Beale, R, Johnson, MT, Liss, PS and Nightingale, PD 2014 Air-Sea Exchange of Marine Trace Gases. In: Treatise on Geochemistry. Elsevier Ltd., 53-92, 40pp.
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Quartly, GD, Shutler, J and Woolf, DK 2013 Joint distributions of waves and rain. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Edinburgh, UK, 9–13 September 2013. Proc. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, (Edinburgh, UK 9–13 September 2013, ESA.
Mieszkowska, N 2016 Intertidal Indicators of climate and global change. In: Letcher, M, (ed.) Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth (2nd Edition). Oxford, Elsevier, 281-296.
Item not available from this repository.
Tarran, GA and Lange, PK Abundance of microbial phytoplankton abundance through the water column during the AMT25/JR15001 cruise in 2015. [Output (Electronic)]
Item not available from this repository.
Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Corrigan, SE, Stuart, E, Ashton, IA, Felstead, P, Lubelski, A, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Seaweed aquaculture and mechanical harvesting: an evidence review to support sustainable management. Natural England, 117pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Findlay, HS Catlin Arctic Survey 2010 Environmental data. [Output (Electronic)]
Item not available from this repository.
Batten, SD 2007 The CPR: Antique technology observing today's oceans. UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Batten, SD 2007 Changes in the oceanic northeast Pacific plankton populations; what may happen in a warmer ocean. UNSPECIFIED.
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Batten, SD and Mackas, DL 2007 Changes in development timing and cohort width of Neocalanus plumchrus degree ' flemingeri copepods in the eastern North Pacific. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Castellani, C, Richardson, AJ, Batten, SD, Hosie, GW, Irigoien, X and Harris, RP 2007 Temporal and spatial variability of Oithona spp. abundance and phenology in the North Atlantic, North Pacific and Southern Ocean using the CPR data. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Edwards, M and Beaugrand, G 2007 Spatial variability of marine climate change impacts in the North Atlantic. UNSPECIFIED.
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Garrido, S and Mendes, C 2007 Can the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) be used to infer sardine diet?. UNSPECIFIED.
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Henry, MF, Batten, SD, Hyrenbach, KD, Morgan, KH and Sydeman, WJ 2007 The meso-scale response of subarctic North Pacific seabird community structure to lower trophic level abundance and diversity. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Johnson, CL and Head, EHJ 2007 Spatial and temporal variability in Scotian Shelf zooplankton communities. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Kirby, RR, Lindley, JA, Beaugrand, G, Johns, DG, Richardson, AJ, Edwards, M and Reid, PC 2007 Genetic analysis of Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Licandro, P, Edwards, M, Johns, DG, Batten, SD, John, AWG, Jonas, TD and Lindley, JA 2007 Long-term changes in North Atlantic zooplankton biomass. UNSPECIFIED.
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Llope, M, Stenseth, NC, Anadon, R, Ciannelli, L, Chan, K-S, Hjermann, DO, Bagoeien, E and Ottersen, G 2007 Seasonal plankton dynamics along a cross-shelf gradient off northern Spain. UNSPECIFIED.
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Lopez-Urrutia, A, Beaugrand, G, Greve, W and Harris, RP 2007 The mid-eighties regime shift and appendicularian abundance. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Pitois, SG and Fox, CJ 2007 Have climate induced changes in zooplankton communities led to poor conditions for larval fish growth? A test on cod larvae on the UK shelf. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Reid, PC 2007 The importance of zooplankton in reducing levels of atmospheric CO sub(2) via the biological pump. UNSPECIFIED.
Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Widdicombe, CE, Tilstone, GH and Rees, AP AMT19 (JC039) Primary production (size-fractionated) incubations using 14C uptake from CTD bottle samples.. [Output (Electronic)]
Item not available from this repository.
Barange, M, Fernandes, JA, Kay, S, Hossain, MAR, Ahmed, M and Lauria, V 2018 Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries: Trends and Prospects. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, CW; Adger, WN; Hanson, SE; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 469-488, 20pp.
Kay, S, Caesar, J and Janes, T 2018 Marine Dynamics and Productivity in the Bay of Bengal. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, Craig W; Adger, W Neil; Hanson, Susan E; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 263-275, 593pp.
