Items where Institution is "Earth Observation Science and Applications" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 35.

Publication - Article

Alikas, K, Vabson, V, Ansko, I, Tilstone, GH, Dall’Olmo, G, Nencioli, F, Vendt, R, Donlon, C and Casal, T 2020 Comparison of Above-Water Seabird and TriOS Radiometers along an Atlantic Meridional Transect. Remote Sensing, 12 (10). 1669. 10.3390/rs12101669

Banks, AC, Vendt, R, Alikas, K, Bialek, A, Kuusk, J, Lerebourg, C, Ruddick, K, Tilstone, GH, Vabson, V, Donlon, C and Casal, T 2020 Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC). Remote Sensing, 12 (8). 1322. 10.3390/rs12081322

Biermann, L, Clewley, D, Martinez-Vicente, V and Topouzelis, KN 2020 Finding Plastic Patches in Coastal Waters using Optical Satellite Data. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). 10.1038/s41598-020-62298-z

Bouman, HA, Jackson, T, Sathyendranath, S and Platt, T 2020 Vertical structure in chlorophyll profiles: influence on primary production in the Arctic Ocean. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 378 (2181). 20190351. 10.1098/rsta.2019.0351

Brewin, RJW, Cyronak, T, Bresnahan, PJ, Andersson, AJ, Richard, J, Hammond, K, Billson, O, de Mora, L, Jackson, T, Smale, D and Dall’Olmo, G 2020 Comparison of Two Methods for Measuring Sea Surface Temperature When Surfing. Oceans, 1 (1). 6-26. 10.3390/oceans1010002

Briggs, N, Dall’Olmo, G and Claustre, H 2020 Major role of particle fragmentation in regulating biological sequestration of CO2 by the oceans. Science, 367 (6479). 791-793. 10.1126/science.aay1790

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Brown, AR, Webber, J, Zonneveld, S, Carless, D, Jackson, B, Artioli, Y, Miller, PI, Holmyard, JM, Baker-Austin, C, Kershaw, S, Bateman, IJ and Tyler, CR 2020 Stakeholder perspectives on the importance of water quality and other constraints for sustainable mariculture. Environmental Science & Policy, 114. 506-518. 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.09.018

Castagna, A, Simis, SGH, Dierssen, H, Vanhellemont, Q, Sabbe, K and Vyverman, W 2020 Extending Landsat 8: Retrieval of an Orange contra-Band for Inland Water Quality Applications. Remote Sensing, 12 (4). 637. 10.3390/rs12040637

Chang, YLK, Dall’Olmo, G and Schabetsberger, R 2020 Tracking the marine migration routes of South Pacific silver eels. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1-12. 10.3354/meps13398

Cramm, Margaret A., Neves, B de Moura, Manning, CCM, Oldenburg, TBP, Archambault, P, Chakraborty, A, Cyr-Parent, A, Edinger, EN, Jaggi, A, Mort, A, Tortell, P and Hubert, CRJ 2020 Characterization of marine microbial communities around an Arctic seabed hydrocarbon seep at Scott Inlet, Baffin Bay. Science of The Total Environment, 762. 143961. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143961

Dodet, G, Piollé, JF, Quilfen, Y, Abdalla, S, Accensi, M, Ardhuin, F, Ash, E, Bidlot, J, Gommenginger, C, Marechal, G, Passaro, M, Quartly, GD, Stopa, JE, Timmermans, B, Young, I, Cipollini, P and Donlon, C 2020 The Sea State CCI dataset v1: towards a sea state climate data record based on satellite observations. Earth System Science Data, 12 (3). 1929-1951. 10.5194/essd-12-1929-2020

Jacobs, ZL, Jebri, F., Raitsos, DE, Popova, E, Srokosz, M, Painter, SC, Nencioli, F, Roberts, M, Kamau, J., Palmer, M and Wihsgott, J 2020 Shelf‐Break Upwelling and Productivity Over the North Kenya Banks: The Importance of Large‐Scale Ocean Dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125 (1). 10.1029/2019JC015519

Jonsson, B, Sathyendranath, S and Platt, T 2020 Trends in Winter Light Environment Over the Arctic Ocean: A Perspective From Two Decades of Ocean Color Data. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (16). 1-9. 10.1029/2020GL089037

