Allen, JI, Eknes, M and Evensen, G 2003 An Ensemble Kalman Filter with a complex marine ecosystem model: hindcasting phytoplankton in the Cretan Sea. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). 399 - 411.
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Hoteit, I, Triantafyllou, G, Petihakis, G and Allen, JI 2003 A singular evolutive extended Kalman filter to assimilate real in situ data in a 1-D marine ecosystem model. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). 389 - 397.
Item not available from this repository.
Pinardi, N, Allen, I, Demirov, E, De Mey, P, Korres, G, Lascaratos, A, Le Traon, PY, Maillard, C, Manzella, G and Tziavos, C 2003 The Mediterranean ocean forecasting system: first phase of implementation (1998-2001). Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). Mar-20.
Item not available from this repository.
Siddorn, JR and Allen, JI 2003 Surface heat fluxes and ecosystem function in the Cretan Sea (eastern Mediterranean): a modelling study. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). 377 - 388.
Item not available from this repository.
Triantafyllou, G, Petihakis, G and Allen, JI 2003 Assessing the performance of the Cretan Sea ecosystem model with the use of high frequency M3A buoy data set. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). 365 - 375.
Item not available from this repository.