Gotensparre, SM, Fauville, G, McHugh, P, Domegan, C, Mäkitalo, Å and Crouch, F 2017 Meta-analysis of the Sea Change Consultation Reports. European Commission. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)
Sinclair, Rachael, Lacey, Clare, Tyler-Walters, H, Sparling, C and Tillin, H.M. 2020 Developing FeAST for mobile marine species.. Perth, Scottish Natural Heritage, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K and Oakley, J 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 2: Analysis of selected tow images. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Ager, OED, Heard, J and Parr, JR 2005 Summary of time requirements and potential improvements for Marine Recorder data entry.. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 20pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Rocky Shore Survey: Birdfood Availability Study. Natural England, 126pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Tyler-Walters, H and Hiscock, K 2005 Impact of human activities on benthic biotopes and species. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 163pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Frost, MT and Buckley, P 2021 Prioritising marine climate change issues in the UK Overseas Territories. Special Report: Looking Ahead To Cop26: Climate Change In The Commonwealth.. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. (The Parliamentarian, 2021 Issue 3, Page 260)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2014. Natural Resources Wales 050-MFG-08.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2015.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change Monitoring in the UK: Final report to Natural England on the MarClim annual survey 2015.. Natural England. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Chesil and the Fleet cSAC, SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 11. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 154pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Mainwaring, K, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of blue mussel beds to pressures associated with human activities.. Peterborough, JNCC, 96pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Torres, R, Adams, K, Sallee, J-B, Bachman, S and Taylor, J 2016 Birth, life and death of a cyclonic eddy in the Southern Ocean. [Poster] In: AGU general meeting - Ocean Sciences, New Orleans, 22-26 February 2016. (Unpublished)
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Bale, AJ 1997 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-4 cruise report. Cruise period 21 April - 27 May 1997. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 124pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Gallienne, CP 2000 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-10 cruise report. Montevideo (Uruguay) to Grimsby (UK) 12th April to 8th May 2000. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 51pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Holligan, PM 2004 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT 14 cruise report RRS James Clark Ross 28 April – 1 June 2004. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 73pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Jickells, TD 2003 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT12 cruise report RRS James Clark Ross 12 May – 17 June 2003. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 83pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Rees, AP 2004 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT 15 cruise report RRS Discovery Cruise 284 17 September - 29 October 2004. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 96pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Rees, N 1999 AMT-8 Cruise Report. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item availability may be restricted.
Rees, N 1999 AMT-9 gangplank report. Grimsby – Montevideo 15 September to 13 October. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item availability may be restricted.
Robins, DB 1996 AMT-1 cruise report and preliminary results. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 93pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Robins, DB 1996 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-2 cruise report 22nd April - 22nd May 1996 Port Stanley (Falkland Islands) to Plymouth (UK). Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 146pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Robinson, C 2003 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT13 cruise report RRS James Clark Ross 10 September – 13 October 2003. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 127pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Woodward, EMS 2004 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-11 cruise report. Grimsby (UK) to Montevideo (Uruguay) 12th September to 11th October 2000. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 65pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2014. Natural Resources Wales 050-MFG-08.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2015.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N 2021 Intertidal indicators of climate and global change. In: Letcher, TM, (ed.) Climate Change. Observed Impacts on Planet Earth (3rd Edition). Elsevier, 465-482.
Item not available from this repository.
Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with marine activities. Phase 1 Report: Rationale and proposed ecological groupings for Level 5 biotopes against which sensitivity assessments would be best undertaken.. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 68pp. (Report no. 512A)
Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H. 2014 Tillin, H. & Tyler-Walters, H., 2014. Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with marine activities. Phase 2 Report – Literature review and sensitivity assessments for ecological groups for circalittoral and offshore Level 5 biotopes. JNCC Report No. 512B, 260 pp.. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 260pp. (Report no. 512B)
Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K and Oakley, J 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 2: Analysis of selected tow images. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Tyler-Walters, H., Williams, E., Mardle, M.J. and Lloyd, K.A. 2022 Sensitivity Assessment of Contaminant Pressures - Approach Development, Application, and Evidence Reviews. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 192pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Bonfill Molina, E, Turo, M, Ceccaroni, L, Woods, S, Parkinson, S, Sprinks, J, Lessin, G, Simis, SGH, Flynn, KJ, Butkevičienė, E, Costa, P, Ribeiro, A, Cardoso, F and Piera, J 2024 NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE BLUE SCHOOLS: SCHOLAR GRANTS, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, AND CITIZEN SCIENCE UNDER THE PROBLEU PROJECT. [Other] In: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, 1-3 July 2024. Palma, Spain, 10224-10225.
