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Alexander, D, Coates, DA, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2015 Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Sublittoral Rock Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection. Peterborough, JNCC, 64pp. (Report no. 560)

Ashley, M 2020 Nephtys cirrosa - dominated littoral fine sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 32pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Ashley, M and Budd, GC 2020 Hediste diversicolor and Corophium volutator in littoral mud. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Ashley, M and Budd, GC 2020 Hediste diversicolor and Streblospio shrubsolii in littoral sandy mud. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Ashley, M and Budd, GC 2020 Hediste diversicolor and oligochaetes in littoral mud. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Austen, MC, Crowe, TP, Elliott, M, Paterson, DM, Peck, MA and Piraino, S 2018 VECTORS of change in the marine environment: Ecosystem and economic impacts and management implications. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 1-6.

Austen, MC, Hattam, C and Garrard, SL 2015 Chapter 11: Human activities and ecosystem service use: impacts and trade-offs. In: Crowe, TP; Frid, CLJ, (eds.) Marine ecosystems: human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press, 335-376.

Item not available from this repository.


Bianchi, C.N., Dailianis, T., DANDO, P. R., Morri, C. and SOUTHWARD, E. C. 2021 Description sheets for habitat MB5.539 Facies with Tritia species and nematodes in hydrothermal vents.. United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan. Interpretation Manual of Marine Habitat Types in the Mediterranean Sea. The Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean.. 49-52.

Bishop, JDD, Wood, CA, Lévêque, L, Yunnie, ALE and Viard, F 2015 Repeated rapid assessment surveys reveal contrasting trends in occupancy of marinas by non-indigenous species on opposite sides of the western English Channel [in special issue: The English Channel and it’s catchments: Status and Responses to Contaminants] Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95 (2). 699-706.

Borger, T, Böhnke-Henrichs, A, Hattam, C, Piwowarczyk, J, Schasfoort, F and Austen, MC 2018 The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 140-151.

Borger, T and Piwowarczyk, J 2016 Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass restoration in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 3.

Bowlby, H, Druon, JN, Lopez, J, Juan-Jorda, MJ, Carreon-Zapiain, MT, Vandeperre, F, Leone, A and Sims, DW 2024 Global habitat predictions to inform spatiotemporal fisheries management: Initial steps within the framework. Marine Policy, 164.

Item not available from this repository.

Brewin, RJW, Hyder, K, Andersson, AJ, Billson, O, Bresnahan, PJ, Brewin, TG, Cyronak, T, Dall’Olmo, G, de Mora, L, Graham, G, Jackson, T and Raitsos, DE 2017 Expanding Aquatic Observations through Recreation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. 351, pp.

Broszeit, S, Hattam, C and Beaumont, NJ 2016 Bioremediation of waste under ocean acidification: Reviewing the role of Mytilus edulis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 103 (1-2). 5-14.

Budd, GC, Ashley, M and Tyler, AN 2020 Neomysis integer and Gammarus spp. in variable salinity infralittoral mobile sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 25pp. (UNSPECIFIED)


Cahill, AE, Pearman, JK, Borja, A, Carugati, L, Carvalho, S, Danovaro, R, Dashfield, SL, David, R, Feral, J-P, Olenin, S, Siaulys, A, Somerfield, PJ, Trayanova, A, Uyarra, MC and Chenuil, A 2017 Community composition of hard-bottom macroinvertebrates in seven regional seas as measured using traditional and metabarcoding methods.. [Other] In: Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology, New Orleans, JAN 04-08, 2017. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Vol 57 supplement, Society-for-Integrative-and-Comparative-Biology, e216-e216.

Item not available from this repository.

Cahill, AE, Pearman, JK, Borja, A, Carugati, L, Carvalho, S, Danovaro, R, Dashfield, SL, David, R, Féral, J-P, Olenin, S, Siaulys, A, Somerfield, PJ, Trayanova, A, Uyarra, MC and Chenuil, A 2018 A comparative analysis of metabarcoding and morphology-based identification of benthic communities across different regional seas. Ecology and Evolution, 2018. 1-13.

