoplankton communities and acclimation in a cyclonic eddy in the southwest Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 124. 18-30.

Bates, SL, Hendry, KR, Pryer, HV, Kinsley, CW, Pyle, KM, Woodward, EMS and Horner, TJ 2017 Barium isotopes reveal role of ocean circulation on barium cycling in the Atlantic. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta.

Item not available from this repository.

Baudart, J, Guillebault, D, Meilke, E, Meyer, T, Tandon, N, Fischer, S, Weigel, W and Medlin, LK 2017 Microarray (phylochip) analysis of freshwater pathogens at several sites along the Northern German coast transecting both estuarine and freshwaters. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101 (2). 871-886.

Item not available from this repository.

Belcher, A, Tarling, GA, Manno, C, Atkinson, A, Ward, P, Skaret, G, Fielding, S, Henson, SA and Saunders, RA 2017 The potential role of Antarctic krill faecal pellets in efficient carbon export at the marginal ice zone of the South Orkney Islands in spring. Polar Biology, 40. 2001-2013.

Bell, TG, Landwehr, S, Miller, SD, de Bruyn, WJ, Callaghan, AH, Scanlon, B, Ward, B, Yang, M and Saltzman, ES 2017 Estimation of bubble-mediated air–sea gas exchange from concurrent DMS and CO2 transfer velocities at intermediate–high wind speeds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (14). 9019-9033.

Bentamy, A, Piollé, JF, Grouazel, A, Danielson, R, Gulev, S, Paul, F, Azelmat, H, Mathieu, PP, von Schuckmann, K, Sathyendranath, S, Evers-King, H, Esau, I, Johannessen, JA, Clayson, CA, Pinker, RT, Grodsky, SA, Bourassa, M, Smith, SR, Haines, K, Valdivieso, M, Merchant, CJ, Chapron, B, Anderson, A, Hollmann, R and Josey, SA 2017 Review and assessment of latent and sensible heat flux accuracy over the global oceans. Remote Sensing of Environment, 201. 196-218.

Bettencourt, R, Barros, I, Martins, E, Martins, I, Cerqueira, T, Colaco, A, Costa, V, Rosa, D, Froufe, H, Egas, C, Stefanni, S, Dando, PR and Santos, RS 2017 An Insightful Model to Study Innate Immunity and Stress Response in Deep‐Sea Vent Animals: Profiling the Mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus. In: Ray, Sajal, (ed.) Organismal and Molecular Malacology. Rijek, Intech, 141-187.

Birchenough, SNR, Williamson, P and Turley, CM 2017 Future of the Sea: Ocean Acidification. Government Office Science. (UNSPECIFIED)

Birchill, AJ, Milne, A, Woodward, EMS, Harris, C, Annett, A, Rusiecka, D, Achterberg, EP, Gledhill, M, Ussher, SJ, Worsfold, PJ, Geibert, W and Lohan, MC 2017 Seasonal iron depletion in a temperature shelf sea. Geophysical Research Letters.

Bishop, JDD, Yunnie, ALE, Baxter, E and Wood, CA 2017 Guide to early post-settlement stages of fouling marine invertebrates in Britain. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 29 (revised edition). Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 50pp. (Occasional Publications of the MBA (29))

Bishop, MJ, Mayer-Pinto, M, Airoldi, L, Firth, LB, Morris, RL, Loke, LHL, Hawkins, SJ, Naylor, LA, Coleman, RA, Chee, SY and Dafforn, KA 2017 Effects of ocean sprawl on ecological connectivity: impacts and solutions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 492. 7-30.

Blomquist, BW, Brumer, SE, Fairall, CW, Huebert, BJ, Zappa, CJ, Brooks, IM, Yang, M, Bariteau, L, Prytherch, J., Hare, J, Czerski, H, Matei, A and Pascal, RW 2017 Wind Speed and Sea State Dependencies of Air-Sea Gas Transfer: Results From the High Wind Speed Gas Exchange Study (HiWinGS). Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.

