Items where Subject is "Management"

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Number of items at this level: 84.

Publication - Article

Austen, MC, Crowe, TP, Elliott, M, Paterson, DM, Peck, MA and Piraino, S 2018 VECTORS of change in the marine environment: Ecosystem and economic impacts and management implications. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 201. 1-6. 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.01.009

Barra Caracciolo, A, Dejana, L, Fajardo, C, Grenni, P, Martin, M, Mengs, G, Sanchez-Fortun, S., Lettieri, T., Sacca, ML and Medlin, LK 2019 A new fluorescent oligonucleotide probe for in-situ identification of Microcystis aeruginosa in freshwater.. Microchemical Journal, 148. 503-513. 10.1016/j.microc.2019.05.017

Borger, T, Broszeit, S, Ahtiainen, H, Atkins, JP, Burdon, D, Luisetti, T, Murillas, A, Oinonen, S, Paltriguera, L, Roberts, L, Uyarra, MC and Austen, MC 2016 Assessing Costs and Benefits of Measures to Achieve Good Environmental Status in European Regional Seas: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learnt. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00192

Borger, T and Piwowarczyk, J 2016 Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass restoration in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 3. 10.15351/2373-8456.1034

Brigolin, D, Girardi, P, Miller, PI, Xu, W, Nachite, D, Zucchetta, M and Pranovi, F 2018 Using remote sensing indicators to investigate the association of landings with fronts: Application to the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea). Fisheries Oceanography. 10.1111/fog.12262

Broszeit, S, Hattam, C and Beaumont, NJ 2016 Bioremediation of waste under ocean acidification: Reviewing the role of Mytilus edulis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 103 (1-2). 5-14. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.12.040

Börger, T, Hooper, TL and Austen, MC 2015 Valuation of ecological and amenity impacts of an offshore windfarm as a factor in marine planning. Environmental Science and Policy, 54. 126-133. 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.05.018

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Cahill, AE, Pearman, JK, Borja, A, Carugati, L, Carvalho, S, Danovaro, R, Dashfield, SL, David, R, Féral, J-P, Olenin, S, Siaulys, A, Somerfield, PJ, Trayanova, A, Uyarra, MC and Chenuil, A 2018 A comparative analysis of metabarcoding and morphology-based identification of benthic communities across different regional seas. Ecology and Evolution, 2018. 1-13. 10.1002/ece3.4283

Cavanagh, RD, Broszeit, S, Pilling, GM, Grant, SM, Murphy, EJ and Austen, MC 2016 Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services: a useful way to manage and conserve marine resources? [in special issue: The value of biodiversity in the Anthropocene] Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283 (1844). 20161635. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1635

Coppock, RL, Cole, MJ, Lindeque, PK, Queiros, AM and Galloway, TJ 2017 A small-scale, portable method for extracting microplastics from marine sediments. Environmental Pollution, 230. 829-837. 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.07.017

Davidson, KE, Fowler, MS, Skov, MW, Doerr, SH, Beaumont, NJ, Griffin, JN and Bennett, J 2017 Livestock grazing alters multiple ecosystem properties and services in salt marshes: a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54 (5). 1395-1405. 10.1111/1365-2664.12892

Endres, S, Maes, F, Hopkins, FE, Houghton, K, Martensson, EM, Oeffner, J, Quack, B, Singh, P and Turner, DR 2018 A new perspective at the ship-air-sea interface: the environmental impacts of exhaust gas scrubber discharge. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10.3389/fmars.2018.00139

Faria, J, Vale, M, Ribeiro, P, Hawkins, SJ and Martins, GM 2024 The ecological value of fully enforced, no-entry, marine protected areas: A case study of harvested limpets. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems., 34 (2). 10.1002/aqc.4086

Item not available from this repository.

