Items where Author is "Aiken, J"

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Number of items: 72.

Publication - Article

Barlow, R, Lamont, T, Viljoen, J, Airs, RL, Brewin, RJW, Tilstone, GH, Aiken, J, Woodward, EMS and Harris, C 2022 Latitudinal variability and adaptation of phytoplankton in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems, 239. 103844. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103844

Aiken, J, Brewin, RJW, Dufois, F, Polimene, L, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Jackson, T, Loveday, BR, Mallor-hoya, S, Dall’Olmo, G, Stephens, JA and Hirata, T 2016 A synthesis of the environmental response of the North and South Atlantic Sub-Tropical Gyres during two decades of AMT. Progress in Oceanography. 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.08.004

Barlow, RG, Gibberd, M-J, Lamont, T, Aiken, J and Holligan, PM 2016 Chemotaxonomic phytoplankton patterns on the eastern boundary of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 111. 73-78. 10.1016/j.dsr.2016.02.011

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Rees, A, Robinson, C, Smyth, T, Aiken, J, Nightingale, PD and Zubkov, MV 2015 20 Years of the Atlantic Meridional Transect — AMT. Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin. 7, pp. 10.1002/lob.10069

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Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Polimene, L, Hirata, T, Brewin, RJW and Aiken, J 2013 Impacts of light shading and nutrient enrichment geo-engineering approaches on the productivity of a stratified oligotrophic ocean ecosystem.. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10. 1-9. 10.1098/rsif.2013.0701

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Hirata, T, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Brewin, RJW, Aiken, J, Barlow, RG, Suzuki, K, Isada, T, Howell, E, Hashioka, T, Noguchi-Aita, M and Yamanaka, Y 2011 Synoptic relationships between surface Chlorophyll-a and diagnostic pigments specific to phytoplankton functional types. Biogeosciences, 8. 311 - 327. 10.5194/bg-8-311-2011

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Allen, JI, Aiken, J, Anderson, TR, Buitenhuis, E, Cornell, S, Geider, RJ, Haines, K, Hirata, T, Holt, JT, Le Quere, C, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Ross, RN, Sinha, B and While, J 2010 Marine ecosystem models for earth systems applications: The MarQUEST experience. Journal of Marine Systems, 81 (1-. 19 - 33. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.12.017

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Hirata, T, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Barlow, RG, Lamont, T, Brewin, RJW, Smyth, TJ and Aiken, J 2009 An inherent optical property approach to the estimation of size-specific photosynthetic rates in eastern boundary upwelling zones from satellite ocean colour: An initial assessment. Progress in Oceanography, 83. 393 - 397. 10.1016/j.pocean.2009.07.019

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Hirata, T, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Aiken, J and Fishwick, J 2009 Relationship between the distribution function of ocean nadir radiance and inherent optical properties for oceanic waters. Applied Optics, 48. 3130 - 3139.

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Aiken, J, Pradhan, Y, Barlow, RG, Lavender, SJ, Poulton, AJ, Holligan, PM and Hardman-Mountford, NJ 2009 Phytoplankton pigments and functional types in the Atlantic Ocean: A decadal assessment 1995-2005. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56. 899 - 917. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.09.017

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Hirata, T, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Aiken, J, Smyth, TJ, Barlow, RG, Martinez Vicente, V, Fishwick, J and Bernard, S 2008 Optical Approach to Derive Phytoplankton Size Classes Using Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. Ocean Optics conference proceedings.. 01-Aug.

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Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Hirata, T and Aiken, J 2008 Objective classification of ecological pattern into biomes and provinces for the pelagic ocean. Conference Proceedings. 0 - 0.

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Hirata, T, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Aiken, J, Martinez Vicente, V, Fishwick, J and Bernard, S 2008 Particle size distribution determined from ocean colour as a descriptor of nano/micro phytoplankton community in the oceans. Conference Proceedings. 0 - 0.