Bracher, A, Bouman, H, Brewin, RJW, Bricaud, A, Brotas, V, Ciotti, AM, Clementson, LA, Devred, E, Di Cicco, A, Dutkiewicz, S, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Hickman, A, Hieronymi, M, Hirata, T, Losa, S. N, Mouw, C, Organelli, E, Raitsos, DE, Uitz, J, Vogt, M and Wolanin, A 2017 Obtaining Phytoplankton Diversity from Ocean Color: A Scientific Roadmap for Future Development. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. 55, pp.

Brawley, SH, Blouin, NA, Ficko-Blean, E, Wheeler, G, Lohr, M, Goodson, HV, Jenkins, JW, Blaby-Haas, CE, Helliwell, KE, Chan, CX, Marriage, TN, Bhattacharya, D, Klein, AS, Badis, Y, Brodie, J, Cao, YM, Collen, J, Dittami, SM, Gachon, CMM, Green, BR, Karpowicz, SJ, Kim, JW, Kudahl, UJ, Lin, S, Michel, G, Mittag, M, Olson, BJSC, Pangilinan, JL, Peng, Y, Qiu, H, Shumway, SE, Singer, JT, Smith, AG, Sprecher, BN, Wagner, V, Wang, W, Wang, ZY, Yan, J, Yarish, C, Zäuner-Riek, S, Zhuang, Y, Zou, Y, Lindquist, EA, Grimwood, J, Barry, KW, Rokhsar, DS, Schmutz, J, Stiller, JW, Grossman, AR and Prochnik, SE 2017 Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome ofPorphyra umbilicalis(Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (31). E6361-E6370.

Item not available from this repository.

Brettell, LE, Mordecai, GJ, Schroeder, DC, Jones, I, da Silva, JCB, Vicente-Rubiano, M and Martin, S 2017 A Comparison of Deformed Wing Virus in Deformed and Asymptomatic Honey Bees. Insects, 8 (1). 28.

Brewin, RJW, Ciavatta, S, Sathyendranath, S, Jackson, T, Tilstone, GH, Curran, K, Airs, RL, Cummings, DG, Brotas, V, Organelli, E, Dall’Olmo, G and Raitsos, DE 2017 Uncertainty in ocean-colour estimates of chlorophyll for phytoplankton groups. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4 (104).

Brewin, RJW, Hyder, K, Andersson, AJ, Billson, O, Bresnahan, PJ, Brewin, TG, Cyronak, T, Dall’Olmo, G, de Mora, L, Graham, G, Jackson, T and Raitsos, DE 2017 Expanding Aquatic Observations through Recreation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. 351, pp.

Brewin, RJW, Tilstone, GH, Jackson, T, Cain, T, Miller, PI, Lange, PK, Misra, A and Airs, RL 2017 Modelling size-fractionated primary production in the Atlantic Ocean from remote sensing. Progress in Oceanography, 158. 130-149.

Brewin, RJW, de Mora, L, Billson, O, Jackson, T, Russell, P, Brewin, TG, Shutler, J, Miller, PI, Taylor, BH, Smyth, TJ and Fishwick, J 2017 Evaluating operational AVHRR sea surface temperature data at the coastline using surfers. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 196. 276-289.

Broitman, BR, Halpern, BS, Gelcich, S, Lardies, MA, Vargas, CA, Vásquez-Lavín, F, Widdicombe, S and Birchenough, SNR 2017 Dynamic Interactions among Boundaries and the Expansion of Sustainable Aquaculture. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4.

Broszeit, S, Beaumont, NJ, Uyarra, MC, Heiskanen, AS, Frost, MT, Somerfield, PJ, Rossberg, AG, Teixeira, H and Austen, MC 2017 What can indicators of good environmental status tell us about ecosystem services?: Reducing efforts and increasing cost-effectiveness by reapplying biodiversity indicator data. Ecological Indicators, 81. 409-442.