Kheireddine, M, Dall'Olmo, G, Ouhssain, M, Krokos, G, Claustre, H, Schmechtig, C, Poteau, A, Zhan, P, Hoteit, I and Jones, BH 2020 Organic carbon export and loss rates in the Red Sea. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 10.1029/2020GB006650

Kovač, Ž, Platt, T, Sathyendranath, S and Oliver, M 2020 Stability and resilience in a nutrient-phytoplankton marine ecosystem model. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77 (4). 1556-1572. 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa067

Kulk, G, Platt, T, Dingle, J, Jackson, T, Jonsson, B, Bouman, H, Babin, M, Brewin, RJW, Doblin, M, Estrada, M, Figueiras, F, Furuya, K, González-Benítez, N, Gudfinnsson, H, Gudmundsson, K, Huang, B, Isada, T, Kovač, Ž, Lutz, V, Marañón, E, Raman, M, Richardson, K, Rozema, P, van de Poll, W, Segura, V, Tilstone, GH, Uitz, J, Dongen-Vogels, V, Yoshikawa, T and Sathyendranath, S 2020 Primary Production, an Index of Climate Change in the Ocean: Satellite-Based Estimates over Two Decades. Remote Sensing, 12 (5). 826. 10.3390/rs12050826

Kurekin, A, Land, PE and Miller, PI 2020 Internal Waves at the UK Continental Shelf: Automatic Mapping Using the ENVISAT ASAR Sensor. Remote Sensing, 12 (15). 2476. 10.3390/rs12152476

Lange, PK, Werdell, PJ, Erickson, Z, Dall'Olmo, G, Brewin, RJW, Zubkov, MV, Tarran, GA, Bouman, H, Slade, WH, Craig, S, Poulton, N, Bracher, A, Lomas, MW and Cetinic, I 2020 Radiometric approach for the detection of picophytoplankton assemblages across oceanic fronts. Optics Express. 1-23. 10.1364/OE.398127

Martinez-Vicente, V, Kurekin, A, Sa, C, Brotas, V, Amorim, AL, Veloso, V, Lin, J and Miller, PI 2020 Sensitivity of a Satellite Algorithm for Harmful Algal Bloom Discrimination to the Use of Laboratory Bio-optical Data for Training. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7. 10.3389/fmars.2020.582960

Organelli, E, Dall’Olmo, G, Brewin, RJW, Nencioli, F and Tarran, GA 2020 Drivers of spectral optical scattering by particles in the upper 500 m of the Atlantic Ocean. Optics Express, 28 (23). 34147. 10.1364/OE.408439

Palmer, SCJ, Gernez, PM, Thomas, Y, Simis, S, Miller, PI, Glize, P and Barillé, L 2020 Remote Sensing-Driven Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Growth Modeling to Inform Offshore Aquaculture Site Selection. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00802

Quartly, GD and Kurekin, A 2020 Sensitivity of Altimeter Wave Height Assessment to Data Selection. Remote Sensing, 12 (16). 2608. 10.3390/rs12162608

Quartly, GD, Nencioli, F, Raynal, M, Bonnefond, P, Nilo Garcia, P, Garcia-Mondéjar, A, Flores de la Cruz, A, Cretaux, JF, Taburet, N, Frery, ML, Cancet, M, Muir, A, Brockley, D, McMillan, M, Abdalla, S, Fleury, S, Cadier, E, Gao, Q, Escorihuela, MJ, Roca, M, Bergé-Nguyen, M, Laurain, O, Bruniquel, J, Féménias, P and Lucas, B 2020 The Roles of the S3MPC: Monitoring, Validation and Evolution of Sentinel-3 Altimetry Observations. Remote Sensing, 12 (11). 1763. 10.3390/rs12111763

Ross, RE, Nimmo-Smith, WAM, Torres, R and Howell, KL 2020 Comparing Deep-Sea Larval Dispersal Models: A Cautionary Tale for Ecology and Conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 431. 10.3389/fmars.2020.00431

Sabal, MC, Hazen, EL, Bograd, SJ, MacFarlane, RB, Schroeder, ID, Hayes, SA, Harding, JA, Scales, KL, Miller, PI, Ammann, AJ and Wells, BK 2020 California Current seascape influences juvenile salmon foraging ecology at multiple scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 634. 159-173. 10.3354/meps13185

