Schabetsberger, R, Økland, F, Kalfatak, D, Sichrowsky, U, Tambets, M, Aarestrup, K, Gubili, C, Sarginson, J, Boufana, B, Jehle, R, Dall’Olmo, G, Miller, MJ, Scheck, A, Kaiser, R and Quartly, GD 2015 Genetic and migratory evidence for sympatric spawning of tropical Pacific eels from Vanuatu. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 521. 171-187. 10.3354/meps11138
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Calder-Potts, R, Spicer, JI, Calosi, P, Findlay, HS and Widdicombe, S 2015 A mesocosm study investigating the effects of hypoxia and population density on respiration and reproductive biology in the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 534. 135-147. 10.3354/meps11379
Frederiksen, M, Elston, DA, Edwards, M, Mann, AD and Wanless, S 2011 Mechanisms of long-term decline in size of lesser sandeels in the North Sea explored using a growth and phenology model. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 432. 137-147.
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van Deurs, M, van Hal, R, Tomczak, MT, Jónasdóttir, SH and Dolmer, P 2009 Recruitment of lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus in relation to density dependence and zooplankton composition. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 381. 249–258.
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Tait, K, Kitidis, V, Ward, B, Cummings, DG, Jones, MR, Somerfield, PJ and Widdicombe, S 2014 Spatio-temporal variability in ammonia oxidation and ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea in coastal sediments of the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 511. 41-58. 10.3354/meps10933
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Schabetsberger, R, Økland, F, Kalfatak, D, Sichrowsky, U, Tambets, M, Aarestrup, K, Gubili, C, Sarginson, J, Boufana, B, Jehle, R, Dall’Olmo, G, Miller, MJ, Scheck, A, Kaiser, R and Quartly, GD 2015 Genetic and migratory evidence for sympatric spawning of tropical Pacific eels from Vanuatu. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 521. 171-187. 10.3354/meps11138
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Tait, K, Kitidis, V, Ward, B, Cummings, DG, Jones, MR, Somerfield, PJ and Widdicombe, S 2014 Spatio-temporal variability in ammonia oxidation and ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea in coastal sediments of the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 511. 41-58. 10.3354/meps10933
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Pendleton, L, Mongruel, R, Beaumont, NJ, Hooper, TL and Charles, M 2015 A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 530. 183-193. 10.3354/meps11111
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Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, JMN 2018 A matter of timing: how temporal scale selection influences cetacean ecological niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595. 217-231. 10.3354/meps12551
Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Tait, K, Kitidis, V, Ward, B, Cummings, DG, Jones, MR, Somerfield, PJ and Widdicombe, S 2014 Spatio-temporal variability in ammonia oxidation and ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea in coastal sediments of the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 511. 41-58. 10.3354/meps10933
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Kirby, RR, Beaugrand, G, Lindley, JA, Richardson, AJ, Edwards, M and Reid, PC 2007 Climate effects and benthic-pelagic coupling in the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 330. 31-38.
Calder-Potts, R, Spicer, JI, Calosi, P, Findlay, HS and Widdicombe, S 2015 A mesocosm study investigating the effects of hypoxia and population density on respiration and reproductive biology in the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 534. 135-147. 10.3354/meps11379
Beauchard, O, Brind’Amour, A, Schratzberger, M, Laffargue, P, Hintzen, NT, Somerfield, PJ and Piet, G 2021 A generic approach to develop a trait-based indicator of trawling-induced disturbance. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 675. 35-52. 10.3354/meps13840
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Smale, DA, Burrows, MT, Evans, AJ, King, N, Sayer, MDJ, Yunnie, ALE and Moore, PJ 2016 Linking environmental variables with regional- scale variability in ecological structure and standing stock of carbon within UK kelp forests. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 542. 79-95. 10.3354/meps11544
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Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, JMN 2018 A matter of timing: how temporal scale selection influences cetacean ecological niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595. 217-231. 10.3354/meps12551
Dos Santos, A, Santos, MP and Conway, DVP 2007 Horizontal and vertical distribution of cirripede cyprid larvae in an upwelling system off the Portuguese coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329. 145-155.
Dos Santos, A, Santos, MP and Conway, DVP 2007 Horizontal and vertical distribution of cirripede cyprid larvae in an upwelling system off the Portuguese coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329. 145-155.
Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Tait, K, Kitidis, V, Ward, B, Cummings, DG, Jones, MR, Somerfield, PJ and Widdicombe, S 2014 Spatio-temporal variability in ammonia oxidation and ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea in coastal sediments of the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 511. 41-58. 10.3354/meps10933
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Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Stevens, DP, Richardson, AJ and Reid, PC 2006 Continuous Plankton Recorder Database: evolution, current uses and future directions.. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 316. 247-255.
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Schabetsberger, R, Økland, F, Kalfatak, D, Sichrowsky, U, Tambets, M, Aarestrup, K, Gubili, C, Sarginson, J, Boufana, B, Jehle, R, Dall’Olmo, G, Miller, MJ, Scheck, A, Kaiser, R and Quartly, GD 2015 Genetic and migratory evidence for sympatric spawning of tropical Pacific eels from Vanuatu. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 521. 171-187. 10.3354/meps11138
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Conway, DVP, Tranter, PRG and Coombs, SH 1993 Digestion of natural food by larval and post-larval turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 100 (3). 221-231. 10.3354/meps100221
McQuatters-Gollop, A, Raitsos, DE, Edwards, M and Attrill, MJ 2007 Spatial patterns of diatom and dinoflagellate seasonal cycles in the NE Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 339. 301-306.
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Dos Santos, A, Santos, MP and Conway, DVP 2007 Horizontal and vertical distribution of cirripede cyprid larvae in an upwelling system off the Portuguese coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329. 145-155.
Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, JMN 2018 A matter of timing: how temporal scale selection influences cetacean ecological niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595. 217-231. 10.3354/meps12551
Beaugrand, G and Helaouët, P 2008 Simple procedures to assess and compare the ecological niche of species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 363. 29-37.
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King, NG, Moore, PJ, Wilding, C, Jenkins, HL and Smale, DA 2021 Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672. 33-44. 10.3354/meps13794
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Pendleton, L, Mongruel, R, Beaumont, NJ, Hooper, TL and Charles, M 2015 A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 530. 183-193. 10.3354/meps11111
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Mutshinda, CM, Finkel, ZV, Widdicombe, CE and Irwin, AJ 2017 Phytoplankton traits from long-term oceanographic time-series. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 10.3354/meps12220
Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Xie, Y, Tilstone, GH, Widdicombe, CL, Woodward, EMS, Harris, C and Barnes, MKS 2015 Effects of increases in temperature and nutrients on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthesis in the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519. 61-73. 10.3354/meps11101
King, NG, Moore, PJ, Wilding, C, Jenkins, HL and Smale, DA 2021 Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672. 33-44. 10.3354/meps13794
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Warwick, RM 2014 Meiobenthos and macrobenthos are discrete entities and not artefacts of sampling a size continuum: Comment on Bett (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 505. 295-298. 10.3354/meps10830
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Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Beaugrand, G, Ibanez, F and Lindley, JA 2001 Geographical distribution and seasonal and diel changes of the diversity of calanoid copepods in the North Atlantic and North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 219. 189-203.
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Mutshinda, CM, Finkel, ZV, Widdicombe, CE and Irwin, AJ 2017 Phytoplankton traits from long-term oceanographic time-series. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 10.3354/meps12220
Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Frederiksen, M, Edwards, M, Mavor, RA and Wanless, S 2007 Regional and annual variation in black-legged kittiwake breeding productivity is related to sea surface temperature. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 350. 137-143.
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Sargeant, SL, Murrell, JC, Nightingale, PD and Dixon, JL 2016 Seasonal variability in microbial methanol utilisation in coastal waters of the western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550. 53-64. 10.3354/meps11705
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King, NG, Moore, PJ, Wilding, C, Jenkins, HL and Smale, DA 2021 Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672. 33-44. 10.3354/meps13794
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Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Witt, MJ, Broderick, AC, Johns, DG, Martin, C, Penrose, R, Hoogmoed, MS and Godley, BJ 2007 Prey landscapes help identify potential foraging habitats for leatherback turtles in the NE Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 337. 231-244.
