Items where Subject is "Planning"

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Number of items at this level: 52.

Publication - Article

Austen, MC, Crowe, TP, Elliott, M, Paterson, DM, Peck, MA and Piraino, S 2018 VECTORS of change in the marine environment: Ecosystem and economic impacts and management implications. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 1-6.

Borger, T, Böhnke-Henrichs, A, Hattam, C, Piwowarczyk, J, Schasfoort, F and Austen, MC 2018 The role of interdisciplinary collaboration for stated preference methods to value marine environmental goods and ecosystem services. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 140-151.

Borger, T and Piwowarczyk, J 2016 Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass restoration in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 3.

Broitman, BR, Halpern, BS, Gelcich, S, Lardies, MA, Vargas, CA, Vásquez-Lavín, F, Widdicombe, S and Birchenough, SNR 2017 Dynamic Interactions among Boundaries and the Expansion of Sustainable Aquaculture. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4.

Börger, T, Hooper, TL and Austen, MC 2015 Valuation of ecological and amenity impacts of an offshore windfarm as a factor in marine planning. Environmental Science and Policy, 54. 126-133.

Item not available from this repository.

Fernandes, JA, Irigoien, X, Lozano, JA, Inza, I, Goikoetxea, N and Pérez, A 2015 Evaluating machine-learning techniques for recruitment forecasting of seven North East Atlantic fish species. Ecological Informatics, 25. 35-42.

Item not available from this repository.

Fernandes, JA, Papathanasopoulou, E, Hattam, C, Queiros, AM, Cheung, WWWL, Yool, A, Artioli, Y, Pope, EC, Flynn, KJ, Merino, G, Calosi, P, Beaumont, NJ, Austen, MC, Widdicombe, S and Barange, M 2016 Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 18 (3). 389-411.

Fernandes, JA, Santos, L, Vance, T, Fileman, TW, Smith, D, Bishop, JDD, Viard, F, Queiros, AM, Merino, G, Buisman, E and Austen, MC 2016 Costs and benefits to European shipping of ballast-water and hull-fouling treatment: Impacts of native and non-indigenous species. Marine Policy, 64. 148-155.

Frost, MT, Bayliss-Brown, G, Buckley, P, Cox, M, Dye, SR, Sanderson, WG, Stoker, B and Withers Harvey, N 2016 A review of climate change and the implementation of marine biodiversity legislation in the United Kingdom. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-20.

Gee, K, Kannen, A, Adlam, R, Brooks, C, Chapman, M, Cormier, R, Fischer, C, Fletcher, S, Gubbins, M, Shucksmith, R and Shellock, R 2017 Identifying culturally significant areas for marine spatial planning. Ocean & Coastal Management, 136. 139-147.

Hattam, C, Böhnke-Henrichs, A, Borger, T, Burdon, D, Hadjimichael, M, Delaney, A, Atkins, JP, Garrard, S and Austen, MC 2015 Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment and valuation: Mixed methods or mixed messages?. Ecological Economics, 120. 126-138.

Holland, RA, Scott, K, Hinton, ED, Austen, MC, Barrett, J, Beaumont, NJ, Blaber-Wegg, T, Brown, G, Carter-Silk, E, Cazenave, P, Eigenbrod, F, Hiscock, K, Hooper, TL, Lovett, A, Papathanasopoulou, E, Smith, P, Thomas, A, Tickner, R, Torres, R and Taylor, G 2016 Bridging the gap between energy and the environment. Energy Policy, 92.

Hooper, TL, Austen, MC, Beaumont, NJ, Heptonstall, P, Holland, RA, Ketsopoulou, I, Taylor, G, Watson, J and Winksel, M 2018 Do energy scenarios pay sufficient attention to the environment? Lessons from the UK to support improved policy outcomes. Energy Policy, 115. 397-408.