Mainwaring, K, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of blue mussel beds to pressures associated with human activities.. Peterborough, JNCC, 96pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Bonfill Molina, E, Turo, M, Ceccaroni, L, Woods, S, Parkinson, S, Sprinks, J, Lessin, G, Simis, SGH, Flynn, KJ, Butkevičienė, E, Costa, P, Ribeiro, A, Cardoso, F and Piera, J 2024 NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE BLUE SCHOOLS: SCHOLAR GRANTS, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, AND CITIZEN SCIENCE UNDER THE PROBLEU PROJECT. [Other] In: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, 1-3 July 2024. Palma, Spain, 10224-10225.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Findlay, HS Catlin Arctic Survey 2010 Environmental data. [Output (Electronic)]
Item not available from this repository.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)
Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)
Helaouët, P 2021 The potential of using Chlorophyll-a gradient to create a mesozooplankton habitat Index using CPR Survey data.. Copernicus Marine Service. (Ocean State Report Issue 5 chapter 3 part 1)
Bryan, GW, Langston, WJ, Hummerstone, LG and Burt, GR 1985 A guide to the assessment of heavy metal contamination in estuaries using biological indicators. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 4. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
Bryan, GW, Langston, WJ and Hummerstone, LG 1980 The use of biological indicators of heavy metal contamination in estuaries. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 1. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
Helaouët, P 2021 The potential of using Chlorophyll-a gradient to create a mesozooplankton habitat Index using CPR Survey data.. Copernicus Marine Service. (Ocean State Report Issue 5 chapter 3 part 1)
Bonfill Molina, E, Turo, M, Ceccaroni, L, Woods, S, Parkinson, S, Sprinks, J, Lessin, G, Simis, SGH, Flynn, KJ, Butkevičienė, E, Costa, P, Ribeiro, A, Cardoso, F and Piera, J 2024 NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE BLUE SCHOOLS: SCHOLAR GRANTS, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, AND CITIZEN SCIENCE UNDER THE PROBLEU PROJECT. [Other] In: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, 1-3 July 2024. Palma, Spain, 10224-10225.
Frost, MT and Buckley, P 2021 Prioritising marine climate change issues in the UK Overseas Territories. Special Report: Looking Ahead To Cop26: Climate Change In The Commonwealth.. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. (The Parliamentarian, 2021 Issue 3, Page 260)
Item not available from this repository.
Helaouët, P 2021 The potential of using Chlorophyll-a gradient to create a mesozooplankton habitat Index using CPR Survey data.. Copernicus Marine Service. (Ocean State Report Issue 5 chapter 3 part 1)
Mieszkowska, N 2016 Intertidal Indicators of climate and global change. In: Letcher, M, (ed.) Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth (2nd Edition). Oxford, Elsevier, 281-296.
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N 2021 Intertidal indicators of climate and global change. In: Letcher, TM, (ed.) Climate Change. Observed Impacts on Planet Earth (3rd Edition). Elsevier, 465-482.
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2014. Natural Resources Wales 050-MFG-08.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2015.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change Monitoring in the UK: Final report to Natural England on the MarClim annual survey 2015.. Natural England. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
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Barange, M, Fernandes, JA, Kay, S, Hossain, MAR, Ahmed, M and Lauria, V 2018 Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries: Trends and Prospects. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, CW; Adger, WN; Hanson, SE; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 469-488, 20pp.
Kay, S, Caesar, J and Janes, T 2018 Marine Dynamics and Productivity in the Bay of Bengal. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, Craig W; Adger, W Neil; Hanson, Susan E; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 263-275, 593pp.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Varley, A 1997 Catalogue of the Archives of the Marine Biological Association. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 5. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.
Item not available from this repository.
Alexander, D, Coates, DA, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2015 Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Sublittoral Rock Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection. Peterborough, JNCC, 64pp. (Report no. 560)
Hiscock, K and Moore, J 1986 Surveys of Harbours, Rias and Estuaries: Plymouth area including the Yealm field data. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K and Moore, J 1986 Surveys of harbours, rias and estuaries: Plymouth area including the Yealm. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)
Tillin, H.M., Watson, A, Tyler-Walters, H., Mieszkowska, N and Hiscock, K. 2022 Defining Marine Irreplaceable Habitats: Literature review. NECR474.. Natural England, 152pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Gotensparre, SM, Fauville, G, McHugh, P, Domegan, C, Mäkitalo, Å and Crouch, F 2017 Meta-analysis of the Sea Change Consultation Reports. European Commission. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)
Tyler-Walters, H., Williams, E., Mardle, M.J. and Lloyd, K.A. 2022 Sensitivity Assessment of Contaminant Pressures - Approach Development, Application, and Evidence Reviews. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 192pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Stern, R, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Al-Kandari, M, Vezzulli, L and Richardson, A 2021 Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. In: Clementson, L; Eriksen, R; Willis, A, (eds.) Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier, 624pp.
Item not available from this repository.
Frost, MT and Buckley, P 2021 Prioritising marine climate change issues in the UK Overseas Territories. Special Report: Looking Ahead To Cop26: Climate Change In The Commonwealth.. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. (The Parliamentarian, 2021 Issue 3, Page 260)
Item not available from this repository.