Farriols, MT, Ordines, F, Somerfield, PJ, Pasqual, C, Hidalgo, M, Guijarro, B and Massuti, E 2017 Bottom-trawl impacts on Mediterranean demersal fish diversity: not so obvious or are we too late?. Continental Shelf Research, 137. 84-102. 10.1016/j.csr.2016.11.011

Fernandes, JA, Irigoien, X, Lozano, JA, Inza, I, Goikoetxea, N and Pérez, A 2015 Evaluating machine-learning techniques for recruitment forecasting of seven North East Atlantic fish species. Ecological Informatics, 25. 35-42. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.11.004

Item not available from this repository.

Fernandes, JA, Papathanasopoulou, E, Hattam, C, Queiros, AM, Cheung, WWWL, Yool, A, Artioli, Y, Pope, EC, Flynn, KJ, Merino, G, Calosi, P, Beaumont, NJ, Austen, MC, Widdicombe, S and Barange, M 2016 Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 18 (3). 389-411. 10.1111/faf.12183

Fernandes, JA, Santos, L, Vance, T, Fileman, TW, Smith, D, Bishop, JDD, Viard, F, Queiros, AM, Merino, G, Buisman, E and Austen, MC 2016 Costs and benefits to European shipping of ballast-water and hull-fouling treatment: Impacts of native and non-indigenous species. Marine Policy, 64. 148-155. 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.11.015

Frost, MT, Bayliss-Brown, G, Buckley, P, Cox, M, Dye, SR, Sanderson, WG, Stoker, B and Withers Harvey, N 2016 A review of climate change and the implementation of marine biodiversity legislation in the United Kingdom. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 1-20. 10.1002/aqc.2628

Garmendia, M, Sauzade, D, Beaumont, NJ, Boteler, B, Pascual, M, Boudine, T, Breil, M, Furlan, E, Kontogianni, A, Kruger, I, Le Tellier, J, Gileva, E, March, D, Roeleveld, G, Ronco, P, Shivarov, A, Skourtos, M and Markandya, A 2017 The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox: Supporting policy-makers developing adaptive policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Marine Policy, 84. 99-109. 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.07.009

Gee, K, Kannen, A, Adlam, R, Brooks, C, Chapman, M, Cormier, R, Fischer, C, Fletcher, S, Gubbins, M, Shucksmith, R and Shellock, R 2017 Identifying culturally significant areas for marine spatial planning. Ocean & Coastal Management, 136. 139-147. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.11.026

Ghosh, A, Woodward, EMS, Saha, R, Nelson, CE and Bhadury, P 2022 Nitrogen driven niche differentiation in bacterioplankton communities of northeast coastal Bay of Bengal. Environmental Research Communications, 4. 10.1088/2515-7620/ac5a69

Groeneveld, RA, Bosello, F, Butenschon, M, Elliott, M, Peck, MA and Pinnegar, JK 2018 Defining scenarios of future vectors of change in marine life and associated economic sectors. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.10.020

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Guy-Haim, T, Lyons, D, Kotta, J, Ojaveer, H, Queiros, AM, Chatzinikolaou, E, Arvanitidis, C, Como, S, Magni, P, Blight, AJ, Orav-Kotta, H and Somerfield, PJ 2018 Diverse effects of invasive ecosystem engineers on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functions – a global review and meta-analysis. Global Change Biology. 10.1111/gcb.14007

Hammerschlag, N and Sims, DW 2024 Shark conservation requires mortality-limiting regulations amid global change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 39 (4). 320-322. 10.1016/j.tree.2024.03.001

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Holland, RA, Scott, K, Hinton, ED, Austen, MC, Barrett, J, Beaumont, NJ, Blaber-Wegg, T, Brown, G, Carter-Silk, E, Cazenave, P, Eigenbrod, F, Hiscock, K, Hooper, TL, Lovett, A, Papathanasopoulou, E, Smith, P, Thomas, A, Tickner, R, Torres, R and Taylor, G 2016 Bridging the gap between energy and the environment. Energy Policy, 92. 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.01.037