Sathyendranath, S, Abdulaziz, A, Menon, N, George, G, Evers-King, H, Kulk, G, Colwell, R, Jutla, A and Platt, T 2020 Building Capacity and Resilience Against Diseases Transmitted via Water Under Climate Perturbations and Extreme Weather Stress. Space Capacity Building in the XXI Century, 22. 281-298. 10.1007/978-3-030-21938-3_24

Sathyendranath, S, Platt, T, Kovač, Ž, Dingle, J, Jackson, T, Brewin, RJW, Franks, P, Maranon, E, Kulk, G and Bouman, HA 2020 Reconciling models of primary production and photoacclimation [Invited]. Applied Optics, 59 (10). C100. 10.1364/AO.386252

Schlembach, F, Passaro, M, Quartly, GD, Kurekin, A, Nencioli, F, Dodet, G, Piollé, JF, Ardhuin, F, Bidlot, J, Schwatke, C, Seitz, F, Cipollini, P and Donlon, C 2020 Round Robin Assessment of Radar Altimeter Low Resolution Mode and Delay-Doppler Retracking Algorithms for Significant Wave Height. Remote Sensing, 12 (8). 1254. 10.3390/rs12081254

Sekadende, B, Scott, L, Anderson, J, Aswani, S, Francis, J, Jacobs, ZL, Jebri, F., Jiddawi, N, Kamukuru, AT, Kelly, S, Kizenga, H, Kuguru, B, Kyewalyanga, M, Noyon, M, Nyandwi, N, Painter, SC, Palmer, M, Raitsos, DE, Roberts, M, Sailley, SF, Samoilys, M, Sauer, WHH, Shayo, S, Shaghude, Y, Taylor, SFW, Wihsgott, J and Popova, E 2020 The small pelagic fishery of the Pemba Channel, Tanzania: What we know and what we need to know for management under climate change. Ocean & Coastal Management, 197. 105322. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105322

Skakala, J, Bruggeman, J, Brewin, RJW, Ford, D and Ciavatta, S 2020 Improved representation of underwater light field and its impact on ecosystem dynamics: a study in the North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 1, pp. 10.1029/2020JC016122 (In Press)

Tilstone, GH, Dall’Olmo, G, Hieronymi, M, Ruddick, K, Beck, M, Ligi, M, Costa, M, D’Alimonte, D, Vellucci, V, Vansteenwegen, D, Bracher, A, Wiegmann, S, Kuusk, J, Vabson, V, Ansko, I, Vendt, R, Donlon, C and Casal, T 2020 Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation. Remote Sensing, 12 (10). 1587. 10.3390/rs12101587

Whitcomb, J, Clewley, D, Colliander, A, Cosh, MH, Powers, J, Friesen, M, McNairn, H, Berg, AA, Bosch, DD, Coffin, A, Collins, CH, Prueger, JH, Entekhabi, D and Moghaddam, M 2020 Evaluation of SMAP Core Validation Site Representativeness Errors Using Dense Networks of In Situ Sensors and Random Forests. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13. 6457-6472. 10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3033591

Willén, U, Simis, SGH, Schröder, M, Scanlon, T, Sathyendranath, S, Quegan, S, Paul, F, Meyssignac, B, Merchant, CJ, Lavergne, T, Jones, R, Ghent, D, Dorigo, W, Ciais, P, Chuvieco, E, Buchwitz, M, Brockmann, C, Boutin, J, Bennett, V, Bastos, A, Bartsch, A, Ardhuin, F, Hollmann, R, Hegglin, MI and Popp, T 2020 Consistency of satellite climate data records for Earth system monitoring. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, prepri (2020). 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0127.1

van Sebille, E, Aliani, S, Law, KL, Maximenko, N, Alsina, JM, Bagaev, A, Bergmann, M, Chapron, B, Chubarenko, I, Cózar, A, Delandmeter, P, Egger, M, Fox-Kemper, B, Garaba, SP, Goddijn-Murphy, L, Hardesty, BD, Hoffman, MJ, Isobe, A, Jongedijk, CE, Kaandorp, MLA, Khatmullina, L, Koelmans, A A, Kukulka, T, Laufkötter, C, Lebreton, L, Lobelle, D, Maes, C, Martinez-Vicente, V, Morales Maqueda, MA, Poulain-Zarcos, M, Rodríguez, E, Ryan, PG, Shanks, AL, Shim, WJ, Suaria, G, Thiel, M, van den Bremer, TS and Wichmann, D 2020 The physical oceanography of the transport of floating marine debris. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (2). 023003. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab6d7d

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