Tyler-Walters, H., James, B, Carruthers, M, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2016 Descriptions of Scottish Priority Marine Features (PMFs).. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage, 149pp. (Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 406.)
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Frost, MT, Seeley, B, Hinchen, H, Somerfield, PJ and Jenkins, SR 2015 MECN workshop 2014: long-term benthic monitoring and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Marine Biological Association. (UNSPECIFIED) (Unpublished)
Item not available from this repository.
Sewell, J, Bishop, JDD and Seeley, B 2014 Through the portal – improving the flow of information on non-native marine species in Great Britain.. [Speech] In: TRANS-CHANNEL FORUM PROCEEDINGS "SCIENCE AND GOVERNANCE OF THE CHANNEL MARINE ECOSYSTEM", Caen, France, 02/07/14 - 04/07/14. Caen, France, Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie.
Item not available from this repository.
Tyler-Walters, H, James, B, Wilding, C, Durkin, O, Lacey, C, Philpott, E, Adams, L, Chaniotis, PD, Wilkes, PTV, Seeley, B, Neilly, M, Dargie, J and Crawford-Avis, OT 2012 Descriptions of Marine Protected Area (MPA) search features. Edinburgh, Marine Scotland, 75pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Lear, D and Seeley, B 2011 Marine Biodiversity Data Flow in the UK. National Biodiversity Network.
Jackson, EL, Langmead, O, Evans, J, Wilkes, P, Seeley, B, Lear, D and Tyler-Walters, H 2010 Mapping Marine Benthic Biodiversity in Wales.. Bangor, Wales, Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru / Countryside Council for Wales, 87pp. (UNSPECIFIED)