Hooper, TL, Austen, MC, Beaumont, NJ, Heptonstall, P, Holland, RA, Ketsopoulou, I, Taylor, G, Watson, J and Winksel, M 2018 Do energy scenarios pay sufficient attention to the environment? Lessons from the UK to support improved policy outcomes. Energy Policy, 115. 397-408. 10.1016/j.enpol.2018.01.028

Hooper, TL, Beaumont, NJ, Griffiths, CA, Langmead, O and Somerfield, PJ 2017 Assessing the sensitivity of ecosystem services to changing pressures.. Ecosystem Services, 24. 160-169. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.02.016

Hyder, K, Rossberg, AG, Allen, JI, Austen, MC, Barciela, RM, Bannister, HJ, Blackwell, PG, Blanchard, JL, Burrows, MT, Defriez, E, Dorrington, TS, Edwards, KP, Garcia-Carreras, B, Heath, MR, Hembury, DJ, Heymans, JJ, Holt, JT, Houle, JE, Jennings, S, Mackinson, S, Malcolm, SJ, McPike, R, Mee, LD, Mills, DK, Montgomery, C, Pearson, D, Pinnegar, JK, Pollicino, M, Popova, EE, Rae, L, Rogers, SI, Speirs, D, Spence, MA, Thorpe, R, Turner, RK, Van der Molen, J, Yool, A and Paterson, DM 2015 Making modelling count - increasing the contribution of shelf-seas community and ecosystem models to policy development and management. Marine Policy, 61. 291-302. 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.07.015

Jones, AC, Mead, A, Kaiser, MJ, Austen, MC, Adrian, AW, Auchterlonie, NA, Black, KD, Blow, LR, Bury, C, Brown, JH, Burnell, GM, Connolly, E, Dingwall, A, Derrick, S, Eno, NC, Gautier, DJH, Green, KA, Gubbins, M, Hart, PR, Holmyard, JM, Immink, AJ, Jarrad, DL, Katoh, E, Langley, JCR, Lee, DOC, Le Vay, L, Leftwich, CP, Mitchell, M, Moore, A, Murray, AG, McLaren, EMR, Norbury, H, Parker, D, Parry, SO, Purchase, D, Rahman, A, Sanver, F, Siggs, M, Simpson, SD, Slaski, RJ, Smith, K, Syvret, MLQ, Tibbott, C, Thomas, PC, Turnbull, J, Whiteley, R, Whittles, M, Wilcockson, MJ, Wilson, J, Dicks, LV and Sutherland, WJ 2014 Prioritization of knowledge needs for sustainable aquaculture: a national and global perspective. Fish and Fisheries, 16 (4). 668-683. 10.1111/faf.12086

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Ledoux, L, Beaumont, NJ, Cave, R and Turner, RK 2005 Scenarios for integrated river catchment and coastal zone management. Regional Environmental Change, 5 (2-3). 82-96. 10.1007/s10113-004-0079-6

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Mabon, L, Shackley, S, Blackford, JC, Stahl, H and Miller, A 2015 Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: Results from social science research. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38. 18-25. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.10.022

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McKinnon, DA, Williams, A, Young, J, Ceccarelli, D, Dunstan, P, Brewin, RJW, Watson, R, Brinkman, R, Cappo, M, Duggan, S, Kelley, R, Ridgway, K, Lindsay, D, Gledhill, D, Hutton, T and Richardson, AJ 2014 Tropical Marginal Seas: Priority Regions for Managing Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. Annual Review of Marine Science, 6. 415-437. 10.1146/annurev-marine-010213-135042

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Medlin, Linda K., Gamella, Maria, Mengs, G, Serrafin, V, Campuzano, S and Pingarrón, J 2020 Advances in the Detection of Toxic Algae Using Electrochemical Biosensors. Biosensors, 10. 10.3390/bios10120207

Mitchell, JD, Collins, KJ, Miller, PI and Suberg, LA 2014 Quantifying the impact of environmental variables upon catch-per-unit-effort of the Blue Shark Prionace glauca in the Western English Channel. Journal of Fish Biology, 85. 657-670. 10.1111/jfb.12448

Item not available from this repository.

