Items where Author is "Medlin, LK"

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Number of items: 48.

Publication - Article

Medlin, LK, García-Portela, M, Rossignoli, AE and Reguera, B 2024 A biosensor monitoring approach for toxic algae: Construction of calibration curves to infer cell numbers in field material. Harmful Algae, 138. 10.1016/j.hal.2024.102697

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Mengs, G, Stern, RF, Clarke, JL, Faith, M and Medlin, LK 2024 Mapping selected emergent marine toxin-producing organisms using historical samples with two methods (biosensors and real-time PCR): a comparison of resolution [in special issue: Exclusive Papers Collection of Editorial Board Members and Invited Scholars in Applied Microbiology (2023, 2024)] Applied Microbiology, 4 (1). 312-328. 10.3390/applmicrobiol4010021

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Gruber, A and Medlin, LK 2023 Complex Plastids and the Evolution of the Marine Phytoplankton [in special issue: Marine Phytoplankton and Their Evolution] Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11 (10). 10.3390/jmse11101903

Robla, J, García-Hierro, J, Alguacil, FJ, Dittami, S, Marie, D, Deragon, E, Medlin, LK, Villa, E, Guillebault, E and Mengs, D 2021 Determination of the Efficiency of Filtration of Cultures from Microalgae and Bacteria using Hollow Fiber Filters. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (7). 1230-1239. 10.1039/D0EW00927J

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Barra Caracciolo, A, Dejana, L, Fajardo, C, Grenni, P, Martin, M, Mengs, G, Sanchez-Fortun, S., Lettieri, T., Sacca, ML and Medlin, LK 2019 A new fluorescent oligonucleotide probe for in-situ identification of Microcystis aeruginosa in freshwater.. Microchemical Journal, 148. 503-513. 10.1016/j.microc.2019.05.017

Medlin, LK and Juggins, S 2018 Multivariate analyses document host specificity, differences in the diatom metaphyton vs. epiphyton, and seasonality that structure the epiphytic diatom community. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 213. 314-330. 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.06.011

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Medlin, LK 2018 CYANO RT-Microarray: A Novel Tool to Detect Gene Expression in Cyanobacteria. Journal of Environmental Microbiology, 1 (1). 17-21.

Edvardsen, B, Lundholm, N and Medlin, LK 2018 Tribute to Professor Grethe Rytter Hasle. Diatom Research, 33 (1). 117-122. 10.1080/0269249X.2018.1451392

Medlin, LK 2018 Obituary – Greta A. Fryxell. Diatom Research, 33 (1). 123-133. 10.1080/0269249X.2017.1419988

Medlin, LK 2018 Mini Review: Diatom species as seen through a molecular window. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 41. 457-469. 10.1007/s40415-018-0444-1

Van de Waal, DB, Guillebault, D, Alfonso, A, Rodriguez, I, Botana, LM, Bijkerk, R and Medlin, LK 2018 Molecular detection of harmful cyanobacteria and expression of their toxin genes in Dutch lakes using multi-probe RNA chips. Harmful Algae, 72. 25-35. 10.1016/j.hal.2017.12.007

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Medlin, LK and Desdevies, Y 2018 Sequence Analysis Confirms a New Algal Class. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 68 (2-3). 151-155.

Akcaalan, R, Albay, M, Koker, L, Baudart, J, Guillebault, D, Fischer, S, Weigel, W and Medlin, LK 2018 Seasonal dynamics of freshwater pathogens as measured by microarray at Lake Sapanca, a drinking water source in the north-eastern part of Turkey. Environ Monit Assess. 10.1007/s10661-017-6314-7

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Medlin, LK, Guillebault, D, Mengs, G, Garbi, C, Dejana, L, Fajardo, C and Martin, M 2017 New molecular tools: application of the μAQUA phylochip and concomitant FISH probes to study freshwater pathogens from samples taken along the Tiber River, Italy. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 221. 109-122. 10.2495/RBM170121

Baudart, J, Guillebault, D, Meilke, E, Meyer, T, Tandon, N, Fischer, S, Weigel, W and Medlin, LK 2017 Microarray (phylochip) analysis of freshwater pathogens at several sites along the Northern German coast transecting both estuarine and freshwaters. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101 (2). 871-886. 10.1007/s00253-016-7937-2

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Medlin, LK 2016 Mini Review: Molecular Techniques for Identification and Characterization of Marine Biodiversity. Annals of Marine Biology and Research, 3 (2).

Rodriguez, I, Fraga, M, Alfonso, A, Guillebault, D, Medlin, LK, Baudart, J, Jacob, P, Helmi, K, Meyer, M, Breitenbach, U, Holten, NM, Boots, B, Supiro, R, Cimarelli, L, Mancini, L, Marcheggiani, S, Albay, M, Akcaalan, R, Koker, L and Botana, LM 2016 Monitoring of freshwater toxins in European environmental waters by using novel multi-detection methods.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9999. 1-10. 10.1002/etc.3577

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D'Ugo, E, Marcheggiani, S, Fioramonti, I, Giuseppetti, R, Spurio, R, Helmi, K, Guillebault, D, Medlin, LK, Simeonovski, I, Boots, B, Breitenbach, U, Koker, L, Albay, M and Mancini, L 2016 Detection of Human Enteric Viruses in Freshwater from European Countries. Food and Environmental Virology, 8 (3). 206-214. 10.1007/s12560-016-9238-4

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Orozco, J, Villa, E, Manes, CL, Medlin, LK and Guillebault, D 2016 Electrochemical RNA genosensors for toxic algal species: enhancing selectivity and sensitivity. Talanta, 161. 560-566. 10.1016/j.talanta.2016.08.073

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Medlin, LK and Desdevies, Y 2016 Phylogeny of ‘araphid’ diatoms inferred from SSU and LSU rDNA, rbcL and psbA sequences. Vie et Milieu, 66 (2). 129-154.