Jones, DG, Beaubien, SE, Blackford, JC, Foekema, EM, Lions, J, De Vittor, C, West, JM, Widdicombe, S, Hauton, C and Queiros, AM 2015 Developments since 2005 in understanding potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage from geological storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 40.

Item not available from this repository.

Kebede, AS, Nicholls, RJ, Allan, A, Arto, I, Cazcarro, I, Fernandes, JA, Hill, CT, Hutton, CW, Kay, S, Lázár, AN, Macadam, I, Palmer, M, Suckall, N, Tompkins, EL, Vincent, K and Whitehead, PW 2018 Applying the global RCP–SSP–SPA scenario framework at sub-national scale: A multi-scale and participatory scenario approach. Science of The Total Environment, 635. 659-672.

Lessin, G, Artioli, Y, Queiros, AM, Widdicombe, S and Blackford, JC 2016 Modelling impacts and recovery in benthic communities exposed to localised high CO2. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109 (1). 267-280.

Papathanasopoulou, E, Beaumont, NJ, Hooper, TL, Nunes, J and Queiros, AM 2015 Energy systems and their impacts on marine ecosystem services. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52. 917-926.

Item not available from this repository.

Papathanasopoulou, E, White, MP, Hattam, C, Lannin, A, Harvey, AJ and Spencer, A 2016 Valuing the health benefits of physical activities in the marine environment and their importance for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 63.

Item not available from this repository.

Papathanasopoulou, E, White, MP, Hattam, C, Lannin, A, Harvey, AJ and Spencer, A 2016 Valuing the health benefits of physical activities in the marine environment and their importance for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 63. 144-152.

Queiros, AM, Bruggeman, J, Stephens, N, Artioli, Y, Butenschon, M, Blackford, JC, Widdicombe, S, Allen, JI and Somerfield, PJ 2015 Placing biodiversity in ecosystem models without getting lost in translation. Journal of Sea Research.

Queiros, AM, Huebert, KB, Keyl, F, Fernandes, JA, Stolte, W, Maar, M, Kay, S, Jones, MC, Hamon, KG, Hendriksen, G, Vermard, Y, Marchal, P, Teal, LR, Somerfield, PJ, Austen, MC, Barange, M, Sell, AF, Allen, JI and Peck, MA 2016 Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change. Global Change Biology, 22. 3927-3936.

Queiros, AM, Strong, JA, Mazik, K, Carstensen, J, Bruun, JT, Somerfield, PJ, Bruhn, A, Ciavatta, S, Flo, E, Bizsel, N, Ozaydinli, M, Chuseve, R, Muxica, I, Nygard, H, Papadopoulou, N, Pantazi, M and Krause-Jensen, D 2016 An Objective Framework to Test the Quality of Candidate Indicators of Good Environmental Status [in special issue: Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Science in Assessing the Health Status of Marine Ecosystems] Frontiers in Marine Science, 3, 73. 15, pp.

Smale, DA, Moore, PJ, Queiros, AM, Higgs, S and Burrows, MT 2018 Appreciating interconnectivity between habitats is key to Blue Carbon management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16 (2). 71-73.

Trifonova, N, Kenny, A, Maxwell, D, Duplisea, D, Fernandes, JA and Tucker, A 2015 Spatio-temporal Bayesian network models with latent variables for revealing trophic dynamics and functional networks in fisheries ecology. Ecological Informatics, 30. 142-158.

Waggitt, JJ, Cazenave, P, Howarth, LM, Evans, PGH, van der Kooij, J and Hiddink, JG 2018 Combined measurements of prey availability explain habitat selection in foraging seabirds. Biology Letters, 14 (8). 5, pp.

Publication - Book Section

Austen, MC, Hattam, C and Garrard, SL 2015 Chapter 11: Human activities and ecosystem service use: impacts and trade-offs. In: Crowe, TP; Frid, CLJ, (eds.) Marine ecosystems: human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press, 335-376.