Oinonen, S, Borger, T, Hynes, S, Buchs, AK, Heiskanen, A-S, Luisetti, T and van der Veeren, R 2016 The role of economics in ecosystem based management: The case of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, First lessons learnt and way forward. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 2 (Articl). 10.15351/2373-8456.1038

Papathanasopoulou, E, Beaumont, NJ, Hooper, TL, Nunes, J and Queiros, AM 2015 Energy systems and their impacts on marine ecosystem services. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52. 917-926. 10.1016/j.rser.2015.07.150

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Papathanasopoulou, E, White, MP, Hattam, C, Lannin, A, Harvey, AJ and Spencer, A 2016 Valuing the health benefits of physical activities in the marine environment and their importance for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 63. 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.10.009

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Papathanasopoulou, E, White, MP, Hattam, C, Lannin, A, Harvey, AJ and Spencer, A 2016 Valuing the health benefits of physical activities in the marine environment and their importance for marine spatial planning. Marine Policy, 63. 144-152. 10.1016/j.marpol.2015.10.009

Payne, MR, Barange, M, Cheung, WWL, MacKenzie, BR, Batchelder, HP, Cormon, X, Eddy, TD, Fernandes, JA, Hollowed, AB, Jones, MC, Link, JS, Neubauer, P, Ortiz, I, Queiros, AM and Paula, JR 2015 Uncertainties in projecting climate-change impacts in marine ecosystems. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 73 (5). 1272-1282. 10.1093/icesjms/fsv231

Pettorelli, N, Schulte to Bühne, H, Tulloch, A, Dubois, G, Macinnis-Ng, C, Queiros, AM, Keith, DA, Wegmann, M, Schrodt, F, Stellmes, M, Sonnenschein, R, Geller, GN, Roy, S, Somers, B, Murray, N, Bland, L, Geijzendorffer, I, Kerr, JT, Broszeit, S, Leitão, PJ, Duncan, C, El Serafy, G, He, KS, Blanchard, JL, Lucas, R, Mairota, P, Webb, TJ, Nicholson, E, Rowcliffe, M and Disney, M 2017 Satellite remote sensing of ecosystem functions: opportunities, challenges and way forward. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 10.1002/rse2.59

Queiros, AM, Bruggeman, J, Stephens, N, Artioli, Y, Butenschon, M, Blackford, JC, Widdicombe, S, Allen, JI and Somerfield, PJ 2015 Placing biodiversity in ecosystem models without getting lost in translation. Journal of Sea Research. 10.1016/j.seares.2014.10.004

Queiros, AM, Fernandes, JA, Genevier, L and Lynam, CP 2018 Climate change alters fish community size-structure, requiring adaptive policy targets. Fish and Fisheries, 19 (4). 10.1111/faf.12278

Queiros, AM, Huebert, KB, Keyl, F, Fernandes, JA, Stolte, W, Maar, M, Kay, S, Jones, MC, Hamon, KG, Hendriksen, G, Vermard, Y, Marchal, P, Teal, LR, Somerfield, PJ, Austen, MC, Barange, M, Sell, AF, Allen, JI and Peck, MA 2016 Solutions for ecosystem-level protection of ocean systems under climate change. Global Change Biology, 22. 3927-3936. 10.1111/gcb.13423

Queiros, AM, Strong, JA, Mazik, K, Carstensen, J, Bruun, JT, Somerfield, PJ, Bruhn, A, Ciavatta, S, Flo, E, Bizsel, N, Ozaydinli, M, Chuseve, R, Muxica, I, Nygard, H, Papadopoulou, N, Pantazi, M and Krause-Jensen, D 2016 An Objective Framework to Test the Quality of Candidate Indicators of Good Environmental Status [in special issue: Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Science in Assessing the Health Status of Marine Ecosystems] Frontiers in Marine Science, 3, 73. 15, pp. 10.3389/fmars.2016.00073

