Impact and detectability of hypothetical CCS offshore seep scenarios as an aid to storage assurance and risk assessment

Blackford, JC, Alendal, G, Avlesen, H, Brereton, A, Cazenave, PW, Chen, B, Dewar, M, Holt, J and Phelps, J 2020 Impact and detectability of hypothetical CCS offshore seep scenarios as an aid to storage assurance and risk assessment. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 95. 102949. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.102949

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Carbon Capture and Storage has the potential to make a significant contribution to the mitigation of climate change, however there is a regulatory and societal obligation to demonstrate storage robustness and minimal local environmental impact. This requires an understanding of environmental impact potential and detectability of a range of hypothetical leak scenarios. In the absence of a significant body of real-world release experiments this study collates the results of 86 modelled scenarios of offshore marine releases derived from five different model systems. This synthesis demonstrates a consistent generalised relationship between leak rate, detectability and impact potential of a wide range of hypothetical releases from CO2 storage, which can be described by a power law. For example a leak of the order of 1 T per day should be detectable at, at least, 60 m distance with an environmental impact restricted to less than a 15 m radius of the release point. Small releases are likely to require bottom mounted (lander) monitoring to ensure detection. In summary this work, when coupled with a quantification of leakage risk can deliver a first order environmental impact assessment as an aid to the consenting process. Further this work demonstrates that non-catastrophic release events can be detected at thresholds well below levels which would undermine storage performance or significantly impact the environment, given an appropriate monitoring strategy.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Divisions: Plymouth Marine Laboratory > National Capability categories > National Capability Modelling
Plymouth Marine Laboratory > National Capability categories > Single Centre NC - CLASS (expired)
Plymouth Marine Laboratory > Science Areas > Marine System Modelling
Depositing User: S Hawkins
Date made live: 11 Mar 2020 11:48
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2023 12:21

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