Immunological comparative studies of octopine dehydrogenase and other “pyruvate reductases” from different species

Fort, Laurence, Dando, Paul R., Rouzé, Pierre, Monneuse, Marie-Odile and Olomucki, Anna 1982 Immunological comparative studies of octopine dehydrogenase and other “pyruvate reductases” from different species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 73 (4). 865-871. 10.1016/0305-0491(82)90330-3

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1. Antisera against the two purified A and B forms of ODH from Pecten maximus were prepared and used to compare immunological relationship between ODHs from different species. 2. A-ODH and B-ODH from Pecten maximus do not exhibit any detectable antigenic differences as shown by means of cross-reaction and cross-inhibition tests. 3. ODHs from sea anemones, bivalvia and cephalopoda molluscs were compared by “blotting” technique and revealed by immunoenzymatic assays. 4. Antigenic similarities could only be detected between P. maximus ODH and both the native and the denatured ODH from the closely related species Chlamys opercularis. 5. Conformational antigenic homology was found between mantle ODH isoenzyme from two cephalopods and is discussed in terms of active site similarities. 6. No immunological relationship was observed between ODH from P. maximus and the other ODHs as well as pyruvate-reductases from different marine species examined. 7. No cross-reaction occurred between ODHs from P. maximus and from crown-gall.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Subjects: Biology
Ecology and Environment
Marine Sciences
Divisions: Marine Biological Association of the UK > Other (MBA)
Depositing User: Professor Paul Dando
Date made live: 06 Jan 2022 15:57
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2022 15:57

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