Colborne, SF, Sheppard, LW, O'Donnell, DR, Reuman, DC, Walter, JA, Singer, GP, Kelly, JT, Thomas, MJ and Rypel, AL 2022 Intraspecific variation in migration timing of green sturgeon in the Sacramento River system. Ecosphere, 13 (6), e4139.

Corrigan, S, Smale, DA, Tyler, CR and Brown, AR 2024 Quantification of finfish assemblages associated with mussel and seaweed farms in southwest UK provides evidence of potential benefits to fisheries. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 16. 145-162.

Item not available from this repository.

Costa, BM, Poti, M, Winship, AJ, Miller, PI and Gove, J 2016 Chapter 2: Environmental Setting. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 13-56, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

Item availability may be restricted.

Cox, SL, Miller, PI, Embling, CB, Scales, KL, Bicknell, A, Hosegood, PJ, Morgan, G, Ingram, SN and Votier, SC 2016 Seabird diving behaviour reveals the functional significance of shelf-sea fronts as foraging hotspots. Royal Society Open Science, 3, 160317.

Cusson, M, Crowe, TP, Araujo, R, Arenas, F, Aspden, R, Bulleri, F, Davoult, D, Dyson, K, Fraschetti, S, Herkul, K, Hubas, C, Jenkins, S, Kotta, J, Kraufvelin, P, Migne, A, Molis, M, Mulholland, O, Noel, L, Paterson, DM, Saunders, J, Somerfield, PJ, Sousa-Pinto, I, Spilmont, N, Terlizzi, A and Benedetti-Cecchi, L 2015 Relationships between biodiversity and the stability of marine ecosystems: comparisons at a European scale using meta-analysis.. Journal of Sea Research, 98. 5-14.


Dando, Paul R. 2021 The impact of mining polymetallic nodules on deep-seabed communities. The Marine Biologist (20). 18-19.

Dixon, I 1988 Surveys of harbours, rias and estuaries: Christchurch Harbour. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)

Duffy, JP, Pratt, L, Anderson, K, Land, PE and Shutler, JD 2017 Spatial assessment of intertidal seagrass meadows using optical imaging systems and a lightweight drone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 200. 169-180.

Duncan, EM, Botterell, ZLR, Broderick, AC, Galloway, TS, Lindeque, PK, Nuno, A and Godley, BJ 2017 A global review of marine turtle entanglement in anthropogenic debris: a baseline for further action. Endangered Species Research, 34. 431-448.


Earp, HS, Smale, DA, Catherall, HJN and Moore, PJ 2024 An assessment of the utility of green gravel as a kelp restoration tool in wave-exposed intertidal habitats. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 104.

Item not available from this repository.


Faria, J, Vale, M, Ribeiro, P, Hawkins, SJ and Martins, GM 2024 The ecological value of fully enforced, no-entry, marine protected areas: A case study of harvested limpets. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems., 34 (2).

Item not available from this repository.

Farriols, MT, Ordines, F, Somerfield, PJ, Pasqual, C, Hidalgo, M, Guijarro, B and Massuti, E 2017 Bottom-trawl impacts on Mediterranean demersal fish diversity: not so obvious or are we too late?. Continental Shelf Research, 137. 84-102.

Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, J 2017 The importance of temporal resolution for niche modelling in dynamic marine environments. Journal of Biogeography, 44 (12). 2816-2827.

Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, JMN 2018 A matter of timing: how temporal scale selection influences cetacean ecological niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595. 217-231.

Firth, LB, Forbes, A, Knights, AM, O'Shaughnessy, KA, Mahmood-Brown, W, Struthers, L, Hawcutt, E, Bohn, K, Mieszkowska, N and Hawkins, SJ 2024 Ecosystem engineers enhance the multifunctionality of an urban novel ecosystem: Population persistence and ecosystem resilience since the 1980s. Science of the Total Environment, 952.

Item not available from this repository.

Firth, LB, Mieszkowska, N, Grant, LM, Bush, LE, Davies, AJ, Frost, MT, Moschella, PS, Burrows, MT, Cunningham, PN, Dye, SR and Hawkins, SJ 2015 Historical comparisons reveal multiple drivers of decadal change of an ecosystem engineer at the range edge. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (15). 3210-3222.