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Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Hirata, T, Richardson, K and Aiken, J 2008 An objective methodology for the classification of ecological pattern into biomes and provinces for the pelagic ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112. 3341 - 3352. 10.1016/j.rse.2008.02.016

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Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Hirata, T and Aiken, J 2008 Seasonal and inter-annual variability in phytoplankton size classes and primary production in eastern boundary upwelling systems. Conference Proceedings. 75 - 75.

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Hirata, T, Aiken, J, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Smyth, TJ and Barlow, RG 2008 Phytoplankton community structure from space. Conference Proceedings. 113 - 113.

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Hirata, T, Aiken, J, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Smyth, TJ and Barlow, RG 2008 An absorption model to determine phytoplankton size classes from satellite ocean colour. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(6). 3153 - 3159. 10.1016/j.rse.2008.03.011

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Barker, K, Smyth, TJ, Lavender, SJ and Aiken, J 2008 A novel technique to estimate primary production directly from Earth observation data: an inherent optical property approach. Conference Proceedings. 117 - 117.

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Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Moore, GF, Bakker, DCE, Watson, AJ, Schuster, U, Barciela, R, Hines, A, Moncoiffe, G, Brown, J, Dye, S, Blackford, JC, Somerfield, PJ, Holt, JT, Hydes, DJ and Aiken, J 2008 An operational monitoring system to provide indicators of CO(2)-related variables in the ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65. 1498 - 1503. 10.1093/icesjms/fsn110

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Aiken, J, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Barlow, RG, Fishwick, J, Hirata, T and Smyth, TJ 2008 Functional links between bioenergetics and bio-optical traits of phytoplankton taxonomic groups: an overarching hypothesis with applications for ocean colour remote sensing. Journal of Plankton Research, 30. 165 - 181. 10.1093/plankt/fbm098

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Aiken, J, Fishwick, J, Lavender, SJ, Barlow, RG, Moore, GF, Sessions, HE, Bernard, S, Ras, J and Hardman-Mountford, NJ 2007 Validation of MERIS reflectance and chlorophyll during the BENCAL cruise October 2002: preliminary validation of new demonstration products for phytoplankton functional types and photosynthetic parameters. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28. 497 - 516. 10.1080/01431160600821036

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Smyth, TJ, Moore, GF, Hirata, T and Aiken, J 2007 Semianalytical model for the derivation of ocean color inherent optical properties: description implementation and performance assessment (erratum). Applied Optics, 46. 429 - 430. 10.1364/AO.46.000429

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Fishwick, J, Aiken, J, Barlow, RG, Sessions, HE, Bernard, S and Ras, J 2006 Functional relationships and bio-optical properties derived from phytoplankton pigments optical and photosynthetic parameters; a case study of the Benguela ecosystem. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 86. 1267 - 1280. 10.1017/S0025315406014287

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Smyth, TJ, Moore, GF, Hirata, T and Aiken, J 2006 Semianalytical model for the derivation of ocean color inherent optical properties: description implementation and performance assessment. Applied Optics, 45 (31). 8116 - 8131. 10.1364/AO.45.008116

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Suggett, D, Moore, CM, Maranon, E, Omachi, CY, Varela, MM, Aiken, J and Holligan, PM 2006 Photosynthetic electron turnover in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53 (14 - 1). 1573 - 1592. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.05.014

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Pradhan, Y, Lavender, SJ, Hardman-Mountford, NJ and Aiken, J 2006 Seasonal and inter-annual variability of chlorophyll-a concentration in the Mauritanian upwelling: Observation of an anomalous event during 1998-1999. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53. 1548 - 1559. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.05.016

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Lavender, SJ, Pinkerton, MH, Moore, GF, Aiken, J and Blondeau-Patissier, D 2005 Modification to the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS ocean colour images over turbid waters. Continental Shelf Research, 25. 539 - 555. 10.1016/j.csr.2004.10.007

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Devilla, RA, Brown, MT, Donkin, ME, Tarran, GA, Aiken, J and Readman, JW 2005 Impact of antifouling booster biocides on single microalgal species and on a natural marine phytoplankton community. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 286. 01-12. 10.3354/meps286001