Helaouët, P 2021 The potential of using Chlorophyll-a gradient to create a mesozooplankton habitat Index using CPR Survey data.. Copernicus Marine Service. (Ocean State Report Issue 5 chapter 3 part 1)
Stern, R, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Al-Kandari, M, Vezzulli, L and Richardson, A 2021 Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. In: Clementson, L; Eriksen, R; Willis, A, (eds.) Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier, 624pp.
Item not available from this repository.
Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Corrigan, SE, Stuart, E, Ashton, IA, Felstead, P, Lubelski, A, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Seaweed aquaculture and mechanical harvesting: an evidence review to support sustainable management. Natural England, 117pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Danielson, RE, Korosov, A, Johannessen, JA, Raj, R, Rio, MH, Collard, F, Chapron, B, Quartly, G and Piollé, JF 2016 A regional characterization of the GlobCurrent ocean surface current analysis. In: Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-13 May 2016. Proceedings of Living Planet Symposium 2016, ESA.
Johannessen, JA, Chapron, B, Collard, F, Rio, MH, Piollé, JF, Gaultier, L, Quartly, G, Shutler, J, Escola, R, Raj, R, Donlon, C, Danielson, R, Korosov, A, Nencioli, F, Kudryavtsev, V, Roca, M, Tournadre, J, Larnicol, G, Guitton, G, Miller, PI, Warren, M and Hansen, M 2016 GlobCurrent : Multisensor synergy for surface current estimation. In: Living Planet Symposium 2016, Prague, 9-13 May 2016. Proceedings of Living Planet Symposium 2016, ESA.
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Hiscock, K and Oakley, J 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 2: Analysis of selected tow images. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Ager, OED, Heard, J and Parr, JR 2005 Summary of time requirements and potential improvements for Marine Recorder data entry.. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 20pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Artigas, F, Bresnan, E, Clarke, D, Creache, V, Husby, S, Johansen, M, Jurgensone, I, Kraberg, A, Lanzén, A, Metfies, K, O'Brien, T, Pilkaityte, R, Poulton, N, Salter, I, Sosik, H, Stern, RF, van den Oever, A, Tarran, GA, Teira, E, Vaiciute, D and Widdicombe, C 2021 3 year report on activities for the Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME). ICES, 25pp. (WORKING GROUP ON PHYTOPLANKTON AND MICROBIAL ECOLOGY (WGPME), ICES Scientific Reports, Volume 3 Issue 92)
Stern, R, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Al-Kandari, M, Vezzulli, L and Richardson, A 2021 Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. In: Clementson, L; Eriksen, R; Willis, A, (eds.) Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier, 624pp.
Item not available from this repository.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Quartly, GD, Shutler, J and Woolf, DK 2013 Joint distributions of waves and rain. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Edinburgh, UK, 9–13 September 2013. Proc. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, (Edinburgh, UK 9–13 September 2013, ESA.
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Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with marine activities. Phase 1 Report: Rationale and proposed ecological groupings for Level 5 biotopes against which sensitivity assessments would be best undertaken.. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 68pp. (Report no. 512A)
Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H. 2014 Tillin, H. & Tyler-Walters, H., 2014. Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with marine activities. Phase 2 Report – Literature review and sensitivity assessments for ecological groups for circalittoral and offshore Level 5 biotopes. JNCC Report No. 512B, 260 pp.. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 260pp. (Report no. 512B)
Hiscock, K and Moore, J 1986 Surveys of Harbours, Rias and Estuaries: Plymouth area including the Yealm field data. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K and Moore, J 1986 Surveys of harbours, rias and estuaries: Plymouth area including the Yealm. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Item not available from this repository.
Torres, R, Cazenave, P, Bruggeman, J, Artioli, Y and Butenschon, M 2017 Ecosystem modelling in support of Marine Spatial Planning and governance. [Poster] In: 2nd International Conference on Marine Spatial Planning, Paris, 15-17 March 2017. (Unpublished)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Barange, M, Fernandes, JA, Kay, S, Hossain, MAR, Ahmed, M and Lauria, V 2018 Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries: Trends and Prospects. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, CW; Adger, WN; Hanson, SE; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 469-488, 20pp.
Kay, S, Caesar, J and Janes, T 2018 Marine Dynamics and Productivity in the Bay of Bengal. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, Craig W; Adger, W Neil; Hanson, Susan E; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 263-275, 593pp.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Reid, PC 1999 North Sea Ecosystem: Status Report. In: Kumpf, H.; Steidinger, K.; Shermann, K., (eds.) The Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem. Oxford (UK), Blackwell Science, Inc., 476-489, 704pp.
Item availability may be restricted.
