Reanalysis in Earth System Science: Toward Terrestrial Ecosystem Reanalysis

Baatz, R, Hendricks Franssen, HJ, Euskirchen, E, Sihi, D, Dietze, M, Ciavatta, S, Fennel, K, Beck, H, De Lannoy, G, Pauwels, VRN, Raiho, A, Montzka, C, Williams, M, Mishra, U, Poppe, C, Zacharias, S, Lausch, A, Samaniego, L, Van Looy, K, Bogena, H, Adamescu, M, Mirtl, M, Fox, A, Goergen, K, Naz, BS, Zeng, Y and Vereecken, H 2021 Reanalysis in Earth System Science: Toward Terrestrial Ecosystem Reanalysis. Reviews of Geophysics, 59 (3). 10.1029/2020RG000715

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Reviews of Geophysics - 2021 - Baatz - Reanalysis in Earth System Science Toward Terrestrial Ecosystem Reanalysis.pdf - Published Version
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A reanalysis is a physically consistent set of optimally merged simulated model states and historical observational data, using data assimilation. High computational costs for modeled processes and assimilation algorithms has led to Earth system specific reanalysis products for the atmosphere, the ocean and the land separately. Recent developments include the advanced uncertainty quantification and the generation of biogeochemical reanalysis for land and ocean. Here, we review atmospheric and oceanic reanalyzes, and more in detail biogeochemical ocean and terrestrial reanalyzes. In particular, we identify land surface, hydrologic and carbon cycle reanalyzes which are nowadays produced in targeted projects for very specific purposes. Although a future joint reanalysis of land surface, hydrologic, and carbon processes represents an analysis of important ecosystem variables, biotic ecosystem variables are assimilated only to a very limited extent. Continuous data sets of ecosystem variables are needed to explore biotic-abiotic interactions and the response of ecosystems to global change. Based on the review of existing achievements, we identify five major steps required to develop terrestrial ecosystem reanalysis to deliver continuous data streams on ecosystem dynamics

Item Type: Publication - Article
Additional Keywords: Reanalyzes provide decades-long model-data-driven harmonized and continuous data sets for new scientific discoveries • Novel global scale reanalyzes quantify the biogeochemical ocean cycle, terrestrial carbon cycle, land surface, and hydrologic processes • New observation technology and modeling capabilities allow in the near future production of advanced terrestrial ecosystem reanalysis
Divisions: Plymouth Marine Laboratory > National Capability categories > National Centre for Earth Observation
Plymouth Marine Laboratory > Science Areas > Marine System Modelling
Depositing User: S Hawkins
Date made live: 09 Mar 2022 13:21
Last Modified: 09 Mar 2022 13:21

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