Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Womersley, F, Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Sousa, LL, Abrantes, K, Araujo, G, Bach, SS and Barnett, A 2024 Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature. 10.1038/s41558-024-02129-5
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Hobday, AJ, Burrows, MT, Filbee-Dexter, K, Holbrook, NJ, Gupta, AS, Smale, DA, Smith, KE, Thomsen, MS and Wernberg, T 2023 With the arrival of El Niño, prepare for stronger marine heatwaves. Nature, 621. 38-41. 10.1038/d41586-023-02730-2
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Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Bradford, RW, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Bruce, BD, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature, 595 (7866). E8-E16. 10.1038/s41586-021-03396-4
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Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature, 595 (7866). E20-E28. 10.1038/s41586-021-03464-9
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Beaugrand, G, Brander, K, Lindley, JA, Souissi, S and Reid, PC 2003 Plankton effect on cod recruitment in North Sea. Nature, 426. 661-664. 10.1038/nature02164
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature, 595 (7866). E20-E28. 10.1038/s41586-021-03464-9
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Reid, PC, Edwards, M, Hunt, HG and Warner, AJ 1998 Phytoplankton change in the North Atlantic. Nature, 391. 546. 10.1038/35290
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Hobday, AJ, Burrows, MT, Filbee-Dexter, K, Holbrook, NJ, Gupta, AS, Smale, DA, Smith, KE, Thomsen, MS and Wernberg, T 2023 With the arrival of El Niño, prepare for stronger marine heatwaves. Nature, 621. 38-41. 10.1038/d41586-023-02730-2
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Womersley, F, Loveridge, A and Sims, DW 2023 Four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’. Nature, 621. 34-38. 10.1038/d41586-023-02729-9
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Womersley, F, Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Sousa, LL, Abrantes, K, Araujo, G, Bach, SS and Barnett, A 2024 Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature. 10.1038/s41558-024-02129-5
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Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Bradford, RW, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Bruce, BD, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature, 595 (7866). E8-E16. 10.1038/s41586-021-03396-4
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
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Edwards, M and Richardson, AJ 2004 Impact of climate change on marine pelagic phenology and trophic mismatch. Nature, 430 (7002). 881-884. 10.1038/nature02808
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Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
Item not available from this repository.
Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
Item not available from this repository.
Womersley, F, Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Sousa, LL, Abrantes, K, Araujo, G, Bach, SS and Barnett, A 2024 Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature. 10.1038/s41558-024-02129-5
Item not available from this repository.
Coale, KH, Johnson, KS, Fitzwater, SE, Gordon, RM, Tanner, S, Chavez, FP, Ferioli, L, Sakamoto, C, Rogers, P, Millero, F, Steinberg, P, Nightingale, P, Cooper, D, Cochlan, WP, Landry, MR, Constantinou, J, Rollwagen, G, Trasvina, A and Kudela, R 1996 A massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 383 (6600). 495-501. 10.1038/383495a0
Item not available from this repository.
Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Bradford, RW, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Bruce, BD, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature, 595 (7866). E8-E16. 10.1038/s41586-021-03396-4
Item not available from this repository.
Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature, 595 (7866). E20-E28. 10.1038/s41586-021-03464-9
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Womersley, F, Loveridge, A and Sims, DW 2023 Four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’. Nature, 621. 34-38. 10.1038/d41586-023-02729-9
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Womersley, F, Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Sousa, LL, Abrantes, K, Araujo, G, Bach, SS and Barnett, A 2024 Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature. 10.1038/s41558-024-02129-5
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Womersley, F, Loveridge, A and Sims, DW 2023 Four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’. Nature, 621. 34-38. 10.1038/d41586-023-02729-9
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Womersley, F, Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Sousa, LL, Abrantes, K, Araujo, G, Bach, SS and Barnett, A 2024 Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature. 10.1038/s41558-024-02129-5
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Womersley, F, Loveridge, A and Sims, DW 2023 Four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’. Nature, 621. 34-38. 10.1038/d41586-023-02729-9
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Humphries, NE, Queiroz, N, Dyer, JRM, Pade, NG, Musyl, MK, Schaefer, KM, Fuller, DW, Brunnschweiler, JM, Doyle, TK, Houghton, JDR, Hays, GC, Jones, CS, Noble, LR, Wearmouth, VJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2010 Environmental context explains Lévy and Brownian movement patterns of marine predators. Nature, 465 (7301). 1066-1069. 10.1038/nature09116