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Smyth, TJ, Pemberton, KL, Aiken, J and Geider, RJ 2004 A methodology to determine primary production and phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters from Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry. Journal of Plankton Research, 26 (9). 1337 - 1350. 10.1093/plankt/fbh124

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Southward, AJ, Langmead, O, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Aiken, J, Boalch, GT, Dando, PR, Genner, MJ, Joint, IR, Kendall, MA, Halliday, NC, Harris, RP, Leaper, R, Mieszkowska, N, Pingree, RD, Richardson, AJ, Sims, DW, Smith, T, Walne, AW and Hawkins, SJ 2004 Long-Term Oceanographic and Ecological Research in the Western English Channel. Advances in Marine Biology, 47. 1-105. 10.1016/S0065-2881(04)47001-1

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Pinkerton, MH, Lavender, SJ and Aiken, J 2003 Validation of SeaWiFS ocean color satellite data using a moored databuoy. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 108 (C5). 10.1029/2002JC001337

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Reid, PC, Colebrook, JM, Matthews, JBL and Aiken, J 2003 The Continuous Plankton Recorder: concepts and history, from Plankton Indicators to undulating recorders. Progress in Oceanography, 58. 117-173. 10.1016/j.pocean.2003.08.002

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Corchado, JM and Aiken, J 2002 Hybrid artificial intelligence methods in oceanographic forecast models. IEEE Transactions On Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-Applications and Reviews, 32 (4). 307 - 313. 10.1109/TSMCC.2002.806072

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Lefèvre, N, Aiken, J, Rutllant, J, Daneri, G, Lavender, SJ and Smyth, TJ 2002 Observations of pCO(2) in the coastal upwelling off Chile: Spatial and temporal extrapolation using satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 107 (C6). 10.1029/2000JC000395

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Barlow, RG, Aiken, J, Holligan, PM, Cummings, DG, Maritorena, S and Hooker, SB 2002 Phytoplankton pigment and absorption characteristics along meridional transects in the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 49 (4). 637 - 660. 10.1016/S0967-0637(01)00081-4

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Kettle, AJ, Rhee, TS, von Hobe, M, Poulton, AJ, Aiken, J and Andreae, MO 2001 Assessing the flux of different volatile sulfur gases from the ocean to the atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 106 (D11). 12193 - 12209. 10.1029/2000JD900630

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Suggett, D, Kraay, G, Holligan, PM, Davey, M, Aiken, J and Geider, RJ 2001 Assessment of photosynthesis in a spring cyanobacterial bloom by use of a fast repetition rate fluorometer. Limnology and Oceanography, 46 (4). 802 - 810.

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Barlow, RG, Aiken, J, Sessions, HE, Lavender, SJ and Mantel, J 2001 Phytoplankton pigment absorption and ocean colour characteristics in the southern Benguela ecosystem. South African Journal of Science, 97 (05-Jun). 230 - 238.

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Westbrook, AG, Pinkerton, MH, Aiken, J and Pilgrim, DA 2001 Simulated performance of remote sensing ocean colour algorithms during the 1996 PRIME cruise. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48 (04-May). 845 - 858. 10.1016/S0967-0645(00)00100-4

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Aiken, J, Rees, N, Hooker, SB, Holligan, PM, Bale, AJ, Robins, DB, Moore, GF, Harris, RP and Pilgrim, DA 2000 The Atlantic Meridional Transect: overview and synthesis of data. Progress in Oceanography, 45 (03-Apr). 257 - 312. 10.1016/S0079-6611(00)00005-7

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Aiken, J and Bale, AJ 2000 An introduction to the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) programme. Progress in Oceanography, 45 (03-Apr). 251 - 256. 10.1016/S0079-6611(00)00004-5

