Queiros, AM, Stephens, N, Widdicombe, S, Tait, K, McCoy, SJ, Ingels, J, Ruhl, S, Airs, RL, Beesley, A, Carnovale, G, Cazenave, P, Dashfield, SL, Hua, E, Jones, M, Lindeque, PK, McNeill, CL, Nunes, J, Parry, HE, Pascoe, CK, Widdicombe, CE, Smyth, TJ, Atkinson, A, Krause‐Jensen, D and Somerfield, PJ 2019 Connected macroalgal‐sediment systems: blue carbon and food webs in the deep coastal ocean. Ecological Monographs. e01366. 10.1002/ecm.1366
Waggitt, JJ, Cazenave, P, Howarth, LM, Evans, PGH, van der Kooij, J and Hiddink, JG 2018 Combined measurements of prey availability explain habitat selection in foraging seabirds. Biology Letters, 14 (8). 5, pp. 10.1098/rsbl.2018.0348
Waggitt, JJ, Cazenave, P, Torres, R, Williamson, B and Scott, B 2016 Predictable hydrodynamic conditions explain temporal variations in the density of benthic foraging seabirds in a tidal stream environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw100
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2016 Unstructured grid modelling of offshore wind farm impacts on seasonally stratified shelf seas. Progress in Oceanography. 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.04.004
Yang, M, Bell, TG, Hopkins, FE, Kitidis, V, Cazenave, P, Nightingale, PD, Yelland, MJ, Pascal, RW, Prytherch, J., Brooks, I. M. and Smyth, TJ 2016 Air-sea fluxes of CO2 and CH4 from the Penlee Point Atmospheric Observatory on the south-west coast of the UK. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16 (9). 5745-5761. 10.5194/acp-16-5745-2016
Holland, RA, Scott, K, Hinton, ED, Austen, MC, Barrett, J, Beaumont, NJ, Blaber-Wegg, T, Brown, G, Carter-Silk, E, Cazenave, P, Eigenbrod, F, Hiscock, K, Hooper, TL, Lovett, A, Papathanasopoulou, E, Smith, P, Thomas, A, Tickner, R, Torres, R and Taylor, G 2016 Bridging the gap between energy and the environment. Energy Policy, 92. 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.01.037
Butenschon, M, Clark, JR, Aldridge, JN, Allen, JI, Artioli, Y, Blackford, JC, Bruggeman, J, Cazenave, P, Ciavatta, S, Kay, S, Lessin, G, van Leeuwen, S, Van der Molen, J, de Mora, L, Polimene, L, Sailley, SF, Stephens, N and Torres, R 2016 ERSEM 15.06: a generic model for marine biogeochemistry and the ecosystem dynamics of the lower trophic levels. Geoscientific Model Development, 9 (4). 1293-1339. 10.5194/gmd-9-1293-2016
Waggitt, J, Cazenave, P, Torres, R, Williamson, B and Scott, B 2016 Quantifying pursuit diving seabirds' associations with fine-scale physical features in a high tidal energy environment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53. 1653-1666. 10.1111/1365-2664.12646
Butenschon, M, Clark, JR, Aldridge, JN, Allen, JI, Artioli, Y, Blackford, JC, Bruggeman, J, Cazenave, P, Ciavatta, S, Kay, S, Lessin, G, van Leeuwen, S, Van der Molen, J, de Mora, L, Polimene, L, Sailley, SF, Stephens, N and Torres, R 2015 ERSEM 15.06: a generic model for marine biogeochemistry and the ecosystem dynamics of the lower trophic levels. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 8 (8). 7063-7187. 10.5194/gmdd-8-7063-2015
Blackford, JC, Torres, R, Artioli, Y and Cazenave, P 2013 Modelling dispersion of CO2 plumes in sea water as an aid to monitoring and understanding ecological impact. Energy Procedia, 37. 3379 - 3386. 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.226
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Cazenave, P, Dix, JK, Lambkin, DO and McNeill, LC 2012 A method for semi-automated objective quantification of linear bedforms from multi-scale Digital Elevation Models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38. 221-236. 10.1002/esp.3269
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Bell, PS, McCann, DL, Scott, BE, Williamson, BJ, Waggitt, JJ, Ashton, Ian, Johanning, L, Blondel, P, Creech, A, Ingram, D, Norris, J, Finn, M, Torres, R, Cazenave, P, Conley, DC, Greaves, D, Savidge, GJ, Armstrong, E, Hall, C, Kennedy, R and O'Carroll, J 2014 FLow and Benthic ECology 4D - FLOWBEC - an overview. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014), 28 April ? 02 May 2014, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, EIMR Conference Team.
