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Ahel, M, Barlow, RG and Mantoura, RFC 1996 Effect of salinity gradients on the distribution of phytoplankton pigments in a stratified estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 143 (01-Mar). 289 - 295. 10.3354/meps143289

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Archer, SD, Leakey, RJG, Burkill, PH and Sleigh, MA 1996 Microbial dynamics in coastal waters of East Antarctica: Herbivory by heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 139 (01-Mar). 239 - 255. 10.3354/meps139239

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Archer, SD, Leakey, RJG, Burkill, PH, Sleigh, MA and Appleby, CJ 1996 Microbial ecology of sea ice at a coastal Antarctic site: Community composition biomass and temporal change. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 135 (01-Mar). 179 - 195. 10.3354/meps135179

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Bale, AJ 1996 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-3 cruise report. Cruise period 16 September - 25 October 1996. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 106pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Bale, AJ 1996 In situ laser optical particle sizing. Journal of Sea Research, 36 (01-Feb). 31 - 36. 10.1016/S1385-1101(96)90767-4

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Behrenfeld, M, Bale, AJ, Kolber, ZS, Aiken, J and Falkowski, PG 1996 Confirmation of iron limitation of phytoplankton photosynthesis in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 508 - 511. 10.1038/383508a0

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Carr, MR, Tarran, GA and Burkill, PH 1996 Discrimination of marine phytoplankton species through the statistical analysis of their flow cytometric signatures. Journal of Plankton Research, 18 (7). 1225 - 1238. 10.1093/plankt/18.7.1225

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Chadd, HE, Joint, IR, Mann, NH and Carr, NG 1996 The marine picoplankter Synechococcus sp WH 7803 exhibits an adaptive response to restricted iron availability. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 21 (2). 69 - 76. 10.1016/0168-6496(96)00031-1

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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0

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Cooper, DJ, Watson, AJ and Nightingale, PD 1996 Large decrease in ocean-surface CO2 fugacity in response to in situ iron fertilization. Nature, 383 (6600). 511 - 513. 10.1038/383511a0

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Culverhouse, PF, Simpson, RG, Ellis, R, Lindley, JA, Williams, R, Parsini, T, Reguera, B, Bravo, I, Zoppoli, R, Earnshaw, G, McCall, H and Smith, GC 1996 Automatic classification of field-collected dinoflagellates by artificial neural network. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 139 (1-3). 281-287. 10.3354/meps139281


dePuelles, MLF, Valdes, L, Varela, MM, Alvarez-Ossorio, MT and Halliday, NC 1996 Diel variations in the vertical distribution of copepods off the north coast of Spain. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53 (1). 97 - 106.

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Eisma, D, Bale, AJ, Dearnaley, MP, Fennessy, MJ, Vanleussen, W, Maldiney, MA, Pfeiffer, A and Wells, JT 1996 Intercomparison of in situ suspended matter (floc) size measurements. Journal of Sea Research, 36 (01-Feb). Mar-14. 10.1016/S1385-1101(96)90765-0

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Fernandez, E, Maranon, E, Harbour, DS, Kristiansen, S and Heimdal, BR 1996 Patterns of carbon and nitrogen uptake during blooms of Emiliania huxleyi in two Norwegian fjords. Journal of Plankton Research, 18 (12). 2349 - 2366. 10.1093/plankt/18.12.2349

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Gallienne, CP, Robins, DB and Pilgrim, DA 1996 Measuring abundance and size distribution of zooplankton using the optical plankton counter in underway mode. Underwater Technology, 21 (4). 15 - 21. 10.3723/175605496783328493

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Gee, JM and Warwick, RM 1996 A study of global biodiversity patterns in the marine motile fauna of hard substrata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 76 (1). 177 - 184.

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Green, JC, Course, PA and Tarran, GA 1996 The life-cycle of Emiliania huxleyi: A brief review and a study of relative ploidy levels analysed by flow cytometry. Journal of Marine Systems, 9 (01-Feb). 33 - 44. 10.1016/0924-7963(96)00014-0

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Harradine, PJ, Harris, PG, Head, RN, Harris, RP and Maxwell, JR 1996 Steryl chlorin esters are formed by zooplankton herbivory. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 60 (12). 2265 - 2270. 10.1016/0016-7037(96)00132-9

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Harris, RP 1996 Coccolithophorid dynamics: The European Emiliania huxleyi programme EHUX. Journal of Marine Systems, 9 (01-Feb). 01-Nov. 10.1016/0924-7963(96)00012-7

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Harris, RP 1996 Feeding ecology of Calanus. Ophelia, 44 (01-Mar). 85 - 109.