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Hooker, SB, Rees, NW and Aiken, J 2000 An objective methodology for identifying oceanic provinces. Progress in Oceanography, 45 (03-Apr). 313 - 338. 10.1016/S0079-6611(00)00006-9

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Pinkerton, MH and Aiken, J 1999 Calibration and validation of remotely sensed observations of ocean color from a moored data buoy. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 16 (7). 915 - 923. 10.1175/1520-0426(1999)016<0915:CAVORS>2.0.CO;2

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Doerffer, R, Sorensen, K and Aiken, J 1999 MERIS potential for coastal zone applications. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20 (9). 1809 - 1818. 10.1080/014311699212498

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Moore, GF, Aiken, J and Lavender, SJ 1999 The atmospheric correction of water colour and the quantitative retrieval of suspended particulate matter in Case II waters: application to MERIS. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20 (9). 1713 - 1733. 10.1080/014311699212434

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Pinkerton, MH, Trees, CC, Aiken, J, Bale, AJ, Moore, GF, Barlow, RG and Cummings, DG 1999 Retrieval of near-surface bio-optical properties of the Arabian Sea from remotely sensed ocean colour data. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 46 (03-Apr). 549 - 569. 10.1016/S0967-0645(98)00117-9

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Lefèvre, N, Moore, GF, Aiken, J, Watson, AJ, Cooper, DJ and Ling, RD 1998 Variability of pCO(2) in the tropical Atlantic in 1995. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 103 (C3). 5623 - 5634. 10.1029/97JC02303

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Joint, IR, Lewis, J, Aiken, J, Proctor, R, Moore, GF, Higman, W and Donald, M 1997 Interannual variability of PSP outbreaks on the north east UK coast. Journal of Plankton Research, 19 (7). 937 - 956. 10.1093/plankt/19.7.937

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Boyd, PW, Aiken, J and Kolber, ZS 1997 Comparison of radiocarbon and fluorescence based (pump and probe) measurements of phytoplankton photosynthetic characteristics in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 149 (01-Mar). 215 - 226. 10.3354/meps149215

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Archer, D, Aiken, J, Balch, WM, Barber, D, Dunne, J, Flament, P, Gardner, W, Garside, C, Goyet, C, Johnson, E, Kirchman, D, McPhaden, M, Newton, J, Peltzer, E, Welling, L, White, J and Yoder, JA 1997 A meeting place of great ocean currents: shipboard observations of a convergent front at 2 degrees N in the Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 44 (09-Oct). 1827 - 1849. 10.1016/S0967-0645(97)00031-3

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Behrenfeld, M, Bale, AJ, Kolber, ZS, Aiken, J and Falkowski, PG 1996 Confirmation of iron limitation of phytoplankton photosynthesis in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 508 - 511. 10.1038/383508a0

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Sagan, S, Weeks, AR, Robinson, IS, Moore, GF and Aiken, J 1995 The Relationship Between Beam Attenuation And Chlorophyll Concentration And Reflectance In Antarctic Waters. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 42 (04-May). 983 - 996. 10.1016/0967-0645(95)00073-Y

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Weeks, AR, Fasham, MJR, Aiken, J, Harbour, DS, Read, JF and Bellan, IE 1993 The Spatial And Temporal Development Of The Spring Bloom During The JGOFS North-Atlantic Bloom Experiment 1989. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 73 (2). 253 - 282.

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Owens, NJP, Burkill, PH, Mantoura, RFC, Woodward, EMS, Bellan, IE, Aiken, J, Howland, RJM and Llewellyn, CA 1993 Size-Fractionated Primary Production And Nitrogen Assimilation In The Northwestern Indian-Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 40 (3). 697 - 709. 10.1016/0967-0645(93)90053-P

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Yoder, JA, Aiken, J, Swift, RN, Hoge, FE and Stegmann, PM 1993 Spatial Variability In Near-Surface Chlorophyll-A Fluorescence Measured By The Airborne Oceanographic Lidar (AOL). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 40 (01-Feb). 37 - 53. 10.1016/0967-0645(93)90005-8

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Aiken, J, Moore, GF, Holligan, PM and Malin, G 1992 Remote-Sensing Of Oceanic Biology In Relation To Global Climate Change. Journal of Phycology, 28 (5). 579 - 590. 10.1111/j.0022-3646.1992.00579.x

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Trees, CC, Aiken, J, Hirche, HJ and Groom, SB 1992 Biooptical Variability Across The Arctic Front. Polar Biology, 12 (03-Apr). 455 - 461.