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Costa, BM, Poti, M, Winship, AJ, Miller, PI and Gove, J 2016 Chapter 2: Environmental Setting. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 13-56, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

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Hattam, C, Beaumont, NJ and Austen, MC 2014 The seas, ecosystem services and human well-being. In: Oceans and Human Health: Implications for Society and Well-Being. Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 71-112, 318pp.

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Holland, RJ, Scott, K, Wegg, T, Beaumont, NJ, Papathanasopoulou, E and Smith, P 2015 Energy production and ecosystem services. In: Ekins, Paul, (ed.) Global Energy: Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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Hooper, TL, Austen, MC and Ashley, M 2018 Capturing benefits: opportunities for the co-location of offshore energy and fisheries. In: Yates, KL; Bradshaw, CJA, (eds.) Offshore Energy and Marine Spatial Planning. Routledge.

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Papathanasopoulou, E, Holland, RJ, Dockerty, T, Scott, K, Wegg, T, Beaumont, NJ, Taylor, G, Sünnenberg, G, Lovett, AA, Smith, P and Austen, MC 2015 Energy and ecosystem service impacts. In: Ekins, Paul, (ed.) Global Energy: Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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Pittman, SJ, Winship, AJ, Poti, M, Kinlan, BP, Leirness, JB, Baird, RW, Barlow, J, Becker, EA, Forney, KA, Hill, MC, Miller, PI, Mobley, J and Oleson, EM 2016 Chapter 6: Marine Mammals - Cetaceans. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 227-265, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

Item not available from this repository.

Saunders, J, Beaumont, NJ, Atkins, JP, Lannin, A, Lear, D, Ozdemiroglu, E and Potts, T 2015 A Review of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services Data and Tools to Incorporate This into Decision-Making. In: Coastal Zones Ecosystem Services. Springer, 145-164. (Coastal Zones Ecosystem Services, 9).

Winship, AJ, Kinlan, BP, Ballance, LT, Joyce, T, Leirness, JB, Costa, BM, Poti, M and Miller, PI 2016 Chapter 7: Seabirds. In: Costa, BM; Kendall, MS, (eds.) Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands. Silver Spring, MD, USA, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 283-319, 359pp. (OCS Study BOEM 2016-035 and NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 214, OCS St).

Item not available from this repository.

Publication - Conference Item

Cazenave, P, Blackford, JC, Artioli, Y, Torres, R, Hawkins, AJS and Morris, K 2015 ROSA: The Risks and Opportunities for Sustainable Aquaculture. [Lecture] In: 6th FVCOM Workshop, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 2015/09/23. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW 2016 To Develop a Modelling Framework That Embraces Scale. [Other] In: Lloyds Register Foundation, Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Plymouth Marine Laboratory. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW 2016 UK Offshore Wind Farms. [Other] In: NERC renewables showcase. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW and Torres, R 2016 Fine-Scale Modelling Applications - Aquaculture, Marine Renewable Energy and Marine Litter. [Speech] In: Plymouth City Council Tamar Modelling. Plymouth City Council. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW and Torres, R 2016 Fine-Scale Modelling Applications - Aquaculture, Marine Renewable Energy and Marine Litter. [Lecture] In: UK FVCOM Workshop, National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool. National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW, Torres, R and Allen, JI 2016 Offshore Wind Farm Impacts on Seasonally Stratified Seas: An Unstructured Modelling Approach. [Lecture] In: Challenger Meeting 2016. National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, PW, Torres, R and Clark, JR 2016 Fine-Scale Modelling Applications - Aquaculture, Marine Renewable Energy and Marine Litter. [Lecture] In: BMT Group. Plymouth Marine Laboratory. (Unpublished)

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Cazenave, Pierre W 2017 Modelling at PML. [Lecture] In: POGO-18. Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Partnership for Observations of the Global Oceans.

