Columnar aerosol properties in a northeastern atlantic site (plymouth united kingdom) by means of ground based skyradiometer data during years 2000-2008.

Estelles, V, Smyth, TJ and Campanelli, M 2012 Columnar aerosol properties in a northeastern atlantic site (plymouth united kingdom) by means of ground based skyradiometer data during years 2000-2008.. Atmospheric Environment. 180 - 188. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.07.024

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Between 2000 and 2008, columnar optical and radiative properties were measured at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK (50° 21.95′N, 4° 8.85′W) using an automatic Prede POM01L sun–sky photometer. The database was analyzed for aerosol optical properties using the SKYRAD radiative inversion algorithm and calibrated using the in situ SKYIL calibration method. Retrievals include aerosol optical depth, Ångström wavelength exponent, aerosol volume distribution, refractive index and single scattering albedo. The results show that the Plymouth site is characterized by low values of aerosol optical depth with low variability (0.18 ± 0.08 at 500 nm) and a mean annual Ångström exponent of 1.03 ± 0.21. The annual mean of the single scattering albedo is 0.97, indicative of non-absorbing aerosols. The aerosol properties were classified in terms of air mass back trajectories: the area is mainly affected by Atlantic air masses and the dominant aerosol type is a mixture of maritime particles, present in low burdens with variable size. The maritime air masses were defined by annual mean values for the AOD (at 500 nm) of 0.13–0.14 and a wavelength exponent of 0.96–1.03. Episodic anthropogenic and mineral dust intrusions occasionally occur, but they are sporadic and dilute (AOD at 500 nm about 0.20). Tropical continental air masses were characterized by the highest AOD at 500 nm (0.34) and the lowest wavelength exponent (0.83), although they were the least represented in the analysis.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Subjects: Chemistry
Ecology and Environment
Marine Sciences
Divisions: Plymouth Marine Laboratory > Science Areas > Cycling in the Sunlit Ocean (expired)
Depositing User: EPrints Services
Date made live: 11 Feb 2014 15:58
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2017 16:09

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