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Al-Subiai, N, Arlt, VM, Frickers, PE, Readman, JW, Stolpe, B, Lead, J, Moody, AJ and Jha, AN 2012 Merging nano-genotoxicology with eco-genotoxicology: An integrated approach to determine interactive genotoxic and sub-lethal toxic effects of C-60 fullerenes and fluoranthene in marine mussels Mytilus sp. Mutation Research, 745. 92 - 103.

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Allen, MJ, Tait, K, Muhling, M, Weynberg, KD, Bradley, C, Trivedi, U, Gharbi, K, Nissimov, JI, Mavromatis, K, Jensen, C, Grogan, G and Ali, ST 2012 Genome sequence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia PML168 which displays Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenase activity. Journal of Bacteriology, 194 (17). 4753 - 4754.

Allen, MJ and Wilson, WH 2012 Giant Viruses and their Genomes Encyclopedia of Virology Research 2012. UNSPECIFIED, 139 - 150.

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Alvain, S, Loisel, H and Dessailly, D 2012 Theoretical analysis of ocean color radiances anomalies and implications for phytoplankton groups detection in case 1 waters. Optical Society of America, 20 (2).

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Alvarez-Fernandez, S, Lindeboom, H and Meesters, E 2012 Temporal changes in plankton of the North Sea: community shifts and environmental drivers. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 462. 21-32.

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Archer, SD, Kimmance, SA, Stephens, JA, Hopkins, FE, Bellerby, RGJ, Shulz, KG, Piontek, J and Engel, A 2012 Contrasting responses of DMS and DMSP to ocean acidification in Arctic waters. Biogeosciences Discussions, 9. 12803 - 12843.

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Artioli, Y, Blackford, JC, Butenschon, M, Holt, JT, Wakelin, SL, Thomas, H, Borges, AV and Allen, JI 2012 The carbonate system of the NW European shelf: sensitivity and model validation. Journal of Marine Systems, 102-10. Jan-13.

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Avgoustidi, V, Nightingale, PD, Joint, IR, Steinke, M, Turner, SM, Hopkins, FE and Liss, PS 2012 Decreased marine dimethyl sulfide production under elevated CO2 levels in mesocosm and in vitro studies. Environmental Chemistry, 9. 399 - 404.

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Balasundaram, B, Skill, SC and Llewellyn, CA 2012 A low energy process for the recovery of bioproducts from cyanobacteria. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 69. 48 - 56.

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Barnes, RSK and Barnes, MKS 2012 Shore height and differentials between macrobenthic assemblages in vegetated and unvegetated areas of an intertidal sandflat. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 106. 112 - 120.

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Beaugrand, G 2012 Unanticipated biological changes and global warming. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 445. 293-301.

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Beaugrand, G, McQuatters-Gollop, A, Edwards, M and Goberville, E 2012 Long-term responses of North Atlantic calcifying plankton to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 3. 263-267.

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Beaugrand, G and Reid, PC 2012 Relationships between North Atlantic salmon, plankton and hydroclimatic change in the Northeast Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69 (9). 1549-1562.

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Bell, TG, Malin, G, Lee, GA, Stefels, J, Archer, SD, Steinke, M and Matrai, P 2012 Global oceanic DMS data inter-comparability. Biogeochemistry, 110. 147 - 161.

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Biller, P, Ross, AB, Skill, SC, Lea-Langton, A, Balasundaram, B, Hall, C, Riley, R and Llewellyn, CA 2012 Nutrient recycling of aqueous phase for microalgae cultivation from the hydrothermal liquefaction process. Algal Research, 1. 70 - 76.

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Birchenough, SNR, Buhl-Mortensen, L, Craeymeersch, JA, Dannheim, J, Degraer, S, Godbold, J, Foveau, A, Queiros, AM and Reiss, H 2012 Report of the Study Group on Climate related Benthic processes in the North Sea (SGCBNS). In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, Jan-24.

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Blackford, JC 2012 Simulating CO2 leakage into marine environments. Greenhouse gases-Science and Technology, 2 (5). 325 - 328.

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Blanchard, J, Jennings, S, Holmes, R, Harle, J, Merino, G, Allen, JI, Holt, JT, Dulvy, NK and Barange, M 2012 Potential consequences of climate change for primary production and fish production in large marine ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 367. 2979 - 2989.