Frost, MT and Buckley, P 2021 Prioritising marine climate change issues in the UK Overseas Territories. Special Report: Looking Ahead To Cop26: Climate Change In The Commonwealth.. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. (The Parliamentarian, 2021 Issue 3, Page 260)
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Piñeiro Rodríguez, S, Gilcoto, M, de La Granda, F, Villacieros-robineau, N, Alonso-Perez, F, Graña, R, Piedracoba, S, Torres, R, Largier, J and Barton, ED 2016 Tidal and wind influences on circulation in the southern mouth of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). IV Encuentro Oceanografía Física Española (EOF 2016),, Encuentro de la Oceanografía Física Española. (IV Encuentro Oceanografía Física Española (EOF 2016)).
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Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Tyler-Walters, H. 2022 Siphonoecetes, Nephtyidae polychaetes and venerid bivalves in circalittoral sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 20pp. (MarLIN – Marine Life Information Network Marine Evidence–based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) Review)
Tyler-Walters, H., Williams, E., Mardle, M.J. and Lloyd, K.A. 2022 Sensitivity Assessment of Contaminant Pressures - Approach Development, Application, and Evidence Reviews. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 192pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
MBA, MBA 1957 Addenda. In: Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 410.
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MBA, MBA 1957 Polyzoa. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 344-357.
MBA, MBA 1957 Porifera. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 26-32.
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Barange, M, Fernandes, JA, Kay, S, Hossain, MAR, Ahmed, M and Lauria, V 2018 Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries: Trends and Prospects. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, CW; Adger, WN; Hanson, SE; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 469-488, 20pp.
Kay, S, Caesar, J and Janes, T 2018 Marine Dynamics and Productivity in the Bay of Bengal. In: Nicholls, RJ; Hutton, Craig W; Adger, W Neil; Hanson, Susan E; Rahman, MM; Salehin, M, (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 263-275, 593pp.
Biggs, T, Vance, T, Tarran, GA and Skovhus, TL 2014 Biocide testing against microbes. In: Dobretsov, S; Williams, DN; Thomason, JC, (eds.) Biofouling Methods. Wiley Blackwell, 58-86, 392pp.
Item not available from this repository.
Bonfill Molina, E, Turo, M, Ceccaroni, L, Woods, S, Parkinson, S, Sprinks, J, Lessin, G, Simis, SGH, Flynn, KJ, Butkevičienė, E, Costa, P, Ribeiro, A, Cardoso, F and Piera, J 2024 NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO PROMOTE BLUE SCHOOLS: SCHOLAR GRANTS, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES, AND CITIZEN SCIENCE UNDER THE PROBLEU PROJECT. [Other] In: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, 1-3 July 2024. Palma, Spain, 10224-10225.
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Item not available from this repository.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Stern, R, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Al-Kandari, M, Vezzulli, L and Richardson, A 2021 Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. In: Clementson, L; Eriksen, R; Willis, A, (eds.) Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier, 624pp.
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Ellen, L, Fergusson, M, Serpetti, N, Narayanaswamy, B and Hughes, D 2020 Geodia and other massive sponges on Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal mixed sediment. The Marine Biological Association. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Tillin, H.M., Watson, A, Tyler-Walters, H., Mieszkowska, N and Hiscock, K. 2022 Defining Marine Irreplaceable Habitats: Literature review. NECR474.. Natural England, 152pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Holme, NA 1983 Report on certain sediment shores in the Isles of Scilly. A report to the Nature Conservancy Council. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 43pp. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)
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ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Stewart, EJ, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Hand harvesting of seaweed: evidence review to support sustainable management. NRW Bangor, 275pp. (573)
Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Corrigan, SE, Stuart, E, Ashton, IA, Felstead, P, Lubelski, A, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Seaweed aquaculture and mechanical harvesting: an evidence review to support sustainable management. Natural England, 117pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Lilley, MKS 2006 Creating a modern database from archive material - The Norman Holme archive: Interpretation of marine field research notebooks in the historical context of the MBA, 1958-83. Plymouth, UK, The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 59pp. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)
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Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Poole Harbour SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 12. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
Bishop, JDD and Wood, CA 2020 Identification guide for selected marine non-native species:High resolution 29 MB. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 42pp.
Bishop, JDD and Wood, CA 2020 Identification guide for selected marine non-native species:Low resolution 1.6 MB. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 42pp.
Conway, DVP 2006 Identification of the copepodite developmental stages of twenty-six North Atlantic copepods. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 21.. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
d’Avack, E.A.S., Tillin, H.M., Jackson, E.L. and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of seagrass bed biotopes to pressures associated with marine activities.. MarLIN website; JNCC website, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 83pp. (JNCC Report no. 505)
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Mieszkowska, N 2021 Intertidal indicators of climate and global change. In: Letcher, TM, (ed.) Climate Change. Observed Impacts on Planet Earth (3rd Edition). Elsevier, 465-482.