Brownlee, C 2017 Plant Physiology: The Venus Flytrap Counts on Secretion. Current Biology, 27 (15). R763-R764.

Item not available from this repository.

Bruun, JT, Allen, JI and Smyth, TJ 2017 Heartbeat of the Southern Oscillation explains ENSO climatic resonances. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (8). 6746-6772.

Cagney, N, Zhang, T, Bransgrove, R, Allen, MJ and Balabani, S 2017 Effects of cell motility and morphology on the rheology of algae suspensions. Journal of Applied Phycology.

Cahill, AE, Pearman, JK, Borja, A, Carugati, L, Carvalho, S, Danovaro, R, Dashfield, SL, David, R, Feral, J-P, Olenin, S, Siaulys, A, Somerfield, PJ, Trayanova, A, Uyarra, MC and Chenuil, A 2017 Community composition of hard-bottom macroinvertebrates in seven regional seas as measured using traditional and metabarcoding methods.. [Other] In: Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology, New Orleans, JAN 04-08, 2017. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Vol 57 supplement, Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology, e216-e216.

Item not available from this repository.

Calosi, P, Melatunan, S, Turner, LM, Artioli, Y, Davidson, RL, Byrne, JJ, Viant, MR, Widdicombe, S and Rundle, SD 2017 Regional adaptation defines sensitivity to future ocean acidification. Nature Communications, 8. 13994.

Castellani, C, Lindley, JA, Conway, DVP and Dos Santos, A 2017 Crustacea: Stomatopoda. In: Castellani, C; Edwards, M, (eds.) Marine Plankton A practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 465-470, 678pp.

Item not available from this repository.

Cazenave, Pierre W 2017 Modelling at PML. [Lecture] In: POGO-18. Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Partnership for Observations of the Global Oceans.

Item availability may be restricted.

Clewley, D, Whitcomb, JB, Akbar, R, Silva, AR, Berg, A, Adams, JR, Caldwell, T, Entekhabi, D and Moghaddam, M 2017 A Method for Upscaling In Situ Soil Moisture Measurements to Satellite Footprint Scale Using Random Forests. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10 (6). 2663-2673.

Coma, M, Martinez-Hernandez, E, Abeln, F, Raikova, S, Donnelly, J, Arnot, TC, Allen, MJ, Hong, DD and Chuck, CJ 2017 Organic waste as a sustainable feedstock for platform chemicals. Faraday Discussions, 202. 175-195.

Conway, DVP, Camp, R and Castellani, C 2017 Rotifera. In: Castellani, C; Edwards, M, (eds.) Marine Plankton A practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 581-583, 678pp.

Item not available from this repository.

Conway, DVP, Southward, EC and Castellani, C 2017 Echinodermata. In: Castellani, C; Edwards, M, (eds.) Marine Plankton A practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 562-567, 678pp.

Item not available from this repository.

Coppock, RL, Cole, MJ, Lindeque, PK, Queiros, AM and Galloway, TJ 2017 A small-scale, portable method for extracting microplastics from marine sediments. Environmental Pollution, 230. 829-837.

Cottier-Cook, EJ, Clark, PF, Beveridge, C, Bishop, JDD, Brodie, J, Epstein, G, Jenkins, SR, Johns, DG, Loxton, G, MacLeod, A, Maggs, CA, Minchin, D, Mineur, F, Sewell, J and Wood, CA 2017 Non-native species. The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP). (UNSPECIFIED)

Cox, SL, Witt, MJ, Embling, CB, Godley, BJ, Hosegood, PJ, Miller, PI, Votier, SC and Ingram, SN 2017 Temporal patterns in habitat use by small cetaceans at an oceanographically dynamic marine renewables test site in the Celtic Sea [in special issue: European Marine Megafauna] Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 141. 178-190.

Cunliffe, M, Hollingsworth, A, Bain, C, Sharma, V and Taylor, JD 2017 Algal polysaccharide utilisation by saprotrophic planktonic marine fungi. Fungal Ecology, 30. 135-138.