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Bode, A, Alvarez-Ossorio, MT, Anadon, R, González-Gil, R, Lopez-Urrutia, A, Miranda, A and Valdes, L 2012 Zooplancton. In: Bode, A.; Lavin, A.; Valdes, L., (eds.) Cambio climático y oceanográfico en el Atlántico del norte de España. Madrid, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, pp. 221-253.

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Bode, A, Alvarez-Ossorio, MT, Miranda, A, Lopez-Urrutia, A and Valdes, L 2012 Comparing copepod time-series in the north of Spain: Spatial autocorrelation of community composition. Progress in Oceanography, 97-100. 108-119.

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Bond, AL, Jones, IL, Williams, JC and Byrd, V 2012 Diet of auklet chicks in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska: similarity among islands, interspecies overlap, and relationships to ocean climate. Journal of Ornithology, 153 (1). 115-129.

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Borges Mendes, CF, Silva de Souza, M, Tavano Garcia, VM, Costa Leal, M, Brotas, V and Eiras Garcia, CA 2012 Dynamics of phytoplankton communities during late summer around the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 65. Jan-14.

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Brewin, RJW, Dall’Olmo, G, Sathyendranath, S and Hardman-Mountford, NJ 2012 Particle backscattering as a function of chlorophyll and phytoplankton size structure in the open-ocean. Optics Express, 20. 17632 - 17652.

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Brewin, RJW, Hirata, T, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Lavender, SJ, Sathyendranath, S and Barlow, RG 2012 The influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole on interannual variations in phytoplankton size structure as revealed by Earth Observation. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 77-80. 117 - 127.

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Brito, AC, Brotas, V, Caetano, M, Coutinho, TP, Bordalo, AA, Icely, J, Neto, JM, Serodio, J and Moita, T 2012 Defining phytoplankton class boundaries in Portuguese transitional waters: An evaluation of the ecological quality status according to the Water Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators, 19. May-14.

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Bruun, JT, Rees, AP, Stephens, JA, Thomalla, S, Philibert, R, Waldron, HN, Somerfield, PJ, Jeansson, E, Bellerby, RGJ and Moiseev, D 2012 Assessment of seasonal and decadal signals in the in situ Atlantic plankton data. ICES CM. R:11 - R:11.

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Bruun, JT, Somerfield, PJ and Allen, JI 2012 Applications of Box Jenkins Transfer function methods to identify seasonal and longer term. ICES CM. R:22 - R:22.

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Bruun, JT, Somerfield, PJ, Allen, JI, Vichi, M, McKiver, W, Racault, M-FLP, Johannessen, J, Bellerby, RGJ and Waldron, HN 2012 New methodologies to build an integrated global plankton database: the GreenSeas Analysis Framework. ICES CM. R:10 - R:10.

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Buckland, C 2012 Life Adrift: plankton education and SAHFOS outreach resources.

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Buckland, ST, Baillie, SR, Dick, JM, Elston, DA, Magurran, AE, Scott, EM, Smith, RI, Somerfield, PJ, Studeny, AC and Watt, AD 2012 How should regional biodiversity be monitored?. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19. 601 - 626.

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Burdett, HL, Aloisio, EA, Calosi, P, Findlay, HS, Widdicombe, S, Hatton, AD and Kamenos, NAK 2012 The effect of chronic and acute low pH on the intracellular DMSP production and epithelial cell morphology of red coralline algae. Marine Biology Research, 8. 756 - 763.

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Burthe, S, Daunt, F, Butler, A, Elston, DA, Frederiksen, M, Johns, DG, Newell, M, Thackeray, SJ and Wanless, S 2012 Phenological trends and trophic mismatch across multiple levels of a North Sea pelagic food web. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 454. 119-133.

Butenschon, M, Zavatarelli, M and Vichi, M 2012 Sensitivity of a marine coupled physical biogeochemical model to time resolution integration scheme and time splitting method. Ocean Modelling, 52-53. 36 - 53.

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Calloway, R, Shinn, AP, Grenfell, SE, Bron, JE, Burnell, G, Cook, EJ, Crumlish, M, Culloty, S, Davidson, K, Ellis, RP, Flynn, KJ, Fox, C, Green, DM, Hays, GC, Hughes, AD, Johnston, E, Lowe, CD, Lupatsch, I, Malham, S, Mendzil, A, Nickell, T, Pickerell, T, Rowley, AF, Stanley, MS, Tocher, DR, Turnbull, JF, Webb, G, Wootton, E and Shields, RJ 2012 Review of climate change impacts on marine aquaculture in the UK and Ireland. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems., 22. 389 - 421.