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Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change Monitoring in the UK: Final report to Natural England on the MarClim annual survey 2015.. Natural England. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K 1988 Survey of harbours, rias and estuaries: Avon and Erme estuaries. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 21pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Hiscock, K. 1985 Littoral and sublittoral monitoring in the Isles of Scilly. September 22nd to 29th 1984.. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K. 1984 Rocky shore surveys of the Isles of Scilly. March 27th to April 1st and July 7th to 15th 1983. Volume 1. Survey Report.. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 104pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Tillin, H.M., Watson, A, Tyler-Walters, H., Mieszkowska, N and Hiscock, K. 2022 Defining Marine Irreplaceable Habitats: Literature review. NECR474.. Natural England, 152pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Cunningham, JT 1890 A treatise on the common sole (Solea vulgaris) considered both as an organism and as a commodity. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 147pp.
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Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)
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Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
MBA, MBA 1957 Addenda. In: Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 410.
MBA, MBA 1957 Annelida. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 109-149.
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MBA, MBA 1957 Ctenophora. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 69.
MBA, MBA 1957 Echinodermata. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 358-369.
MBA, MBA 1957 Echiuroidea. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 150.
MBA, MBA 1957 Gastrotricha. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 98.
MBA, MBA 1957 Index. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 445-457.
MBA, MBA 1957 Introduction. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, vii-xxxix.
MBA, MBA 1957 Kamptozoa. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 343.
MBA, MBA 1957 Mesozoa. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 25.
MBA, MBA 1957 Mollusca. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 285-341.
MBA, MBA 1957 Nemathelminthes. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 91-98.
MBA, MBA 1957 Nemertini. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 99-108.
MBA, MBA 1957 Phoronidea. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 342.
MBA, MBA 1957 Platyhelminthes. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 70-90.
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MBA, MBA 1957 Rotifera. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 99.
MBA, MBA 1957 Sipunculoidea. In: MBA, MBA, (ed.) Plymouth Marine Fauna. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association, 150-152.
Hiscock, K and Oakley, J 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 2: Analysis of selected tow images. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Oakley, J and Hiscock, K 2005 English Channel towed sledge seabed images. Phase 1: scoping study and example analysis. Plymouth, UK, Marine Biological Association, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Sinclair, Rachael, Lacey, Clare, Tyler-Walters, H, Sparling, C and Tillin, H.M. 2020 Developing FeAST for mobile marine species.. Perth, Scottish Natural Heritage, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Conway, DVP 2012 Identification of the copepodite developmental stages of twenty-six North Atlantic copepods. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association No. 21 (revised edition). Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 35pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Conway, DVP 2012 Marine Zooplankton of Southern Britain - Part 1: Radiolaria, Heliozoa, Foraminifera, Ciliophora, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Rotifera and Mollusca. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 25. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 138pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Conway, DVP 2012 Marine Zooplankton of Southern Britain - Part 2: Arachnida, Pycnogonida, Cladocera, Facetotecta, Cirripedia and Copepoda. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 26. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 163pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Halliday, NC and Coombs, SH 2011 The Russell Cycle. An update and review of trends in zooplankton and fish larvae off Plymouth 1924-2009. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 24. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 27pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Hiscock, K 2000 Using marine biological information in the Electronic Age. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 7. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 109pp.
Item not available from this repository.
Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Campbell, M, Manning, A and Jonas, PJC 2007 The Severn Estuary: Sediments, contaminants and biota. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 19. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 176pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Item not available from this repository.
Langston, WJ, O'Hara, SCM, Imamura, M and Pope, ND 2012 Bioaccumulation surveillance in Milford Haven Waterway, 2007-2008. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 28. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 65pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Ryan, KP and Nott, JA 2007 Electron microscopy at the Marine Biological Association: 1961-2006. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 23. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Whitfield, M, Matthews, JBL and Reynolds, C 1999 Aquatic Life Cycle Strategies: Survival in a variable environment. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 6. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 149pp.
Item not available from this repository.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Helaouët, P 2021 The potential of using Chlorophyll-a gradient to create a mesozooplankton habitat Index using CPR Survey data.. Copernicus Marine Service. (Ocean State Report Issue 5 chapter 3 part 1)
Stern, R, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Al-Kandari, M, Vezzulli, L and Richardson, A 2021 Uses of molecular taxonomy in identifying phytoplankton communities from the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. In: Clementson, L; Eriksen, R; Willis, A, (eds.) Advances in Phytoplankton Ecology. Elsevier, 624pp.
Item not available from this repository.