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Hawkins, AJS and Day, AJ 1996 The metabolic basis of genetic differences in growth efficiency among marine animals. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 203 (1). 93 - 115. 10.1016/0022-0981(96)02572-5

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Hawkins, AJS, Smith, RFM, Bayne, BL and Heral, M 1996 Novel observations underlying the fast growth of suspension-feeding shellfish in turbid environments: Mytilus edulis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 131 (01-Mar). 179 - 190. 10.3354/meps131179

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Hedgecock, D, McGoldrick, DJ, Manahan, DT, Vavra, J, Appelmans, N and Bayne, BL 1996 Quantitative and molecular genetic analyses of heterosis in bivalve molluscs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 203 (1). 49 - 59. 10.1016/0022-0981(96)02569-5

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Iglesias, JIP, Camacho, AP, Navarro, E, Labarta, U, Beiras, R, Hawkins, AJS and Widdows, J 1996 Microgeographic variability in feeding absorption and condition of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk): A transplant experiment. Journal of Shellfish Research, 15 (3). 673 - 680.

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Karamfilov, VK, Fileman, TW, Evans, KM and Mantoura, RFC 1996 Determination of dimethoate and fenitrothion in estuarine samples by C-18 solid-phase extraction and high-resolution gas-chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 335 (01-Feb). 51 - 61. 10.1016/S0003-2670(96)00318-2

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Kendall, MA 1996 Are Arctic soft sediment macrobenthic communities impoverished?. Polar Biology, 16 (6). 393 - 399.

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Kendall, MA, Widdicombe, S, Davey, JT, Somerfield, PJ, Austen, MC and Warwick, RM 1996 The biogeography of islands: Preliminary results from a comparative study of the isles of Scilly and Cornwall. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 76 (1). 219 - 222.

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Kreeger, DA, Hawkins, AJS and Bayne, BL 1996 Use of dual-labeled microcapsules to discern the physiological fates of assimilated carbohydrate protein carbon and protein nitrogen in suspension-feeding organisms. Limnology and Oceanography, 41 (2). 208 - 215.

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Leakey, RJG, Burkill, PH and Sleigh, MA 1996 Planktonic ciliates in the northwestern Indian Ocean: Their abundance and biomass in waters of contrasting productivity. Journal of Plankton Research, 18 (6). 1063 - 1071. 10.1093/plankt/18.6.1063

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Llewellyn, CA and Mantoura, RFC 1996 Pigment biomarkers and particulate carbon in the upper water column compared to the ocean interior of the northeast Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 43 (8). 1165 - 1184. 10.1016/0967-0637(96)00043-X

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Maranon, E, Fernandez, E, Harris, RP and Harbour, DS 1996 Effects of the diatom-Emiliania huxleyi succession on photosynthesis calcification and carbon metabolism by size-fractionated phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia, 317 (3). 189 - 199. 10.1007/BF00036469

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McCall, H, Bravo, I, Lindley, JA and Reguera, B 1996 Phytoplankton recognition using parametric discriminants. Journal of Plankton Research, 18 (3). 393 - 410. 10.1093/plankt/18.3.393

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Millward, GE, Allen, JI, Morris, AW and Turner, A 1996 Distributions and fluxes of non-detrital particulate FeMnCuZn in the Humber coastal zone UK. Continental Shelf Research, 16 (7). 967 - 993. 10.1016/0278-4343(95)00040-2

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Mumby, PJ, Clarke, KR and Harborne, AR 1996 Weighting species abundance estimates for marine resource assessment. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems., 6 (3). 115 - 120. 10.1002/(SICI)1099-0755(199609)6:3<115::AID-AQC188>3.0.CO;2-T

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Nanninga, HJ and Tyrrell, T 1996 Importance of light for the formation of algal blooms by Emiliania huxleyi. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 136 (01-Mar). 195 - 203. 10.3354/meps136195

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Perez-Ruzafa, A, Gilabert, J, Bel-Lan, A, Moreno, V and Gutierrez, JM 1996 New approach to chlorophyll a determination in shallow coastal waters by remote sensing. Scientia Marina, 60. 19 - 27.

