Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
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Tzanatos, E, Raitsos, DE, Triantafyllou, G, Somarakis, S and Tsonis, AA 2014 Indications of a climate effect on Mediterranean fisheries. Climatic Change, 122 (1-2). 41-54. 10.1007/s10584-013-0972-4
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Triantafyllou, G, Petihakis, G and Allen, JI 2003 Assessing the performance of the Cretan Sea ecosystem model with the use of high frequency M3A buoy data set. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). 365 - 375.
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Hoteit, I, Triantafyllou, G, Petihakis, G and Allen, JI 2003 A singular evolutive extended Kalman filter to assimilate real in situ data in a 1-D marine ecosystem model. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (1). 389 - 397.
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Petihakis, G, Triantafyllou, G, Allen, IJ, Hoteit, I and Dounas, C 2002 Modelling the spatial and temporal variability of the Cretan Sea ecosystem. Journal of Marine Systems, 36 (03-Apr). 173 - 196. 10.1016/S0924-7963(02)00186-0
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Petihakis, G, Triantafyllou, G, Koutsoubas, D, Allen, I and Dounas, C 1999 Modelling the annual cycles of nutrients and phytoplankton in a Mediterranean lagoon (Gialova Greece). Marine Environmental Research, 48 (1). 37 - 58. 10.1016/S0141-1136(99)00031-8
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