Bryan, GW and Gibbs, PE 1983 Heavy metals in the Fal estuary, Cornwall: A study of long term contamination by mining waste and its effects on estuarine organisms. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 2. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
Langston, WJ, Chesman, BS, Burt, GR, Hawkins, SJ, Readman, JW and Worsfold, P 2003 Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: The Severn Estuary pSAC, SPA. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 13. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
Artigas, F, Bresnan, E, Clarke, D, Creache, V, Husby, S, Johansen, M, Jurgensone, I, Kraberg, A, Lanzén, A, Metfies, K, O'Brien, T, Pilkaityte, R, Poulton, N, Salter, I, Sosik, H, Stern, RF, van den Oever, A, Tarran, GA, Teira, E, Vaiciute, D and Widdicombe, C 2021 3 year report on activities for the Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME). ICES, 25pp. (WORKING GROUP ON PHYTOPLANKTON AND MICROBIAL ECOLOGY (WGPME), ICES Scientific Reports, Volume 3 Issue 92)
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Item availability may be restricted.
Hiscock, K. 1985 Littoral and sublittoral monitoring in the Isles of Scilly. September 22nd to 29th 1984.. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Wood, CA, Galanidi, M and Beckmann, B 2022 Risk Assessment for Mulinia lateralis Say, 1822 (Dwarf Surf Clam).. European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment. (Study on invasive alien species: development of risk assessments to tackle priority species and enhance prevention, 2022)
Biggs, T, Vance, T, Tarran, GA and Skovhus, TL 2014 Biocide testing against microbes. In: Dobretsov, S; Williams, DN; Thomason, JC, (eds.) Biofouling Methods. Wiley Blackwell, 58-86, 392pp.
Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H., Williams, E., Mardle, M.J. and Lloyd, K.A. 2022 Sensitivity Assessment of Contaminant Pressures - Approach Development, Application, and Evidence Reviews. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 192pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Corrigan, SE, Stuart, E, Ashton, IA, Felstead, P, Lubelski, A, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Seaweed aquaculture and mechanical harvesting: an evidence review to support sustainable management. Natural England, 117pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Wilding, C, Tillin, HM, Stewart, EJ, Burrows, M and Smale, DA 2021 Hand harvesting of seaweed: evidence review to support sustainable management. NRW Bangor, 275pp. (573)
Tillin, H.M., Watson, A, Tyler-Walters, H., Mieszkowska, N and Hiscock, K. 2022 Defining Marine Irreplaceable Habitats: Literature review. NECR474.. Natural England, 152pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Nagata, RM, D'Ambra, I, Lauritano, C, von Montfort, GM, Djeghri, N, Jordano, MA, Colin, SP, Costello, JH and Leoni, V 2024 Physiology and functional biology of Rhizostomeae jellyfish. In: Morandini, AC; Holst, S; Reinicke, GB, (eds.) Advances in Rhizostomeae Jellyfish Research. Elsevier, 255-360. (Advances in Marine Biology, 98).
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Artigas, F, Bresnan, E, Clarke, D, Creache, V, Husby, S, Johansen, M, Jurgensone, I, Kraberg, A, Lanzén, A, Metfies, K, O'Brien, T, Pilkaityte, R, Poulton, N, Salter, I, Sosik, H, Stern, RF, van den Oever, A, Tarran, GA, Teira, E, Vaiciute, D and Widdicombe, C 2021 3 year report on activities for the Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME). ICES, 25pp. (WORKING GROUP ON PHYTOPLANKTON AND MICROBIAL ECOLOGY (WGPME), ICES Scientific Reports, Volume 3 Issue 92)
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Gibb, N, Tillin, HM, Pearce, B and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of Sabellaria spinulosa to pressures associated with marine activities.. Peterborough, JNCC, 67pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Nagata, RM, D'Ambra, I, Lauritano, C, von Montfort, GM, Djeghri, N, Jordano, MA, Colin, SP, Costello, JH and Leoni, V 2024 Physiology and functional biology of Rhizostomeae jellyfish. In: Morandini, AC; Holst, S; Reinicke, GB, (eds.) Advances in Rhizostomeae Jellyfish Research. Elsevier, 255-360. (Advances in Marine Biology, 98).