Item not available from this repository.

Currie, AR, Tait, K, Parry, HE, de Francisco-Mora, B, Hicks, N, Osborn, AM, Widdicombe, S and Stahl, H 2017 Marine Microbial Gene Abundance and Community Composition in Response to Ocean Acidification and Elevated Temperature in Two Contrasting Coastal Marine Sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8.

Dal Bello, M, Leclerc, JC, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Andrea De Lucia, G, Arvanitidis, C, van Avesaath, P, Bachelet, G, Bojanic, N, Como, S, Coppa, S, Coughlan, J, Crowe, TP, Degraer, S, Espinosa, F, Faulwetter, S, Frost, MT, Guinda, X, Jankowska, E, Jourde, J, Juanes De La Pena, JA, Kerckhof, F, Kotta, J, Lavesque, N, Magni, P, de Matos, VK, Orav-Kotta, H, Pavloudi, C, Pedrotti, ML, Peleg, O, Perez-Ruzafa, A, Puente, A, Ribeiro, P, Rigaut-Jalabert, F, Rilov, G, Rousou, M, Rubal, M, Ruginis, T, Silva, T, Simon, N, Sousa-Pinto, I, Troncoso, J, Warzocha, J, Weslawski, JM and Hummel, H 2017 Consistent patterns of spatial variability between NE Atlantic and Mediterranean rocky shores. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (03). 539-547.

Item not available from this repository.

Dall’Olmo, G, Brewin, RJW, Nencioli, F, Organelli, E, Lefering, I, McKee, D, Röttgers, R, Mitchell, C, Boss, E, Bricaud, A and Tilstone, GH 2017 Determination of the absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter from underway spectrophotometry. Optics Express, 25 (24). A1079.

Dall’Osto, M, Ovadnevaite, J, Paglione, M, Beddows, DCS, Ceburnis, D, Cree, C, Cortés, P, Zamanillo, M, Nunes, SO, Pérez, GL, Ortega-Retuerta, E, Emelianov, M, Vaqué, D, Marrasé, C, Estrada, M, Sala, MM, Vidal, M, Fitzsimons, MF, Beale, R, Airs, RL, Rinaldi, M, Decesari, S, Cristina Facchini, M, Harrison, RM, O’Dowd, C and Simó, R 2017 Antarctic sea ice region as a source of biogenic organic nitrogen in aerosols. Scientific Reports, 7 (1).

Dando, PR, Pendlebury, S, Pham, C and Colaco, A 2017 Aquarium observations on the behaviour and nutrition of animals from the hydrothermal vents at the Menez Gwen site on the MAR. In: Sixth International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems, At Woods Hole, MA, USA, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 27 August - 1 September 2017. Woods Hole.

Item not available from this repository.

Davidson, KE, Fowler, MS, Skov, MW, Doerr, SH, Beaumont, NJ, Griffin, JN and Bennett, J 2017 Livestock grazing alters multiple ecosystem properties and services in salt marshes: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54 (5). 1395-1405.

Duffy, JP, Pratt, L, Anderson, K, Land, PE and Shutler, JD 2017 Spatial assessment of intertidal seagrass meadows using optical imaging systems and a lightweight drone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 200. 169-180.

Duncan, EM, Botterell, ZLR, Broderick, AC, Galloway, TS, Lindeque, PK, Nuno, A and Godley, BJ 2017 A global review of marine turtle entanglement in anthropogenic debris: a baseline for further action. Endangered Species Research, 34. 431-448.

Durak, GM, Brownlee, C and Wheeler, G 2017 The role of the cytoskeleton in biomineralisation in haptophyte algae. Scientific Reports, 7 (1).

Durkin, O.C. and Tyler-Walters, H. 2017 Burrowing megafauna and Maxmuelleria lankesteri in circalittoral mud. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)

Edel, KH, Marchadier, E, Brownlee, C, Kudla, J and Hetherington, AM 2017 The Evolution of Calcium-Based Signalling in Plants. Current Biology, 27 (13). R667-R679.