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Coombs, SH, Aiken, J and Griffin, TD 1990 The Etiology Of Mackerel Spawning To The West Of The British-Isles. Meeresforschung-Reports On Marine Research, 33 (1). 52 - 75.

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Owens, NJP, Woodward, EMS, Aiken, J, Bellan, IE and Rees, AP 1990 Primary Production And Nitrogen Assimilation In The North-Sea During July 1987. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 25 (01-Feb). 143 - 154. 10.1016/0077-7579(90)90015-9

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Robinson, GA, Aiken, J and Hunt, HG 1986 Synoptic Surveys Of The Western English-Channel - The Relationships Between Plankton And Hydrography. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 66 (1). 201 - 218.

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Aiken, J and Kelly, J 1984 A Solid-State Sensor For Mapping And Profiling Stimulated Bioluminescence In The Marine-Environment. Continental Shelf Research, 3 (4). 455 - 464. 10.1016/0278-4343(84)90022-0

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Holligan, PM, Viollier, M, Dupouy, C and Aiken, J 1983 Satellite Studies On The Distributions Of Chlorophyll And Dinoflagellate Blooms In The Western English-Channel. Continental Shelf Research, 2 (02-Mar). 81 - 96. 10.1016/0278-4343(83)90009-2

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Aiken, J 1981 A Chlorophyll Sensor For Automatic Remote Operation In The Marine-Environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 4 (2). 235 - 239. 10.3354/meps004235

Aiken, J 1980 A Marine Environmental Recorder. Marine Biology, 57 (3). 237 - 240. 10.1007/BF00390740

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Publication - Book

Aiken, J, Williams, R, Bellan, IE and Burt, R 1995 Measurements Of Upper Ocean Structure Using Aquashuttle From Ships-Of-Opportunity And Research Vessels. UNSPECIFIED, 502 - 519.

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Publication - Conference Item

Fox, N, Aiken, J, Barnett, JJ, Briottet, X, Carvell, R, Frohlich, C, Groom, SB, Hagolle, O, Haigh, JD, Kieffer, HH, Lean, J, Pollock, DB, Quinn, T, Sandford, MCW, Schaepman, M, Shine, KP, Schmutz, WK, Teillet, PM, Thome, KJ, Verstraete, MM and Zalewski, E 2003 Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio-Studies (truths). In: Symposium on Calibration, Characterization of Satellite Sensors, Physical Parameters Derived from Satellite Data, HOUSTON, TEXAS, October 2002. CALIBRATION, CHARACTERIZATION OF SATELLITE SENSORS, PHYSICAL PARAMETERS DERIVED FROM SATELLITE DATA, Elsevier, 2253 - 2261.

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Publication - Report

Aiken, J 1998 AMT-5 cruise report. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 115pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Aiken, J 1998 Atlantic Meridional Transect AMT-6 cruise report. Cape Town to Grimsby 14 May - 16 June 1998. Plymouth (UK), Plymouth Marine Laboratory, 147pp. (UNSPECIFIED)

Output (Electronic)

Shutler, J, Miller, PI, Groom, SB and Aiken, J 2005 Automatic near-real time MERIS data as input to a phytoplankton classifier. [Output (Electronic)]

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Aiken, J, Fishwick, J, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Shutler, J, Lavender, SJ, Barlow, RG, Moore, GF, Groom, SB, Sessions, HE, Bernard, S and Ras, J 2005 MERIS for Coastal Zone Applications: Past Achievements Future. [Output (Electronic)]

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