Austen, MC, Parry, DM, Widdicombe, S, Somerfield, PJ and Kendall, MA 2003 Macrofaunal mediation of effects of megafaunal bioturbation on nematode community structure. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 53 (4). 201 - 209.
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Conway, DVP, Coombs, SH, Lindley, JA and Llewellyn, CA 1999 Diet of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) larvae at the shelf-edge to the south-west of the British Isles and the incidence of piscivory and coprophagy. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 49 (4). 213 - 220.
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Lampadariou, N, Austen, MC, Robertson, N and Vlachonis, G 1997 ANALYSIS OF MEIOBENTHIC COMMUNITY STRUCTURE IN RELATION TO POLLUTION AND DISTURBANCE IN IRAKLION HARBOUR GREECE. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 47 (1). Sep-24.
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Medlin, LK 2015 A timescale for diatom evolution based on four molecular markers: reassessment of ghost lineages and major steps defining diatom evolution.. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment.
Medlin, LK and Desdevies, Y 2018 Sequence Analysis Confirms a New Algal Class. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 68 (2-3). 151-155.
Medlin, LK, Piwosz, K and Metfies, M 2017 Uncovering hidden biodiversity in the Cryptophyta: New picoplanktonic clades from clone library studies at the Helgoland time series site in the southern German Bight.. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 67. 27-32.
Warwick, RM 2000 Are loriciferans paedomorphic (progenetic) priapulids?. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 50 (3). 191 - 193.
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Widdicombe, S and Austen, MC 2003 The effects of bioturbation by the burrowing shrimp Calocaris macandreae on a subtidal macrobenthic community: Further evidence for the importance of function over identity. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 53 (4). 163 - 169.
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Widdicombe, S, Kendall, MA and Parry, DM 2003 Using the surface-features created by bioturbating organisms as surrogates for macrofaunal diversity and community structure. Vie Et Milieu-Life and Environment, 53 (4). 179 - 186.
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