Bishop, JDD, Wood, CA, Lévêque, L, Yunnie, ALE and Viard, F 2015 Repeated rapid assessment surveys reveal contrasting trends in occupancy of marinas by non-indigenous species on opposite sides of the western English Channel [in special issue: The English Channel and it’s catchments: Status and Responses to Contaminants] Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95 (2). 699-706. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.11.043
Bishop, JDD, Wood, CA, Yunnie, ALE and Griffiths, CA 2015 Unheralded arrivals: non-native sessile invertebrates in marinas on the English coast. Aquatic Invasions, 10 (3). 249-264. 10.3391/ai.2015.10.3.01
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Bishop, JDD, Yunnie, ALE, Baxter, E and Wood, CA 2015 Guide to early post-settlement stages of fouling marine invertebrates in Britain.., Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (UNSPECIFIED)
Jenkins, HL, Bishop, JDD and Hughes, RN 2015 Prudent female allocation by modular hermaphrodites: female investment is promoted by the opportunity to outcross in cyclostome bryozoans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 116 (3). 593-602. 10.1111/bij.12631
Roy, HE, Bishop, JDD, Sewell, J and Wood, CA 2015 Invasive Alien Species - Prioritising prevention efforts through horizon scanning ENV.B.2/ETU/2014/0016. Brussels, European Commission, 230pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Roy, HE, Rorke, SL, Beckmann, B, Booy, O, Botham, MS, Brown, PMJ, Harrower, C, Noble, D, Sewell, J and Walker, K 2015 The contribution of volunteer recorders to our understanding of biological invasions. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115 (3). 678-689. 10.1111/bij.12518
Item not available from this repository.
Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD, Davies, C, Delduca, E, Hatton, JC, Herbert, RJH and Clark, PF 2015 Hemigrapsus takanoi Asakura and Watanabe, 2005 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsoidea): first records of the brush-clawed shore crab from Great Britain. BioInvasions Records, 4 (2). 109-113. 10.3391/bir.2015.4.2.07
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Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD and Yunnie, ALE 2015 Comprehensive Reassessment of NNS in Welsh marinas., GBNNSS. (UNSPECIFIED)
Wood, CA, Bishop, JDD and Yunnie, ALE 2015 RAS 2014 Non-Native Species Rapid Assessment Surveys in English Marinas. The Bromley Trust, 34pp. (UNSPECIFIED)