McNamee, SE, Medlin, LK, Kegel, JU, McCoy, GR, Raine, R, Barra, L, Ruggiero, MV, Kooistra, WHCF, Montresor, M, Hagstrom, J, Blanco, EP, Graneli, E, Rodriguez, R, Esclaera, L, Reguera, B, Dittami, S, Edvardsen, B, Taylor, J, Lewis, JM, Pazos, Y, Elliott, CT and Campbell, K 2016 Distribution, occurrence and biotoxin composition of the main shellfish toxin producing microalgae within European waters: A comparison of methods of analysis.. Harmful Algae, 55. 112-120. 10.1016/j.hal.2016.02.008

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Kegel, JU, Guillebault, D and Medlin, LK 2016 Application of microarrays (phylochips) for analysis of community diversity by species identification. Perspectives in Phycology. 10.1127/pip/2016/0048

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Greer, B, McNamee, SE, Boots, B, Cimarelli, L, Guillebault, D, Helmi, K, Marcheggiani, S, Panaiotov, S, Breitenbach, U, Akcaalan, R, Medlin, LK, Kittler, K, Elliott, CT and Campbell, K 2016 A validated UPLC–MS/MS method for the surveillance of ten aquatic biotoxins in European brackish and freshwater systems. Harmful Algae, 55. 31-40. 10.1016/j.hal.2016.01.006

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Lindemann, C, Ashworth, M, Witkowski, A, Dabek, P, Medlin, LK, Kooistra, WHCF, Sato, S, Zglobicka, I, Kurzydlowski, KJ, Theriot, EC, Sabir, JSM, Khiyami, MA, Mutwakil, MHZ, Sabir, MH, Alharbi, NS, Hajarah, NH, Qing, S and Jansen, JK 2015 New insights into Plagiogrammaceae (Bacillariophyta) based on multigene phylogenies and morphological characteristics with the description of a new genus and three new species.. PLoS one. 10.1371/journal.pone.0139300.

Marcheggiani, M, D'Ugo, E, Puccinelli, C, Giuseppetti, R, D'Angelo, AM, Claudio Orlando Gualerzi, CO, Spurio, R, Medlin, LK, Guillebault, D, Weigel, W, Helmi, K and Mancini, L 2015 Detection of Emerging and Re-Emerging Pathogens in Surface Waters Close to an Urban Area. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (5). 5505-5527. 10.3390/ijerph120505505

Herrera-Sepulveda, A, Medlin, LK, Murugan, G, Sierra-Beltran, AP, Cruz-Villacorta, AA and Hernandez-Saavedra, NY 2015 Are Prorocentrum hoffmannianum and Prorocentrum belizeanum (Dinophyceae, Prorocentrales), the same species? An integration of morphological and molecular data.. Journal of Phycology, 51 (1). 173-188. 10.1111/jpy.12265

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Gaebler-Schwarz, S, Medlin, LK and Leese, F 2015 A puzzle with many pieces: the genetic structure and diversity of Phaeocystis antarctica Karsten (Prymnesiophyta). European Journal of Phycology, 50. 112-124. 10.1080/09670262.2014.998295

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Medlin, LK 2014 Evolution of the Diatoms: VIII. Re-Examination of the SSU-Rrna Gene Using Multiple Outgroups and a Cladistic Analysis of Valve Features.. Journal of Biodiversity, Bioprospecting and Development, 1 (3). 1-16. 10.4172/2376-0214.1000129

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McCoy, GR, Kegel, JU, Touzet, N, Fleming, GTA, Medlin, LK and Raine, R 2014 An assessment of RNA content in Prymnesium parvum, Prymnesium polylepis, cf. Chattonella sp. and Karlodinium veneficum under varying environmental conditions for calibrating an RNA microarray for species detection.. Federation of European Microbiological Societies, 88 (1). 140-159. 10.1111/1574-6941.12277

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Jonker, RR, Groben, R, Tarran, GA, Medlin, LK, Wilkins, MF, Garcia, L, Zabala, L and Boddy, L 2000 Automated identification and characterisation of microbial populations using flow cytometry: the AIMS project. Scientia Marina, 64 (2). 225 - 234.

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Publication - Book Section

Doucette, GJ, Medlin, LK, McCarron, P and Hess, P 2018 Detection and Surveillance of Harmful Algal Bloom Species and Toxins. In: Morton, SL; Burkholder, JAM; Shumway, SE, (eds.) Harmful Algal Blooms. Wiley, 39-114.

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Eikrem, W, Medlin, LK, Henderiks, J, Rokitta, S, Rost, B, Probert, I, Throndsen, J and Edvardsen, B 2016 Haptophyta. In: Archibald, JM; Simpson, AGB; Slamovits, CH; Margulis, L; Melkonian, M; Chapman, DJ; Corliss, JO, (eds.) Handbook of the Protists. Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 1-61.

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Carvalho, GR, Creer, S, Allen, MJ, Costa, FO, Tsigenopoulos, CS, Le Goff-Vitry, M, Magoulas, A, Medlin, LK and Metfies, K 2010 Genomics in the discovery and monitoring of marine biodiversity. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, Jan-32.

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Publication - Conference Item

Medlin, LK, Guillebault, D, Mengs, G, Garbi, C, Dejana, L, FaJARDO, C and Martin, M 2017 New molecular tools: application of the μAQUA phylochip and concomitant FISH probes to study freshwater pathogens from samples taken along the Tiber River, Italy. In: River Basin Management 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 19 - 21 July, 2017. WIT Transactions on the Ecology and the Environment. (In Press)

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