Engel, A, Bange, HW, Cunliffe, M, Burrows, SM, Friedrichs, G, Galgani, L, Herrmann, H, Hertkorn, N, Johnson, M, Liss, PS, Quinn, PK, Schartau, M, Soloviev, A, Stolle, C, Upstill-Goddard, RC, van Pinxteren, M and Zäncker, B 2017 The Ocean's Vital Skin: Toward an Integrated Understanding of the Sea Surface Microlayer. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4.

Esters, L, Landwehr, S, Sutherland, G, Bell, TG, Christensen, KH, Saltzman, ES, Miller, SD and Ward, B 2017 Parameterizing air-sea gas transfer velocity with dissipation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (4). 3041-3056.

Evers-King, H, Martinez-Vicente, V, Brewin, RJW, Dall’Olmo, G, Hickman, AE, Jackson, T, Kostadinov, TS, Krasemann, H, Loisel, H, Röttgers, R, Roy, S, Stramski, D, Thomalla, S, Platt, T and Sathyendranath, S 2017 Validation and Intercomparison of Ocean Color Algorithms for Estimating Particulate Organic Carbon in the Oceans. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4.

Fanjul, A, Villate, F, Uriarte, A, Iriarte, A, Atkinson, A and Cook, K 2017 Zooplankton variability at four monitoring sites of the Northeast Atlantic shelves differing in latitude and trophic status. Journal of Plankton Research, 39 (6). 891-909.

Faria, J, Martins, GM, Pita, A, Ribeiro, PA, Hawkins, SJ, Presa, P and Neto, AI 2017 Disentangling the genetic and morphological structure of Patella candei complex in Macaronesia (NE Atlantic). Ecology and Evolution, 7 (16). 6125-6140.

Farriols, MT, Ordines, F, Somerfield, PJ, Pasqual, C, Hidalgo, M, Guijarro, B and Massuti, E 2017 Bottom-trawl impacts on Mediterranean demersal fish diversity: not so obvious or are we too late?. Continental Shelf Research, 137. 84-102.

Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, J 2017 The importance of temporal resolution for niche modelling in dynamic marine environments. Journal of Biogeography, 44 (12). 2816-2827.

Fileman, ES, White, DA, Harmer, RA, Aytan, U, Tarran, GA, Smyth, TJ and Atkinson, A 2017 Stress of life at the ocean’s surface: Latitudinal patterns of UV sunscreens in plankton across the Atlantic [in special issue: Atlanic Meridional Transect] Progress in Oceanography, 158. 171-184.

Fishwick, J 2017 The Use of Autonomous Sampling Platformswith Particular Reference to Moored Data Buoys. In: Uncles, RJ; Mitchell, SB, (eds.) Estuarine and Coastal Hydrography and Sediment Transport. uk, Cambridge University Press, 332pp.

Item not available from this repository.

Flaviani, F, Schroeder, DC, Balestreri, C, Schroeder, J, Moore, K, Paszkiewicz, K, Pfaff, M and Rybicki, E 2017 A Pelagic Microbiome (Viruses to Protists) from a Small Cup of Seawater. Viruses, 9 (3). 47.

French, B, Platell, ME, Clarke, KR and Potter, IC 2017 Optimization of foraging and diet by the piscivorous Othos dentex (Serranidae). Journal of Fish Biology, 90 (5). 1823-1841.

Item not available from this repository.

Frost, MT, Baxter, JM, Buckley, P, Dye, S and Stoker, B 2017 Reporting marine climate change impacts: Lessons from the science-policy interface. Environmental Science & Policy, 78. 114-120.

Fuchs, J and Bishop, JDD 2017 Bryozoa. In: Castellani, Claudia; Edwards, Martin, (eds.) Marine Plankton. A practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy. Oxford University Press, 568-572.

Item not available from this repository.

