Seeley, B, Sewell, J and Clark, PF 2015 First GB records of the invasive Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus from Glamorgan, Wales and Kent, England.. Marine Biodiversity Records, 8 (102). 10.1017/S1755267215000809
Lear, D and Seeley, B 2011 Marine Biodiversity Data Flow in the UK. National Biodiversity Network.
Sewell, J, Bishop, JDD and Seeley, B 2014 Through the portal – improving the flow of information on non-native marine species in Great Britain.. [Speech] In: TRANS-CHANNEL FORUM PROCEEDINGS "SCIENCE AND GOVERNANCE OF THE CHANNEL MARINE ECOSYSTEM", Caen, France, 02/07/14 - 04/07/14. Caen, France, Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie.
Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H., James, B, Carruthers, M, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2016 Descriptions of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs).. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage, 149pp. (Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 406.)
Frost, MT, Seeley, B, Hinchen, H, Somerfield, PJ and Jenkins, SR 2015 MECN workshop 2014: long-term benthic monitoring and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Marine Biological Association. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)
Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H, James, B, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2012 Descriptions of Marine Protected Area (MPA) search features. Edinburgh, Marine Scotland, 75pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Jackson, EL, Langmead, O, Evans, J, Wilkes, P, Seeley, B, Lear, D and Tyler-Walters, H 2010 Mapping Marine Benthic Biodiversity in Wales.. Bangor, Wales, Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru / Countryside Council for Wales, 87pp. (UNSPECIFIED)