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Wood, CA, Galanidi, M and Beckmann, B 2022 Risk Assessment for Mulinia lateralis Say, 1822 (Dwarf Surf Clam).. European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment. (Study on invasive alien species: development of risk assessments to tackle priority species and enhance prevention, 2022)
Alexander, D, Coates, DA, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2015 Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Sublittoral Rock Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection. Peterborough, JNCC, 64pp. (Report no. 560)
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Artigas, F, Bresnan, E, Clarke, D, Creache, V, Husby, S, Johansen, M, Jurgensone, I, Kraberg, A, Lanzén, A, Metfies, K, O'Brien, T, Pilkaityte, R, Poulton, N, Salter, I, Sosik, H, Stern, RF, van den Oever, A, Tarran, GA, Teira, E, Vaiciute, D and Widdicombe, C 2021 3 year report on activities for the Working Group on Phytoplankton and Microbial Ecology (WGPME). ICES, 25pp. (WORKING GROUP ON PHYTOPLANKTON AND MICROBIAL ECOLOGY (WGPME), ICES Scientific Reports, Volume 3 Issue 92)
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ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
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Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H., Williams, E., Mardle, M.J. and Lloyd, K.A. 2022 Sensitivity Assessment of Contaminant Pressures - Approach Development, Application, and Evidence Reviews. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 192pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
d’Avack, E.A.S., Tillin, H.M., Jackson, E.L. and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of seagrass bed biotopes to pressures associated with marine activities.. MarLIN website; JNCC website, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 83pp. (JNCC Report no. 505)
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Sinclair, Rachael, Lacey, Clare, Tyler-Walters, H, Sparling, C and Tillin, H.M. 2020 Developing FeAST for mobile marine species.. Perth, Scottish Natural Heritage, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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Sinclair, Rachael, Lacey, Clare, Tyler-Walters, H, Sparling, C and Tillin, H.M. 2020 Developing FeAST for mobile marine species.. Perth, Scottish Natural Heritage, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H. 2014 Tillin, H. & Tyler-Walters, H., 2014. Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with marine activities. Phase 2 Report – Literature review and sensitivity assessments for ecological groups for circalittoral and offshore Level 5 biotopes. JNCC Report No. 512B, 260 pp.. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 260pp. (Report no. 512B)
Tyler-Walters, H and Jackson, A 2000 Tyler-Walters, H. and Jackson, A. (1999). Assessing seabed species and ecosystems sensitivities. Rationale and user guide, June 2000 edition.., Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 46pp. (MarLIN Report No. 4)
Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
d’Avack, E.A.S., Tillin, H.M., Jackson, E.L. and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of seagrass bed biotopes to pressures associated with marine activities.. MarLIN website; JNCC website, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 83pp. (JNCC Report no. 505)
Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with marine activities. Phase 1 Report: Rationale and proposed ecological groupings for Level 5 biotopes against which sensitivity assessments would be best undertaken.. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 68pp. (Report no. 512A)
Tyler-Walters, H. 2022 Siphonoecetes, Nephtyidae polychaetes and venerid bivalves in circalittoral sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 20pp. (MarLIN – Marine Life Information Network Marine Evidence–based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) Review)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Quartly, GD, Shutler, J and Woolf, DK 2013 Joint distributions of waves and rain. In: ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Edinburgh, UK, 9–13 September 2013. Proc. ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, (Edinburgh, UK 9–13 September 2013, ESA.
Biggs, T, Vance, T, Tarran, GA and Skovhus, TL 2014 Biocide testing against microbes. In: Dobretsov, S; Williams, DN; Thomason, JC, (eds.) Biofouling Methods. Wiley Blackwell, 58-86, 392pp.
Item not available from this repository.
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)
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Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Mieszkowska, N, Leaper, R, Moore, P, Kendall, MA, Burrows, MT, Lear, D, Poloczanska, ES, Hiscock, K, Moschella, P, Thompson, RC, Herbert, RJH, Laffoley, D, Baxter, J, Southward, AJ and Hawkins, SJ 2006 Marine biodiversity and climate change: assessing and predicting the influence of climatic change using intertidal rocky shore biota. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 20. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 202pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
Torres, R, Adams, K, Sallee, J-B, Bachman, S and Taylor, J 2016 Birth, life and death of a cyclonic eddy in the Southern Ocean. [Poster] In: AGU general meeting - Ocean Sciences, New Orleans, 22-26 February 2016. (Unpublished)
Tyler-Walters, H, Tillin, HM, Perry, F, Stamp, T and d'Avack, EAS 2018 Marine Evidence-based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) – A Guide. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network, 94pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
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ICES. 2021 Celtic Seas ecoregion – Ecosystem Overview. ICES. (ICES Advice: Ecosystem overviews, Section 7.1)
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Tyler-Walters, H., Williams, E., Mardle, M.J. and Lloyd, K.A. 2022 Sensitivity Assessment of Contaminant Pressures - Approach Development, Application, and Evidence Reviews. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 192pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
d’Avack, E.A.S., Tillin, H.M., Jackson, E.L. and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of seagrass bed biotopes to pressures associated with marine activities.. MarLIN website; JNCC website, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), 83pp. (JNCC Report no. 505)
Hiscock, K. 1985 Littoral and sublittoral monitoring in the Isles of Scilly. September 22nd to 29th 1984.. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)