García-Martín, EE, Daniels, CJ, Davidson, K, Davis, CE, Mahaffey, C, Mayers, KMJ, McNeill, S, Mitchell, E, Poulton, AJ, Purdie, DA, Tarran, GA and Robinson, C 2017 Seasonal changes in plankton respiration and bacterial metabolism in a temperate Shelf Sea.. Progress in Oceanography.

García-Martín, EE, Daniels, CJ, Davidson, K, Lozano, J, Mayers, KMJ, McNeill, S, Mitchell, E, Poulton, AJ, Purdie, DA, Tarran, GA, Whyte, C and Robinson, C 2017 Plankton community respiration and bacterial metabolism in a North Atlantic Shelf Sea during spring bloom development (April 2015) [in special issue: UK Shelf Seas Biogeochemistry] Progress in Oceanography. 10, pp.

Garmendia, M, Sauzade, D, Beaumont, NJ, Boteler, B, Pascual, M, Boudine, T, Breil, M, Furlan, E, Kontogianni, A, Kruger, I, Le Tellier, J, Gileva, E, March, D, Roeleveld, G, Ronco, P, Shivarov, A, Skourtos, M and Markandya, A 2017 The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox: Supporting policy-makers developing adaptive policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Marine Policy, 84. 99-109.

Gee, K, Kannen, A, Adlam, R, Brooks, C, Chapman, M, Cormier, R, Fischer, C, Fletcher, S, Gubbins, M, Shucksmith, R and Shellock, R 2017 Identifying culturally significant areas for marine spatial planning. Ocean & Coastal Management, 136. 139-147.

Gilcoto, M, Largier, J, Barton, ED, Piedracoba, S, Torres, R, Graña, R, Alonso-Perez, F, Villacieros-robineau, N and de La Granda, F 2017 Rapid response to coastal upwelling in a semienclosed bay. Geophysical Research Letters.

Gittings, J, Raitsos, DE, Racault, M-FLP, Brewin, RJW, Sathyendranath, S and Platt, T 2017 Seasonal phytoplankton blooms in the Gulf of Aden revealed by remote Sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 189. 56-66.

Item not available from this repository.

Gotensparre, SM, Fauville, G, McHugh, P, Domegan, C, Mäkitalo, Å and Crouch, F 2017 Meta-analysis of the Sea Change Consultation Reports. European Commission. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)

Groetsch, PMM, Gege, P, Simis, SGH, Eleveld, MA and Peters, SWM 2017 Validation of a spectral correction procedure for sun and sky reflections in above-water reflectance measurements. Optics Express, 25 (16). A742.

Groetsch, PMM, Gege, P, Simis, SGH, Eleveld, MA and Peters, SWM 2017 Variability of adjacency effects in sky reflectance measurements. Optics Letters, 42 (17). 3359.

Hackenberg, SC, Andrews, SJ, Airs, RL, Arnold, SR, Bouman, H, Cummings, DG, Lewis, AC, Minaeian, J, Reifel, KM, Smalley, A, Tarran, GA, Tilstone, GH and Carpenter, LJ 2017 Basin-scale observations of monoterpenes in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Environmental Science & Technology, 51. 10449-10458.

Item not available from this repository.

Hackenberg, SC, Andrews, SJ, Airs, RL, Arnold, SR, Bouman, HA, Cummings, D, Lewis, AC, Minaeian, JK, Reifel, KM, Small, A, Tarran, GA, Tilstone, GH and Carpenter, LJ 2017 Basin-Scale Observations of Monoterpenes in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (18). 10449-10458.

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Hackenberg, SC, Andrews, SJ, Chance, RJ, Brewin, RJW, Tarran, GA, Tilstone, GH, Manaeian, JK, Small, A, Bouman, H, Dall’Olmo, G, Reifel, KM, Airs, RL, Cummings, DG, Lewis, AC and Carpenter, LJ 2017 Potential controls of isoprene in the surface ocean.. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 644-662.

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