Frost, MT 2018 Blue skies for blue seas: the value of fundamental research. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98 (07). 1533-1534.

Item not available from this repository.

Frost, MT, Bamford, K, Clarke, C, Dark, J, Dorrington, T, Hardman, E, Hall, J, Herbon, C, Lincoln, S, Petit, L, Whomersley, P and Worboys, K 2021 Key climate change challenges facing the UK Overseas Territories.. Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership.

Frost, MT, Bayliss-Brown, G, Buckley, P, Cox, M, Dye, SR, Sanderson, WG, Stoker, B and Withers Harvey, N 2016 A review of climate change and the implementation of marine biodiversity legislation in the United Kingdom. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-20.

Frost, MT and Lyttle, E 2021 Highly Protected Marine Areas for the UK – valuable for science as well as conservation?. The Marine Biologist.

Item not available from this repository.

Frost, MT, Sanderson, WG, Vina-Herbon, C and Vaughan, DW 2014 Physical Damage Indicator development for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.. Defra, 26pp. (UNSPECIFIED)


Garrard, SL, Clark, JR, Martin, N, Nelms, SE, Coppock, RL, Jones, M, Lindeque, PK and Tillin, H.M. 2024 Identifying potential high-risk zones for land-derived plastic litter to marine megafauna and key habitats within the North Atlantic. Science of the Total Environment.

Item not available from this repository.

Gibb, N, Tillin, HM, Pearce, B and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of Sabellaria spinulosa to pressures associated with marine activities.. Peterborough, JNCC, 67pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Gilbert, AJ, McQuatters-Gollop, A, Langmead, O and Mee, L 2014 Visions for the North Sea: The Societal Dilemma Behind Specifying Good Environmental Status.. AMBIO A journal of the Human environment, 44 (2). 142-153.​1007/​s13280-014-0536-5

Gubbay, S, Sanders, N, Haynes, T, Janssen, JAM, Rodwell, JR, Nieto, S, Garcia Criado, M, Beal, S, Borg, J, Kennedy, M, Micu, D, Otero, M, Saunders, G, Calix, M, Airoldi, L, Alexandrov, VV, Alcazar, E, de Andalucia, J, Babbini, L, Bakran-Petricioli, T, Ballesteros, E, Benares Espana, E, Bariche, M, Bastos, E, Basso, D, Bat, L, Battelli, C, Bazairi, H, Bianchi, CN, Bitar, G, Bo, M, Brazier, P, Bush, L, Canese, S, Catrense, SP, Cefalì, ME, Cerrano, C, Chemello, R, Chernysheva, EB, Connor, D, Cook, R, Dankers, N, Darr, A, Davis, AR, Dolenc-Orbanić, N, Dubois, S, Espino, F, Flores Moya, A, Ford, J, Foulquie, M, Fowler, S, Fourt, M, Fraschetti, S, Fuller, I, Fürhaupter, K, Galil, B, Gerovasileiou, V, Giangrande, A, Giuseppe, C, Goriup, P, Grall, J, Gravina, MF, Guelmami, A, Güreşen, A, Hadjioannou, L, Haldin, JM, Hall-Spencer, JM, Harmelin, JG, Haroun-Tabrae, R, Harries, D, Herkül, K, Hetman, T, Hiscock, K, Holt, R, Issaris, Y, Jackson, EL, Jeudi, A, Jiminez, C, Karamita, C, Karlsson, A, Kersting, D, Keskinen, E, Klinge, F, Klissurov, L, Knittweis-Mifsud, L, Kopiy, V, Korolesova, D, Kružić, P, Komakhidze, G, La Porta, B, Leinikki, J, Lehtonen, P, Linares, C, Lipej, L, Mačić, V, Mangialajo, L, Mariani, S, Melih, C, Metalpa, R, Mielke, E, Mihneva, V, Milchakova, N, Milonakis, K, Minguell, C, Mironova, NV, Näslund, J, Numa, C, Nyström, J, Ocaña, O, Otero, NF, Peña Freire, V, Pergent, C, Perkol-Finkel, S, Pibot, A, Pinedo, S, Poursanidis, D, Ramos, A, Revkov, NK, Roininen, J-T, Rosso, A, Ruiz, J, Salomidi, M, Schembri, P, Shiganov, T, Simboura, N, Sini, M, Smith, C, Soldo, A, Somerfield, PJ, Templado, J, Terentyev, A, Thibaut, T, Topçu, NE, Trigg, C, Turk, R, Tyler-Walters, H, Tunesi, L, Vera, K, Viera, M, Warzocha, J, Wells, S, Westerbom, M, Wikström, S, Wood, C, Yokes, B and Zibrowius, H 2016 European Red List of Habitats. Part 1. Marine habitats.. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 50pp. (UNSPECIFIED)