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Torres, R, Cazenave, P, Bruggeman, J, Artioli, Y and Butenschon, M 2017 Ecosystem modelling in support of Marine Spatial Planning and governance. [Poster] In: 2nd International Conference on Marine Spatial Planning, Paris, 15-17 March 2017. (Unpublished)

Publication - Report

Gubbay, S, Sanders, N, Haynes, T, Janssen, JAM, Rodwell, JR, Nieto, S, Garcia Criado, M, Beal, S, Borg, J, Kennedy, M, Micu, D, Otero, M, Saunders, G, Calix, M, Airoldi, L, Alexandrov, VV, Alcazar, E, de Andalucia, J, Babbini, L, Bakran-Petricioli, T, Ballesteros, E, Benares Espana, E, Bariche, M, Bastos, E, Basso, D, Bat, L, Battelli, C, Bazairi, H, Bianchi, CN, Bitar, G, Bo, M, Brazier, P, Bush, L, Canese, S, Catrense, SP, Cefalì, ME, Cerrano, C, Chemello, R, Chernysheva, EB, Connor, D, Cook, R, Dankers, N, Darr, A, Davis, AR, Dolenc-Orbanić, N, Dubois, S, Espino, F, Flores Moya, A, Ford, J, Foulquie, M, Fowler, S, Fourt, M, Fraschetti, S, Fuller, I, Fürhaupter, K, Galil, B, Gerovasileiou, V, Giangrande, A, Giuseppe, C, Goriup, P, Grall, J, Gravina, MF, Guelmami, A, Güreşen, A, Hadjioannou, L, Haldin, JM, Hall-Spencer, JM, Harmelin, JG, Haroun-Tabrae, R, Harries, D, Herkül, K, Hetman, T, Hiscock, K, Holt, R, Issaris, Y, Jackson, EL, Jeudi, A, Jiminez, C, Karamita, C, Karlsson, A, Kersting, D, Keskinen, E, Klinge, F, Klissurov, L, Knittweis-Mifsud, L, Kopiy, V, Korolesova, D, Kružić, P, Komakhidze, G, La Porta, B, Leinikki, J, Lehtonen, P, Linares, C, Lipej, L, Mačić, V, Mangialajo, L, Mariani, S, Melih, C, Metalpa, R, Mielke, E, Mihneva, V, Milchakova, N, Milonakis, K, Minguell, C, Mironova, NV, Näslund, J, Numa, C, Nyström, J, Ocaña, O, Otero, NF, Peña Freire, V, Pergent, C, Perkol-Finkel, S, Pibot, A, Pinedo, S, Poursanidis, D, Ramos, A, Revkov, NK, Roininen, J-T, Rosso, A, Ruiz, J, Salomidi, M, Schembri, P, Shiganov, T, Simboura, N, Sini, M, Smith, C, Soldo, A, Somerfield, PJ, Templado, J, Terentyev, A, Thibaut, T, Topçu, NE, Trigg, C, Turk, R, Tyler-Walters, H, Tunesi, L, Vera, K, Viera, M, Warzocha, J, Wells, S, Westerbom, M, Wikström, S, Wood, C, Yokes, B and Zibrowius, H 2016 European Red List of Habitats. Part 1. Marine habitats.. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union, 50pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)

Queiros, AM, Talbot, E, Kay, S, Sailley, SF, Vu Hoang Le, T, Thi Pham, C and Widdicombe, S 2022 Climate-smart spatial planning assessment in support of conservation and blue growth in Da Nang city’s marine environment.. Plymouth, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 25pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Skinner, J, Bailly, D, Le Coz, M, Fletcher, S, Glegg, GA, Glenn, H, Herry, L, Molfese, C, Sewell, J and McQuatters-Gollop, A 2014 Pathways for effective governance of the English Channel.. Plymouth, UK, Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H., James, B, Carruthers, M, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2016 Descriptions of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs).. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage, 149pp. (Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 406.)

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