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Campanelli, M and Smyth, TJ 2012 Monitoring of Eyjafjallajokull volcanic aerosol by the new european skynet radiometers (esr) network.. Atmospheric Environment. 33 - 45.

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Carpenter, LJ, Archer, SD and Beale, R 2012 Ocean-atmosphere trace gas exchange. Chemical Society Reviews, 41(19). 6473 - 6506.

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Castellani, C, Lindley, JA, Wootton, M and Kirby, RR 2012 Morphological and genetic variation in the north Atlantic copepod, Centropages typicus. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92 (1). 99-106.

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Cazenave, P, Dix, JK, Lambkin, DO and McNeill, LC 2012 A method for semi-automated objective quantification of linear bedforms from multi-scale Digital Elevation Models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38. 221-236.

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Cazenave, P and Torres, R 2012 FVCOM at PML. [Lecture] In: 2nd FVCOM Workshop, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 2012/09/24. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, P and Torres, R 2012 FVCOM modelling at PML. [Lecture] In: FLOWBEC project meeting, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, 2012/01/05. (Unpublished)

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Chan, CX, Zaeuner, S, Wheeler, G, Grossman, AR, Prochnik, SE, Blouin, NA, Zhuang, Y, Benning, C, Berg, GM, Yarish, C, Eriksen, RL, Klein, AS, Lin, S, Levine, I, Brawley, SH and Bhattacharya, D 2012 Analysis of Porphyra Membrane Transporters Demonstrates Gene Transfer among Photosynthetic Eukaryotes and Numerous Sodium-Coupled Transport Systems. Plant Physiology, 158. 2001 - 2012.

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Cheize, M, Sarthou, G, Croot, PL, Bucciarelli, E, Baudoux, AC and Baker, AR 2012 Iron organic speciation determination in rainwater using cathodic stripping voltammetry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 736. 45 - 54.

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Cheung, W, Pinnegar, JK, Merino, G, Jones, MC and Barange, M 2012 Review of climate change impacts on marine fisheries in the UK and Ireland. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems., 22. 368 - 388.

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Chiba, S, Batten, SD, Sasaoka, K, Sasai, Y and Sugisaki, H 2012 Influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on phytoplankton phenology and community structure in the western North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 39 (15). L15603.

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Christensen, A, Butenschon, M, Gurkan, Z and Allen, JI 2012 Towards an integrated forecasting system for pelagic fisheries. Ocean Science Discussions, 9. 1437 - 1479.

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Conversi, A and Marini, S 2012 Identifying drivers for zooplankton variability: the genetic programming approach.. Copenhagen, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Cox, MJ, Schaefer, H, Nightingale, PD, McDonald, IR and Murrell, JC 2012 Diversity of methyl halide-degrading microorganisms in oceanic and coastal waters. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 334. 111 - 118.

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Dall’Olmo, G, Boss, EB, Behrenfeld, M and Westberry, TK 2012 Particulate optical scattering coefficients along an Atlantic Meridional Transect. Optics Express, 20. 21532 - 21551.

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Dammshaeuser, A and Croot, PL 2012 Low colloidal associations of aluminium and titanium in surface waters of the tropical Atlantic. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 96. 304 - 318.

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Di, Y, Schroeder, DC, Highfield, A, Readman, JW and Jha, AN 2012 Integrated biological responses and tissue-specific expression of p53 and ras genes in marine mussels following exposure to C-60 fullerenes and/or benzo(alpha)pyrene. Mutagenesis, 27. 811 - 811.

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Donohue, P, Calosi, P, Bates, AH, Laverock, B, Rastrick, S, Mark, FC, Strobel, A and Widdicombe, S 2012 Physiological and behavioural impacts of exposure to elevated pCO2 on an important ecosystem engineer the burrowing shrimp Upogebia deltaura. Aquatic Biology, 15. 73 - 86.

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Edwards, M 2012 An extensive marine biological survey. UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Edwards, M and Johns, DG 2012 Climate impacts on environmental systems. Section 3.1: Oceans and marine environment. In: Agency, European Environment, (ed.) Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012: An indicator-based report. Copenhagen, European Environment Agency, 89-101.

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Edwards, M and Stern, RF 2012 Phytoplankton of the North Atlantic Basin. Copenhagen, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Estelles, V, Campanelli, M, Smyth, TJ, Utrillas, MP and Martínez-Lozano, JA 2012 Evaluation of the new ESR network software for the retrieval of direct sun products from cimel ce318 and prede pom01 sun-sky radiometers.. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11619 - 11630.