Hammerschlag, N and Sims, DW 2024 Shark conservation requires mortality-limiting regulations amid global change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 39 (4). 320-322.

Item not available from this repository.

Hattam, C, Böhnke-Henrichs, A, Borger, T, Burdon, D, Hadjimichael, M, Delaney, A, Atkins, JP, Garrard, S and Austen, MC 2015 Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment and valuation: Mixed methods or mixed messages?. Ecological Economics, 120. 126-138.

Hawkins, SJ, Evans, AJ, Adams, L, Bray, S, Burrows, MT, Firth, LB, Genner, MJ, Leung, KMY, Mieszkowska, N, Moore, PJ, Pack, K, Schuster, H, Sims, DW, Whittington, M and Southward, EC 2017 Distinguishing globally-driven changes from regional- and local-scale impacts: the case for long-term and broad-scale studies of recovery from pollution.. Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Item not available from this repository.

Helaouët, P 2021 The potential of using Chlorophyll-a gradient to create a mesozooplankton habitat Index using CPR Survey data.. Copernicus Marine Service. (Ocean State Report Issue 5 chapter 3 part 1)

Hill, JM, Tillin, HM, Marshall, C and Gibb, N 2020 Sabellaria spinulosa with kelp and red seaweeds on sand-influenced infralittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 37pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hinz, H, Capasso, E, Lilley, MKS, Frost, MT and Jenkins, SR 2011 Temporal differences across a bio-geographical boundary reveal slow response of sub-littoral benthos to climate change. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 423. 69-82.

Hiscock, K 1988 Survey of harbours, rias and estuaries: Avon and Erme estuaries. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 21pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K 1986 Surveys of harbours, rias and estuaries: Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary survey. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 83pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K 1986 Surveys of harbours, rias and estuaries:Exe. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 65pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)

Hiscock, K and Moore, J 1986 Surveys of Harbours, Rias and Estuaries: Plymouth area including the Yealm field data. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K and Moore, J 1986 Surveys of harbours, rias and estuaries: Plymouth area including the Yealm. Nature Conservancy Council. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K, Tyler-Walters, H and Jones, H 2002 High Level Environmental Screening Study for Offshore Wind Farm Developments – Marine Habitats and Species Project. The Department of Trade and Industry New & Renewable Energy Programme, 156pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K. 1985 Littoral and sublittoral monitoring in the Isles of Scilly. September 22nd to 29th 1984.. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 36pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K. 1987 Milford Haven and the Estuaries of the Rivers Cleddau. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 41pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K. 1984 Rocky shore surveys of the Isles of Scilly. March 27th to April 1st and July 7th to 15th 1983. Volume 1. Survey Report.. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council, 104pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hooper, TL, Beaumont, NJ, Griffiths, CA, Langmead, O and Somerfield, PJ 2017 Assessing the sensitivity of ecosystem services to changing pressures.. Ecosystem Services, 24. 160-169.

Hoover, AL, Liang, D, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Mangel, J, Miller, PI, Morreale, S, Bailey, H and Shillinger, GL 2019 Predicting residence time using a continuous‐time discrete‐space model of leatherback turtle satellite telemetry data. Ecosphere, 10 (3).


