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Bayne, BL, Livingstone, DR, Moore, MN, Stebbing, ARD and Widdows, J 1980 Ecological Monitoring. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 11 (8). 238 - 238. 10.1016/0025-326X(80)90415-4
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Bayne, BL and Worrall, CM 1980 Growth And Production Of Mussels Mytilus-Edulis From 2 Populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 3 (4). 317 - 328. 10.3354/meps003317
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Colebrook, JM and Taylor, AH 1980 Year-To-Year Changes In Sea-Surface Temperature North-Atlantic And North-Sea 1948 To 1974 - Reply. Deep-Sea Research Part A-Oceanographic Research Papers, 27 (11). 972 - 972. 10.1016/0198-0149(80)90010-2
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Davey, JT 1980 Spatial-Distribution Of The Copepod Parasite Lernanthropus-Kroyeri On The Gills Of Bass Dicentrarchus-Labrax (L). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 60 (4). 1061 - 1067.
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Dezwaan, A, Thompson, RJ and Livingstone, DR 1980 Physiological And Biochemical Aspects Of The Valve Snap And Valve Closure Responses In The Giant Scallop Placopecten-Magellanicus .2. Biochemistry. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 137 (2). 105 - 114.
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Dixon, DR 1980 The Energetics Of Tube Production By Mercierella-Enigmatica (Polychaeta-Serpulidae). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 60 (3). 655 - 659.
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Lindley, JA 1980 Population-Dynamics And Production Of Euphausiids .2. Thysanoessa-Inermis And Thysanoessa-Raschi In The North-Sea And American Coastal Waters. Marine Biology, 59 (4). 225 - 233. 10.1007/BF00404745
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Moore, MN, Koehn, RK and Bayne, BL 1980 Leucine Aminopeptidase (Aminopeptidase-I) N-Acetyl-Beta-Hexosaminidase And Lysosomes In The Mussel Mytilus-Edulis-L In Response To Salinity Changes. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 214 (3). 239 - 249. 10.1002/jez.1402140302
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Moore, MN, Livingstone, DR, Donkin, P, Bayne, BL, Widdows, J and Lowe, DM 1980 Mixed-Function Oxygenases And Xenobiotic Detoxication-Toxication Systems In Bivalve Mollusks. Helgoland Marine Research, 33 (01-Apr). 278 - 291. 10.1007/BF02414753
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Newell, RC, Parker, I and Cook, PA 1980 A Possible Role Of Alpha-Amylase Isoenzymes From The Style Of The Mussel Choromytilus-Meridionalis (Krauss) Following Thermal-Acclimation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 47 (1). 01-Aug. 10.1016/0022-0981(80)90133-1
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Newell, RIE and Bayne, BL 1980 Seasonal-Changes In The Physiology Reproductive Condition And Carbohydrate Content Of The Cockle Cardium (=Cerastoderma) Edule (Bivalvia Cardiidae). Marine Biology, 56 (1). Nov-19. 10.1007/BF00390589
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Price, R and Warwick, RM 1980 Temporal Variations In Annual Production And Biomass In Estuarine Populations Of 2 Polychaetes Nephtys-Hombergi And Ampharete-Acutifrons. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 60 (2). 481 - 487.
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Thompson, RJ, Livingstone, DR and Dezwaan, A 1980 Physiological And Biochemical Aspects Of The Valve Snap And Valve Closure Responses In The Giant Scallop Placopecten-Magellanicus .1. Physiology. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 137 (2). 97 - 104.
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Williams, R and Conway, DVP 1980 Vertical Distributions Of Calanus-Finmarchicus And Calanus-Helgolandicus (Crustacea Copepoda). Marine Biology, 60 (1). 57 - 61. 10.1007/BF00395606
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Williams, R and Lindley, JA 1980 Plankton Of The Fladen Ground During Flex-76 .1. Spring Development Of The Plankton Community. Marine Biology, 57 (2). 73 - 78. 10.1007/BF00387372
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Williams, R and Lindley, JA 1980 Plankton Of The Fladen Ground During Flex-76 .3. Vertical-Distribution Population-Dynamics And Production Of Calanus-Finmarchicus (Crustacea Copepoda). Marine Biology, 60 (1). 47 - 56. 10.1007/BF00395605
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