Flores, H, Atkinson, A, Kawaguchi, S, Krafft, BA, Milinevsky, G, Nicol, S, Reiss, C, Tarling, GA, Werner, R, Bravo Rebolledo, E, Cirelli, V, Cuzin-Roudy, J, Fielding, S, Groeneveld, JJ, Haraldsson, M, Lombana, A, Marschoff, E, Meyer, B, Pakhomov, EA, Rombolá, E, Schmidt, K, Siegel, V, Teschke, M, Tonkes, T, Toullec, JY, Trathan, PN, Tremblay, N, Van de Putte, AP, van Franeker, JA and Werner, T 2012 Impact of climate change on Antarctic krill. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 458. Jan-19.

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Flynn, KJ, Blackford, JC, Baird, ME, Raven, J, Clark, DR, Beardall, J, Brownlee, C, Fabian, H and Wheeler, G 2012 Changes in pH at the exterior surface of plankton with ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change, 2. 510 - 513.

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Fort, J, Beaugrand, G, Grémillet, D and Phillips, RA 2012 Biologging, Remotely-Sensed Oceanography and the Continuous Plankton Recorder Reveal the Environmental Determinants of a Seabird Wintering Hotspot. PLoS one, 7 (7).

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Franklin, D, Airs, RL, Fernandes, M, Bell, TG, Bongaerts, RJ, Berges, JA and Malin, G 2012 Identification of senescence and death in Emiliania huxleyi and Thalassiosira pseudonana: Cell staining chlorophyll alterations and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography, 57 (1). 305 - 317.

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French, B, Platell, ME, Clarke, KR and Potter, IC 2012 Ranking of length-class seasonal and regional effects on dietary compositions of the co-occurring Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and Pseudocaranx georgianus (Carangidae). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 115. 309 - 325.

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Frommel, AY, Maneja, R, Lowe, DM, Malzahn, AM, Geffen, AJ, Folkvord, A, Piatkowski, U, Reusch, TBH and Clemmesen, C 2012 Severe tissue damage in Atlantic cod larvae under increasing ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change, 2. 42 - 46.

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Frost, MT, Baxter, JM, Buckley, PJ, Cox, MJ, Dye, SR and Withers Harvey, N 2012 Impacts of climate change on fish, fisheries and aquaculture. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 22 (3). 331-336.

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Gascuel, D, Merino, G, Doering, R, Druon, JN, Goti, L, Guenette, S, Macher, C, Soma, K, Travers-Trolet, M and Mackinson, S 2012 Towards the implementation of an integrated ecosystem fleet-based management of European fisheries. Marine Policy, 36. 1022 - 1032.

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Gilbert, JA, Steele, JA, Caporaso, JG, Steinbruck, L, Reeder, J, Temperton, B, Huse, S, McHardy, AC, Knight, R, Joint, IR, Somerfield, PJ, Fuhrman, J and Field, D 2012 Defining seasonal marine microbial community dynamics. ISME Journal - Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, 6. 298 - 308.

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Greene, CH, Monger, BC, McGarry, LP, Connelly, MD, Schnepf, NR, Pershing, AJ, Belkin, IM, Fratantoni, PS, Mountain, DG, Pickart, RS, Proshutinsky, A, Ji, R, Bisagni, JJ, Chen, C, Hakkinen, SMA, Haidvogel, DB, Wang, J, Head, EHJ, Smith, P and Conversi, A 2012 Recent Arctic Climate Change and Its Remote Forcing of Northwest Atlantic Shelf Ecosystems. Oceanography, 25 (3). 208-213.

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Guitart, C, Readman, JW and Bayona, JM 2012 Seawater: organic contaminants. In: Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation. UNSPECIFIED, 297 - 316.

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Hallett, CS, Valesini, FJ and Clarke, KR 2012 A method for selecting health index metrics in the absence of independent measures of ecological condition. Ecological Indicators, 19. 240 - 252.

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Hallett, CS, Valesini, FJ, Clarke, KR, Hesp, SA and Hoeksema, SD 2012 Development and validation of fish-based multimetric indices for assessing the ecological health of Western Australian estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 104. 102 - 113.

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Harris, RP 2012 2011 David Cushing Prize. Journal of Plankton Research, 34. 101 - 101.

