A globally relevant change taxonomy and evidence‐based change framework for land monitoring

Lucas, RM, German, S, Metternicht, G, Schmidt, RK, Owers, CJ, Prober, SM, Richards, AE, Tetreault‐Campbell, S, Williams, KJ, Mueller, N, Tissott, B, Chua, SMT, Cowood, A, Hills, T, Gunawardana, D, McIntyre, AD, Chognard, S, Hurford, C, Planque, C, Punalekar, S, Clewley, D, Sonnenschein, R, Murray, NJ, Manakos, I, Blonda, P, Owers, K, Roxburgh, S, Kay, H, Bunting, P and Horton, C 2022 A globally relevant change taxonomy and evidence‐based change framework for land monitoring. Global Change Biology. 10.1111/gcb.16346

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Official URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16346


A globally relevant and standardized taxonomy and framework for consistently describing land cover change based on evidence is presented, which makes use of structured land cover taxonomies and is underpinned by the Driver-Pressure-State�Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework. The Global Change Taxonomy currently lists 246 classes based on the notation ‘impact (pressure)’, with this encompassing the consequence of observed change and associated reason(s), and uses scale-independent terms that factor in time. Evidence for different impacts is gathered through temporal comparison (e.g., days, decades apart) of land cover classes constructed and described from Environmental Descriptors (EDs; state indicators) with pre-defined measurement units (e.g., m, %) or categories (e.g., species type). Evidence for pressures, whether abiotic, biotic or human-influenced, is similarly accumulated, but EDs often differ from those used to determine impacts. Each impact and pressure term is defined separately, allowing flexible combination into ‘impact (pressure)’ categories, and all are listed in an openly accessible glossary to ensure consistent use and common understanding. The taxonomy and framework are globally relevant and can reference EDs quantified on the ground, retrieved/classified remotely (from groundbased, airborne or spaceborne sensors) or predicted through modelling. By providing capacity to more consistently describe change processes—including land degradation, desertification and ecosystem restoration—the overall framework addresses a wide and diverse range of local to international needs including those relevant to policy, socioeconomics and land management. Actions in response to impacts and pressures and monitoring towards targets are also supported to assist future planning, including impact mitigation actions.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Additional Keywords: change, climate, Earth observations, economy, impacts, land cover, policy, pressures
Divisions: Plymouth Marine Laboratory > Science Areas > Earth Observation Science and Applications
Depositing User: S Hawkins
Date made live: 05 Sep 2022 10:32
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2022 10:32
URI: https://plymsea.ac.uk/id/eprint/9788

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