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Pond, DW and Harris, RP 1996 The lipid composition of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and its possible ecophysiological significance. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 76 (3). 579 - 594.

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Pond, DW, Harris, RP, Head, RN and Harbour, D 1996 Environmental and nutritional factors determining seasonal variability in the fecundity and egg viability of Calanus helgolandicus in coastal waters off Plymouth UK. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 143 (01-Mar). 45 - 63. 10.3354/meps143045

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Radford, PJ and Blackford, JC 1996 Interdisciplinary methods for successful ecological simulation. Ecological Modelling, 86 (02-Mar). 265 - 270. 10.1016/0304-3800(95)00062-3

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Robins, DB 1996 AMT-1 cruise report and preliminary results. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 93pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Robins, DB 1996 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-2 cruise report 22nd April - 22nd May 1996 Port Stanley (Falkland Islands) to Plymouth (UK). Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 146pp. (UNSPECIFIED)


Sleigh, MA, Edwards, ES, John, AWG and Burkill, PH 1996 Microzooplankton community structure in the north-eastern Atlantic: Trends with latitude depth and date between May and early August. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 76 (2). 287 - 296.

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Somerfield, PJ and Jeal, F 1996 The distribution of Halacaridae (Acari: Prostigmata) among macroalgae on sheltered rocky shores. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 76 (1). 251 - 254.

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Taylor, AH 1996 North-south shifts of the Gulf Stream: Ocean-atmosphere interactions in the North Atlantic. International Journal of Climatology, 16 (5). 559 - 583. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0088(199605)16:5<559::AID-JOC26>3.0.CO;2-Z

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Turner, SM, Nightingale, PD, Spokes, LJ, Liddicoat, MI and Liss, PS 1996 Increased dimethyl sulphide concentrations in sea water from in situ iron enrichment. Nature, 383 (6600). 513 - 517. 10.1038/383513a0

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Tyrrell, T and Taylor, AH 1996 A modelling study of Emiliania huxleyi in the NE Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems, 9 (01-Feb). 83 - 112. 10.1016/0924-7963(96)00019-X

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Uncles, RJ and Peterson, DH 1996 The long-term salinity field in San Francisco Bay. Continental Shelf Research, 16 (15). 2005 - 2039. 10.1016/0278-4343(96)00032-5

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Uncles, RJ and Stephens, JA 1996 Salt intrusion in the Tweed Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 43 (3). 271 - 293. 10.1006/ecss.1996.0070

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Uncles, RJ and Stephens, JA 1996 Seasonal variability of fine-sediment in the Tamar estuary. In: International Symposium on Suspended Particulate Matter in Rivers and Estuaries, REINBEK, GERMANY, MAR 21-25, 1994. ADVANCES IN LIMNOLOGY 47: SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER IN RIVERS AND ESTUARIES, ERGEBNISSE DER LIMNOLOGIE, 411 - 414.

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Upstill-Goddard, RC, Rees, AP and Owens, NJP 1996 Simultaneous high-precision measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in water and seawater by single phase equilibration gas chromatography. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 43 (10). 1669 - 1682. 10.1016/S0967-0637(96)00074-X

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Warwick, RM 1996 Marine biodiversity a selection of papers presented at the conference ''Marine Biodiversity: Causes and Consequences'' York UK 30 August 2 September 1994 - Introduction. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 202 (1). R9 - R10. 10.1016/0022-0981(96)00026-3

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Warwick, RM and Clarke, KR 1996 Relationships between body-size species abundance and diversity in marine benthic assemblages: Facts or artefacts?. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 202 (1). 63 - 71. 10.1016/0022-0981(96)00031-7

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Zhou, JL, Fileman, TW, Evans, SV, Donkin, P, Mantoura, RFC and Rowland, SJ 1996 Seasonal distribution of dissolved pesticides and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in the humber estuary and humber coastal zone. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 32 (08-Sep). 599 - 608. 10.1016/0025-326X(96)00014-8

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