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Hartmann, M, Grob, C, Tarran, GA, Martin, AP, Burkill, PH, Scanlan, DJ and Zubkov, MV 2012 Mixotrophic basis of Atlantic oligotrophic ecosystems. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 109. 5756 - 5760.

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Hawkins, AJS 2012 Environmental Adaptations in Bivalve Shellfish Evidenced from Standardised Measures During the Calibration of Shellsim. Journal of Shellfish Research, 31. 295 - 295.

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Hawkins, AJS, Newell, CR, Davis, C, Richardson, J, Getchis, T, Morris, K and Cheney, D 2012 Shell-Gis - a New Gis Tool for Oyster Farm Site Selection Oyster Growth Simulation and Production Carrying Capacity. Journal of Shellfish Research, 31. 327 - 327.

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Helaouët, P 2012 Understanding long-term changes in species abundance using a niche-based approach. Ecology Letters ScholarOne.

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Henson, SA, Lampitt, RS and Johns, DG 2012 Variability in phytoplankton community structure in response to the North Atlantic Oscillation and implications for organic carbon flux. Limnology and Oceanography, 57 (6). 1591–1601.

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Hickman, A, Moore, CM, Sharples, J, Lucas, MI, Tilstone, GH, Krivtsov, V and Holligan, PM 2012 Primary production and nitrate uptake within the seasonal thermocline of a stratified shelf sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 463. 39 - 57.

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Hinder, SL, Hays, GC, Edwards, M, Roberts, EC, Walne, AW and Gravenor, MB 2012 Changes in marine dinoflagellate and diatom abundance under climate change. Nature Climate Change, April (no. 4).

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Hinder, SL, Manning, JE, Gravenor, MB, Edwards, M, Walne, AW, Burkill, PH and Hays, GC 2012 Long-term changes in abundance and distribution of microzooplankton in the NE Atlantic and North Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 34 (1). 83-91.

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Holt, JT, Hughes, SL, Hopkins, J, Wakelin, SL, Holliday, NP, Dye, S, Gonzalez, C, Hjollo, SS, Mork, KA, Nolan, G, Proctor, R, Read, JF, Shammon, TM, Sherwin, TJ, Smyth, TJ, Tattersall, G, Ward, B and Wiltshire, K 2012 Multi-decadal variability and trends in the temperature of the northwest european continental shelf: A model-data synthesis.. Progress in Oceanography. 96 - 117.

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Hopkins, FE and Papathanasopoulou, E 2012 Ocean acidification and shellfish. The Grower. 14 - 15.

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Humphries, NE, Weimerskirch, H, Queiroz, N, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2012 Foraging success of biological Levy flights recorded in situ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (19). 7169-7174.

Jansen, T, Kristensen, K, Payne, MR, Edwards, M, Schrum, C and Pitois, SG 2012 Long-Term Retrospective Analysis of Mackerel Spawning in the North Sea: A New Time Series and Modeling Approach to CPR Data. PLoS one, 7(6) (e38758).

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Jensen, C, Cartwright, J, Ward, J, Hart, S, Turkenburg, JP, Ali, ST, Allen, MJ and Grogan, G 2012 A flavoprotein monooxygenase that catalyses a Baeyer-Villiger reaction and sulfide oxidation using NADH as the nicotinamide cofactor. Chembiochem, 13. 872 - 878.

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Johns, DG 2012 Chapter 4: Climate impacts on socio economicv systems and health: Section 4.3: Fisheries and aquaculture. In: Agency, European Environment, (ed.) Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012: An indicator-based report. Copenhagen, UNSPECIFIED, 181- 183.

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Kadar, E, Fisher, A, Stolpe, B, Harrison, RM, Parello, F and Lead, J 2012 Metallic nanoparticle enrichment at low temperature shallow CO2 seeps in Southern Italy. Marine Chemistry, 140 -. 24 - 32.

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Kadar, E, Rooks, PA, Lakey, C and White, DA 2012 The effect of engineered iron nanoparticles on growth and metabolic status of marine microalgae cultures. Science of the Total Environment, 439. Aug-17.

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Kendrick, Gary A., Waycott, Michelle, Carruthers, Tim J. B., Cambridge, Marion L., Hovey, Renae, Krauss, Siegfried L., Lavery, Paul S., Les, Donald H., Lowe, Ryan J., Vidal, Oriol Mascaró i, Ooi, Jillian L. S., Orth, Robert J., Rivers, David O., Ruiz-Montoya, Leonardo, Sinclair, Elizabeth A., Statton, John, van Dijk, Jent Kornelis and Verduin, Jennifer J. 2012 The Central Role of Dispersal in the Maintenance and Persistence of Seagrass Populations. 56-65.