Torres, R, Cazenave, P, Bruggeman, J, Artioli, Y and Butenschon, M 2017 Ecosystem modelling in support of Marine Spatial Planning and governance. [Poster] In: 2nd International Conference on Marine Spatial Planning, Paris, 15-17 March 2017. (Unpublished)
Bruggeman, J, Torres, R, Cazenave, P, Artioli, Y and Allen, JI 2016 Coupling FVCOM with FABM - Multiplying the Choice of Marine Ecosystem Models within FVCOM. [Lecture] In: UK FVCOM Workshop. National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Blackford, JC, Artioli, Y, Torres, R, Hawkins, AJS and Morris, K 2015 ROSA: The Risks and Opportunities for Sustainable Aquaculture. [Lecture] In: 6th FVCOM Workshop, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 2015/09/23. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Allen, JI, Blackford, JC, Artioli, Y, Torres, R, Hawkins, AJS and Morris, K 2015 Risks and Opportunities for Sustainable Aquaculture. [Poster] In: Aquaculture 2015, Montpellier, France, 24th-26th August 2015.
Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2015 Offshore wind farm impacts on seasonally stratified seas: an unstructured modelling approach. [Lecture] In: Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy, Univesity of Exeter, Falmouth Campus, 2015/06/16. (Unpublished)
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Ashton, Ian and Cazenave, P 2015 Combined wave and current modelling for the South West UK (CWAC). [Lecture] In: PML-UoE Science Day, Univesity of Exeter, Falmouth Campus, 2015/04/30. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2015 Offshore wind farm impacts on seasonally stratified seas: an unstructured modelling approach. [Lecture] In: PML Seminar Series, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 2014/04/08. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2014 Offshore renewable energy device impacts on seasonally stratified seas around the UK: an unstructured modelling approach. [Lecture] In: National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, Seminar Series, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, 2014/12/10. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2014 Offshore renewable energy device impacts on seasonally stratified seas around the UK: an unstructured modelling approach. [Lecture] In: 5th FVCOM Workshop, SAMS, Oban, Scotland, 2014/11/17. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2014 Offshore renewable energy device impacts on seasonally stratified seas around the UK: an unstructured modelling approach. [Lecture] In: Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMaRE), University of Plymouth, 2014/06/04. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2014 Offshore renewable energy device impacts on seasonally stratified seas around the UK: an unstructured modelling approach. [Poster] In: Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy. (Unpublished)
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Waggitt, JJ, Bell, PS, Cazenave, P, Torres, R, Williamson, BJ and Scott, BE 2014 A combination of empirical and modelled datasets reveals associations between deep diving seabirds and oceanographical processes at fine spatiotemporal scales in a high energy habitat. [Lecture] In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014), Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, 28 April-02 May 2014. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014).
Waggitt, JJ, Armstrong, E, Bell, PS, Blondel, P, Cazenave, P, Hall, C, Torres, R, Williamson, BJ and Scott, BE 2014 Using concurrent predator, prey and oceanographic information to understand seabird foraging distributions at fine spatiotemporal scales. [Poster] In: 12th International Conference Of The Seabird Group, Oxford University, 21-23rd March 2014.
Cazenave, P, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2014 Modelling the coastal and nearshore zones with the FVCOM unstructured model. [Lecture] In: Memori Workshop, Seoul, Korea, 2014/03/18. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P and Torres, R 2013 FVCOM Modelling at PML. [Lecture] In: 4th FVCOM Workshop, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Torres, R, Hooper, TL, Austen, MC and Beaumont, NJ 2013 Unstructured Modelling. [Lecture] In: UKERC project meeting, London. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P and Torres, R 2013 FVCOM Toolbox, surface heating in FVCOM and the wiki/code repository. [Lecture] In: 3rd FVCOM Workshop, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, 2013/06/11. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P and Torres, R 2012 FVCOM at PML. [Lecture] In: 2nd FVCOM Workshop, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 2012/09/24. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P and Torres, R 2012 FVCOM modelling at PML. [Lecture] In: FLOWBEC project meeting, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, 2012/01/05. (Unpublished)
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Cazenave, P, Dix, JK, Lambkin, DO and McNeill, LC 2010 A quantitative approach to determining seabed roughness for hydrodynamic and sediment transport models. [Poster] In: AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Portland, USA. (Unpublished)
Dix, JK, Cazenave, P, Lambkin, DO, Rangecroft, T, Pater, C and Oxley, I 2008 Sedimentation-Erosion Modelling as a tool for Underwater Cultural Heritage Management. Rotterdam, European Union. (UNSPECIFIED)
Dix, JK, Lambkin, DO and Cazenave, P 2007 Development of a Regional Sediment Mobility Model for Submerged Archaeological Sites. Southampton, U.K., English Heritage ALSF project no. 5524. (UNSPECIFIED)
Dix, JK, Lambkin, DO, Thomas, MD and Cazenave, P 2007 Modelling Exclusion Zones for Marine Aggregate Dredging. Southampton, U.K., English Heritage ALSF project no. 3365. (English Heritage ALSF project no. 3365)