Roy, HE, Peyton, J, Aldridge, DC, Bantock, T, Blackburn, TM, Britton, R, Clark, PF, Cook, EJ, Dehnen-Schmutz, KA, Dines, T, Dobson, M, Edwards, F, Harrower, C, Harvey, MC, Minchin, D, Noble, DG, Parrott, D, Pocock, MJO, Preston, CD, Roy, S, Salisbury, A, Schonrogge, K, Sewell, J, Shaw, RH, Stebbing, P, Stewart, AJA and Walker, KJ 2014 Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain. Global Change Biology, 10. 10.1111/gcb.12603

Ruhl, S, Calosi, P, Faulwetter, S, Keklikoglou, K, Widdicombe, S and Queiros, AM 2017 Long-term exposure to elevated pCO2 more than warming modifies juvenile shell growth patterns in a temperate gastropod. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw242

Smale, DA, Moore, PJ, Queiros, AM, Higgs, S and Burrows, MT 2018 Appreciating interconnectivity between habitats is key to Blue Carbon management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16 (2). 71-73. 10.1002/fee.1765

Somerfield, PJ 2016 Marine Pollution: What Everyone Needs To Know, by Judith S. Weiss.. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 91 (1). 82-83. 10.1086/685325

Trifonova, N, Kenny, A, Maxwell, D, Duplisea, D, Fernandes, JA and Tucker, A 2015 Spatio-temporal Bayesian network models with latent variables for revealing trophic dynamics and functional networks in fisheries ecology. Ecological Informatics, 30. 142-158. 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.10.003

Ward, S, Butler, D, Adams, R, O'Callaghan, S, Warren, N, Wickett, M, Swire, H, de Mora, S and Uden, C 2018 Developing university–society partnerships with a focus on climate change impact research using the 'business assist' model. Research for All, 2 (1). 163-174. 10.18546/RFA.02.1.14

Watson, SCL, Paterson, DM, Queiros, AM, Rees, AP, Stephens, N, Widdicombe, S and Beaumont, NJ 2016 A conceptual framework for assessing the ecosystem service of waste remediation: In the marine environment. Ecosystem Services, 20. 69-81. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.06.011

Publication - Book

Clarke, KR, Gorley, RN, Somerfield, PJ and Warwick, RM 2014 Change in marine communities: an approach to statistical analysis and interpretation, 3rd edn.. Plymouth, Primer-E Ltd, 256pp.

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Publication - Book Section

Austen, MC, Hattam, C and Borger, T 2015 Chapter 2: Ecosystem services and benefits from marine ecosystems. In: Crowe, TP; Frid, CLJ, (eds.) Marine ecosystems: human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press, 21-41.

Item not available from this repository.

Austen, MC, Hattam, C and Borger, T 2015 Ecosystem services and benefits from marine ecosystems. In: Crowe, Tasman P; Frid, Christopher J, (eds.) Marine ecosystems: Human impacts on biodiversity, functioning and services. Cambridge University Press, 11-21.

Item not available from this repository.

Firth, LB, Knights, AM, Thompson, RC, Mieszkowska, N, Bridger, D, Evans, A, Moore, PJ, O'Connor, NE, Sheehan, EV and Hawkins, SJ 2016 Ocean sprawl: challenges and opportunities for biodiversity management in a changing world.. In: Dale, AC; Smith, IP; Hughes, RN; Hughes, DJ, (eds.) Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. CRC Press, 189-262.

Item not available from this repository.

Hattam, C, Beaumont, NJ and Austen, MC 2014 The seas, ecosystem services and human well-being. In: Oceans and Human Health: Implications for Society and Well-Being. Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 71-112, 318pp.

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Holland, RJ, Scott, K, Wegg, T, Beaumont, NJ, Papathanasopoulou, E and Smith, P 2015 Energy production and ecosystem services. In: Ekins, Paul, (ed.) Global Energy: Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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Hooper, TL, Langmead, O and Ashley, M 2016 Ecosystem Services in Marine Environmental Impact Assessment: tools to support marine planning at project and strategic scales. In: Geneletti, Davide, (ed.) Handbook on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing, 255-275. (Research Handbooks on Impact Assessment).