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Kitidis, V, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Litt, EJ, Brown, IJ, Cummings, DG, Hartman, S, Hydes, DJ, Fishwick, J, Harris, C, Martinez Vicente, V, Woodward, EMS and Smyth, TJ 2012 Seasonal dynamics of the carbonate system in the Western English Channel. Continental Shelf Research, 42. 30 - 40.

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Kraberg, A, Widdicombe, CE, Wiltshire, K, Bresnan, E, Soudant, D, Tarran, GA and Smyth, TJ 2012 Phytoplankton and microbial plankton of the North Sea and English Channel. In: O'Brien, TD; Li, WKW; Moran, XAG, (eds.) ICES Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010. UNSPECIFIED, 70 - 91.

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Kurekin, A, Kurekin, S, Lever, K and Yatsevich, Y 2012 Site-Specific Land Clutter Modelling by Fusion of Radar Remote Sensing Images and Digital Terrain Data. Physical Bases of Instrumentation, 1. 42 - 54.

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Land, PE, Shutler, J, Cowling, RD, Woolf, DK, Walker, P, Findlay, HS, Upstill-Goddard, RC and Donlon, CJ 2012 Climate change impacts on sea-air fluxes of CO2 in three Arctic seas: a sensitivity study using earth observation. Biogeosciences Discussions, 9. 12377 - 12432.

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Langston, WJ, O'Hara, SCM, Imamura, M and Pope, ND 2012 Bioaccumulation surveillance in Milford Haven Waterway, 2007-2008. Occasional Publication of the Marine Biological Association 28. Plymouth (UK), Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 65pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Lauria, V, Attrill, MJ, Pinnegar, JK, Brown, A, Edwards, M and Votier, SC 2012 Influence of climate change and trophic coupling across four trophic levels in the Celtic Sea. PLoS one, 7(10): (e47408).

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Leblanc, K, Aristegui, J, Armand, L, Assmy, P, Beker, B, Bode, A, Bretton, E, Cornet, V, Gibson, J, Gosselin, M-P, Kopczynska, E, Marshall, H, Peloquin, J, Pointovski, S, Poulton, AJ, Queguiner, B, Schiebel, R, Shipe, R, Stefels, J, van Leeuwe, MA, Varela, MM, Widdicombe, CE and Yallop, M 2012 A global diatom database - abudance biovolume and biomass in the world ocean. Earth System Science Data Discussions. 147 - 185.

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Lewis, ND, Breckels, MN, Archer, SD, Morozov, A, Pitchford, JW, Steinke, M and Codling, EA 2012 Grazing-induced production of DMS can stabilize food-web dynamics and promote the formation of phytoplankton blooms in a multitrophic plankton model. Biogeochemistry, 110. 303 - 313.

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Licandro, P, Souissi, S and Ibanez, F 2012 Long-term variability and environmental preferences of calycophoran siphonophores in the Bay of Villefranche (North-Western Mediterranean). Progress in Oceanography, 97-100. 152-163.

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Llewellyn, CA, White, DA, Martinez Vicente, V, Tarran, GA and Smyth, TJ 2012 Distribution of Mycosporine-Like Amino Acids Along a Surface Water Meridional Transect of the Atlantic. Microbial Ecology, 64. 320 - 333.

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Llope, M, Licandro, P, Chan, K and Stenseth, NC 2012 Spatial variability of the plankton trophic interaction in the North Sea: a new feature after the early 1970s. Global Change Biology, 18 (1). 106-117.

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Loucaides, S, Tyrrell, T, Achterberg, EP, Torres, R, Nightingale, PD, Kitidis, V, Serret, P, Woodward, EMS and Robinson, C 2012 Biological and physical forcing of carbonate chemistry in an upwelling filament off northwest Africa: Results from a Lagrangian study. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26. Jan-13.

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Luczak, C, Beaugrand, G, Lindley, JA, Dewarumez, J-M, Dubois, PJ and Kirby, RR 2012 North Sea ecosystem change from swimming crabs to seagulls. Biology Letters, 8 (5). 821-824.

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Lukin, V, Ponomarenko, N, Fevralev, D, Vozel, B, Chehdi, K and Kurekin, A 2012 Classification of Pre-Filtered Multichannel Remote Sensing Images. UNSPECIFIED, 75 - 98.

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