Beyond the food on your plate: Investigating sources of microplastic contamination in home kitchens

Snekkevik, VK, Cole, MJ, Gomiero, A, Haave, M, Khan, FR and Lusher, AL 2024 Beyond the food on your plate: Investigating sources of microplastic contamination in home kitchens. Heliyon, 10 (15). e35022.

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Given that a substantial amount of time is spent in kitchens preparing food, the kitchen equipment used may be relevant in determining the composition and amount of microplastics ending up on our dinner plate. While previous research has predominantly focused on foodstuffs as a source of microplastics, we emphasise that micro- and nanoplastics are ubiquitous and likely originate from diverse sources. To address the existing knowledge gap regarding additional sources contributing to microplastics on our dinner plates, this review investigates various kitchen processes, utensils and equipment (excluding single-use items and foodstuffs) to get a better understanding of potential microplastic sources within a home kitchen. Conducting a narrative literature review using terms related to kitchenware and kitchen-affiliated equipment and processes, this study underscores that the selection of preparation tools, storage, serving, cooking, and cleaning procedures in our kitchens may have a significant impact on microplastic exposure. Mechanical, physical, and chemical processes occurring during food preparation contribute to the release of microplastic particles, challenging the assumption that exposure to microplastics in food is solely tied to food products or packaging. This review highlights diverse sources of microplastics in home kitchens, posing concerns for food safety and human health.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Additional Keywords: Microplastics Food preparation Food safety Kitchen equipment Utensils Microplastic release mechanisms
Divisions: Plymouth Marine Laboratory > Science Areas > Marine Ecology and Biodiversity
Depositing User: S Hawkins
Date made live: 12 Aug 2024 15:33
Last Modified: 12 Aug 2024 15:33

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