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Koundouri, P, Giannouli, A, Airoldi, L, Bas, B, Broszeit, S, Elginoz, N, Giannakis, E, Zagonari, F, Krontira, Y, Moussoulides, A, Tsani, S, Troianos, D, Xepapadeas, P, Xepapadeas, A and Zanuttigh, B 2017 Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Mediterranean Sea. In: Koundouri, P, (ed.) The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications - Volume 1. Cham, Springer International Publishing, 85-101.

Item not available from this repository.

Papathanasopoulou, E, Holland, RJ, Dockerty, T, Scott, K, Wegg, T, Beaumont, NJ, Taylor, G, Sünnenberg, G, Lovett, AA, Smith, P and Austen, MC 2015 Energy and ecosystem service impacts. In: Ekins, Paul, (ed.) Global Energy: Issues, Potentials, and Policy Implications. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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Publication - Conference Item

Sewell, J 2014 Marine non-natives, issues, engagement and action in France and the UK. [Speech] In: Best Practice in Citizen Science Workshop: Invasive Non-native Species, Charles Darwin House, London, 19/08/14. London, UK, UKEOF.

Item not available from this repository.

Sewell, J, Bishop, JDD and Seeley, B 2014 Through the portal – improving the flow of information on non-native marine species in Great Britain.. [Speech] In: TRANS-CHANNEL FORUM PROCEEDINGS "SCIENCE AND GOVERNANCE OF THE CHANNEL MARINE ECOSYSTEM", Caen, France, 02/07/14 - 04/07/14. Caen, France, Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie.

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Publication - Report

Alexander, D, Coates, DA, Tillin, HM and Tyler-Walters, H 2015 Conceptual Ecological Modelling of Sublittoral Rock Habitats to Inform Indicator Selection. Peterborough, JNCC, 64pp. (Report no. 560)

Hiscock, K, Earll, B and White, R 2020 South-West Marine Ecosystems Report for 2019. Plymouth, Marine Biological Association of the UK, 80pp. (South-West Marine Ecosystems. Report for 2019)

Hiscock, K, Tyler-Walters, H and Jones, H 2002 High Level Environmental Screening Study for Offshore Wind Farm Developments – Marine Habitats and Species Project. The Department of Trade and Industry New & Renewable Energy Programme, 156pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast (SAC) 2014 Intertidal Sea Cave Survey. Natural England & Scottish Natural Heritage. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2014. Natural Resources Wales 050-MFG-08.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 MarClim Annual Welsh Intertidal Climate Monitoring Survey 2015.. Natural Resources Wales. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2016 Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change Monitoring in the UK: Final report to Natural England on the MarClim annual survey 2015.. Natural England. (UNSPECIFIED)

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Mieszkowska, N and Sugden, H 2015 Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Rocky Shore Survey: Birdfood Availability Study. Natural England, 126pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Item not available from this repository.

Skinner, J, Bailly, D, Le Coz, M, Fletcher, S, Glegg, GA, Glenn, H, Herry, L, Molfese, C, Sewell, J and McQuatters-Gollop, A 2014 Pathways for effective governance of the English Channel.. Plymouth, UK, Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tillin, H.M., Watson, A, Tyler-Walters, H., Mieszkowska, N and Hiscock, K. 2022 Defining Marine Irreplaceable Habitats: Literature review. NECR474.. Natural England, 152pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Tyler-Walters, H and Jackson, A 2000 Tyler-Walters, H. and Jackson, A. (1999). Assessing seabed species and ecosystems sensitivities. Rationale and user guide, June 2000 edition.., Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 46pp. (MarLIN Report No. 4)

Tyler-Walters, H., James, B, Carruthers, M, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2016 Descriptions of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs).. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage, 149pp. (Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 406.)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 23:00:17 2025 UTC.