Jorgensen, SJ, Micheli, F, White, TD, Van Houtan, KS, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Andrzejaczek, S, Arnoldi, NS, Baum, JK, Block, B, Britten, GL, Butner, C, Caballero, S, Cardeñosa, D, Chapple, TK, Clarke, S, Cortés, E, Dulvy, NK, Fowler, S, Gallagher, AJ, Gilman, E, Godley, BJ, Graham, RT, Hammerschlag, N, Harry, AV, Heithaus, MR, Hutchinson, M, Huveneers, C, Lowe, CG, Lucifora, LO, MacKeracher, T, Mangel, JC, Martins, APB, McCauley, DJ, McClenachan, L, Mull, C, Natanson, LJ, Pauly, D, Pazmiño, DA, Pistevos, JCA, Queiroz, N, Roff, G, Shea, BD, Simpfendorfer, CA, Sims, DW, Ward-Paige, C, Worm, B and Ferretti, F 2022 Emergent research and priorities for shark and ray conservation. Endangered Species Research, 47. 171-203.

Jorgensen, SJ, Micheli, F, White, TD, Van Houtan, KS, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Andrzejaczek, S, Arnoldi, NS, Baum, JK, Block, B, Britten, GL, Butner, C, Caballero, S, Cardeñosa, D, Chapple, TK, Clarke, S, Cortés, E, Dulvy, NK, Fowler, S, Gallagher, AJ, Gilman, E, Godley, BJ, Graham, RT, Hammerschlag, N, Harry, AV, Heithaus, MR, Hutchinson, M, Huveneers, C, Lowe, CG, Lucifora, LO, MacKeracher, T, Mangel, JC, Martins, APB, McCauley, DJ, McClenachan, L, Mull, C, Natanson, LJ, Pauly, D, Pazmiño, DA, Pistevos, JCA, Queiroz, N, Roff, G, Shea, BD, Simpfendorfer, CA, Sims, DW, Ward-Paige, C, Worm, B and Ferretti, F 2022 Emerging research and priorities for elasmobranch conservation.. Endangered Species Research, 47. 171-203.


Koester, A, Gordó−Vilaseca, C, Bunbury, N, Ferse, SCA, Ford, A, Haupt, P, A'Bear, L, Bielsa, M, Burt, AJ and Waller, M 2023 Impacts of coral bleaching on reef fish abundance, biomass and assemblage structure at remote Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles: insights from two survey methods. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.


Laffoley, D, Baxter, JM, Amon, DJ, Claudet, J, Hall-Spencer, JM, Grorud-Colvert, K, Levin, LA, Reid, PC, Rogers, AD, Taylor, ML, Woodall, LC and Andersen, NF 2021 Response to Ota, Allison and Fabinyi on 'Evolving the narrative for protecting a rapidly changing ocean, post COVID-19'. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems., 31 (8). 2302-2303.

Item not available from this repository.

Loxton, J, Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD, Porter, JS, Spencer Jones, ME and Nall, CR 2017 Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution. Biological Invasions, 19 (8). 2225-2235.

Lyons, D, Arvanitidis, C, Blight, AJ, Chatzinikolaou, E, Guy-Haim, T, Kotta, J, Orav-Kotta, H, Queiros, AM, Rilov, G, Somerfield, PJ and Crowe, TP 2014 Macroalgal blooms alter community structure and primary productivity in marine ecosystems. Global Change Biology.

Item not available from this repository.


Mainwaring, K, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2014 Assessing the sensitivity of blue mussel beds to pressures associated with human activities.. Peterborough, JNCC, 96pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Marras, S, Cucco, A, Antognarelli, F, Azzurro, E, Milazzo, M, Bariche, M, Butenschon, M, Kay, S, Di Bitetto, M, Quattrocchi, G, Sinerchia, M and Domenici, P 2015 Predicting future thermal habitat suitability of competing native and invasive fish species: from metabolic scope to oceanographic modelling. Conservation Physiology, 3 (1). cou059-cou059.

McGinty, N, Barton, AD, Finkel, ZV, Johns, DG and Irwin, AJ 2021 Niche conservation in copepods between ocean basins. Ecography, 44 (11). 1653-1664.

Mieszkowska, N 2016 Intertidal Indicators of climate and global change. In: Letcher, M, (ed.) Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth (2nd Edition). Oxford, Elsevier, 281-296.

Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast (SAC) 2014 Intertidal Sea Cave Survey. Natural England & Scottish Natural Heritage. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2014. Natural Resources Wales 050-MFG-08.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change Monitoring in the UK: Final report to Natural England on the MarClim annual survey 2015.. Natural England. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Rocky Shore Survey: Birdfood Availability Study. Natural England, 126pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Miller, PI, Scales, KL, Ingram, SN, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2015 Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north-east Atlantic. Functional Ecology, 29 (8). 1099-1109.

Miller, PI, Scales, KL, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2015 Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north‐east Atlantic. Functional Ecology, 29.

Item not available from this repository.

Morato, T, Miller, PI, Dunn, DC, Nicol, SJ, Bowcott, J and Halpin, PN 2016 A perspective on the importance of oceanic fronts in promoting aggregation of visitors to seamounts. Fish and Fisheries, 17 (4). 1227-1233.

Mucientes, G, Vedor, M, Sims, DW and Queiroz, N 2022 Unreported discards of internationally protected pelagic sharks in a global fishing hotspot are potentially large. Biological Conservation, 269, 109534.

Item not available from this repository.


Nelms, SE, Coombes, C, Foster, LC, Godley, BJ, Galloway, TSG, Lindeque, PK and Witt, MJ 2017 Marine anthropogenic litter on British beaches: a 10-year nationwide assessment using citizen science data. STOTEN.


Orland, C, Queiros, AM, Spicer, JI, McNeill, CL, Higgins, S, Goldworthy, S, Zananiri, T, Archer, L and Widdicombe, S 2016 Application of computer-aided tomography techniques to visualize kelp holdfast structure reveals the importance of habitat complexity for supporting marine biodiversity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 477. 47-56.


Payo, A, Mukhopadhyay, A, Hazra, S, Ghosh, T, Ghosh, S, Brown, S, Nicholls, R, Bricheno, L, Wolf, J, Kay, S, Lázár, A and Haque, A 2016 Projected changes in area of the Sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh due to SLR by 2100. Climatic Change, 139 (2). 279-291.

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral mixed substrata. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 33pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 32pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum on very sheltered mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 37pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum with epiphytic sponges and ascidians on variable salinity infralittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 39pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F and Marshall, C 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum, sponges and ascidians on tide-swept mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 40pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F, Wilding, C, Hill, JM and Tyler-Walters, H. 2020 Serpula vermicularis reefs on very sheltered circalittoral muddy sand. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 26pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F, d'Avack, EAS and Hill, JM 2020 Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus on variable salinity mid eulittoral rock. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 37pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Perry, F., Wilding, C.M., Hill, J.M. and Tyler-Walters, H. 2020 Serpula vermicularis reefs on very sheltered circalittoral muddy sand. MarLIN – Marine Life Information Network Marine Evidence–based Sensitivity Assessment (MarESA) Review. 26, pp.

Pittman, SJ, Winship, AJ, Poti, M, Kinlan, BP, Leirness, JB, Baird, RW, Barlow, J, Becker, EA, Forney, KA, Hill, MC, Miller, PI, Mobley, J and Oleson, EM 2016 Chapter 6: Marine Mammals - Cetaceans. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 227-265, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

Item not available from this repository.


Queiros, AM, Bruggeman, J, Stephens, N, Artioli, Y, Butenschon, M, Blackford, JC, Widdicombe, S, Allen, JI and Somerfield, PJ 2015 Placing biodiversity in ecosystem models without getting lost in translation. Journal of Sea Research.

Queiros, AM, Fernandes, JA, Genevier, L and Lynam, CP 2018 Climate change alters fish community size-structure, requiring adaptive policy targets. Fish and Fisheries, 19 (4).

Queiros, AM, Huebert, KB, Keyl, F, Fernandes, JA, Stolte, W, Maar, M, Kay, S, Jones, MC, Hamon, KG, Hendriksen, G, Vermard, Y, Marchal, P, Teal, LR, Somerfield, PJ, Austen, MC, Barange, M, Sell, AF, Allen, JI and Peck, MA 2016 Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change. Global Change Biology, 22. 3927-3936.

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