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Spiro, B., Greenwood, P. B., Southward, A. J. and DANDO, P. R. 1986 13C/12C ratios in marine invertebrates from reducing sediments: confirmation of nutritional importance of chemoautotrophic endosymbiotic bacteria.. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 28. 233-240.
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DANDO, P. R. 1984 Reproduction in estuarine fish.. In: Potts, G. W.; Wooton, R. J., (eds.) Fish Reproduction, Strategies and Tactics. London, Academic Press, 155-170.
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DANDO, P. R. 1981 Strombine [N--(carboxymethyl)-D-alanine] dehydrogenase and alanopine {meso-N-(1-carboxymethyl)-alanine} dehydrogenase from the mussel Mytilus edulis.. Biochemical Society Transactions, 9 (4). 297-298. 10.1042/bst0090297
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DANDO, P. R. 1970 Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiff-iagonis) populations in the English Channel and Approaches - lactate dehydrogenase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase polymorphisms.. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 50 (3). 801-818. 10.1017/S0025315400005051
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DANDO, P. R. and Southward, A. J. 1966 Chemoautotrophy in bivalve molluscs of the genus Thyasira.. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 66. 915-919. DOI:
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