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Calder-Potts, R, Spicer, JI, Calosi, P, Findlay, HS and Widdicombe, S 2015 A mesocosm study investigating the effects of hypoxia and population density on respiration and reproductive biology in the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 534. 135-147. 10.3354/meps11379
Warwick, RM 2014 Meiobenthos and macrobenthos are discrete entities and not artefacts of sampling a size continuum: Comment on Bett (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 505. 295-298. 10.3354/meps10830
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Warwick, RM 2014 Meiobenthos and macrobenthos are discrete entities and not artefacts of sampling a size continuum: Comment on Bett (2013). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 505. 295-298. 10.3354/meps10830
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Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, JMN 2018 A matter of timing: how temporal scale selection influences cetacean ecological niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595. 217-231. 10.3354/meps12551
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Pendleton, L, Mongruel, R, Beaumont, NJ, Hooper, TL and Charles, M 2015 A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 530. 183-193. 10.3354/meps11111
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Pendleton, L, Mongruel, R, Beaumont, NJ, Hooper, TL and Charles, M 2015 A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 530. 183-193. 10.3354/meps11111
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Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Sargeant, SL, Murrell, JC, Nightingale, PD and Dixon, JL 2016 Seasonal variability in microbial methanol utilisation in coastal waters of the western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550. 53-64. 10.3354/meps11705
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Sargeant, SL, Murrell, JC, Nightingale, PD and Dixon, JL 2016 Seasonal variability in microbial methanol utilisation in coastal waters of the western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550. 53-64. 10.3354/meps11705
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Sims, DW, Southall, EJ, Richardson, AJ, Reid, PC and Metcalfe, JD 2003 Seasonal movements and behaviour of basking sharks from archival tagging: No evidence of winter hibernation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 248. 187-196.
Batten, SD and Mackas, DL 2009 Shortened duration of the annual Neocalanus plumchrus biomass peak in the Northeast Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 393. 189-198.
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Kimmel, DG and Sultan, H 2008 Update on the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and Calanus finmarchicus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 366. 111–117.
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McQuatters-Gollop, A, Raitsos, DE, Edwards, M and Attrill, MJ 2007 Spatial patterns of diatom and dinoflagellate seasonal cycles in the NE Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 339. 301-306.
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King, NG, Moore, PJ, Wilding, C, Jenkins, HL and Smale, DA 2021 Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672. 33-44. 10.3354/meps13794
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Xie, Y, Tilstone, GH, Widdicombe, CL, Woodward, EMS, Harris, C and Barnes, MKS 2015 Effects of increases in temperature and nutrients on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthesis in the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519. 61-73. 10.3354/meps11101
Xie, Y, Tilstone, GH, Widdicombe, CL, Woodward, EMS, Harris, C and Barnes, MKS 2015 Effects of increases in temperature and nutrients on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthesis in the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519. 61-73. 10.3354/meps11101
Hirst, AG, Bonnet, D, Conway, DVP and Kiorboe, T 2013 Female-biased sex ratios in marine pelagic copepods: comment on Gusmao et al. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 489. 297-298. 10.3354/meps10522
Mutshinda, CM, Finkel, ZV, Widdicombe, CE and Irwin, AJ 2017 Phytoplankton traits from long-term oceanographic time-series. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 10.3354/meps12220
Johns, DG, Edwards, M, Richardson, AJ and Spicer, JI 2003 Increased blooms of a dinoflagellate in the NW Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 265. 283-287.
Xie, Y, Tilstone, GH, Widdicombe, CL, Woodward, EMS, Harris, C and Barnes, MKS 2015 Effects of increases in temperature and nutrients on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthesis in the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519. 61-73. 10.3354/meps11101
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Beaugrand, G 2004 Continuous Plankton Records: Plankton Atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean (1958-1999). I. Introduction and methdology. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Supple. 3-10.
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Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Dos Santos, A, Santos, MP and Conway, DVP 2007 Horizontal and vertical distribution of cirripede cyprid larvae in an upwelling system off the Portuguese coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329. 145-155.
Hirst, AG, Bonnet, D, Conway, DVP and Kiorboe, T 2013 Female-biased sex ratios in marine pelagic copepods: comment on Gusmao et al. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 489. 297-298. 10.3354/meps10522
Conway, DVP, McFadzen, IRB and Tranter, PRG 1994 Digestion of copepod eggs by larval turbot Scophthalmus maximus and egg viability following gut passage. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 106 (3). 303-309. 10.3354/meps106303
Stern, RF, Moore, SK, Trainer, VL, Bill, BD, Fischer, A and Batten, SD 2018 Spatial and temporal patterns of Pseudo-nitzschia genetic diversity in the North Pacific Ocean from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 606. 7-28. 10.3354/meps12711
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Smolina, I, Kollias, S, Møller, EF, Lindeque, PK, Sundaram, AYM, Fernandes, JMO and Hoarau, G 2015 Contrasting transcriptome response to thermal stress in two key zooplankton species, Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 534. 79-93. 10.3354/meps11398
Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Sabal, MC, Hazen, EL, Bograd, SJ, MacFarlane, RB, Schroeder, ID, Hayes, SA, Harding, JA, Scales, KL, Miller, PI, Ammann, AJ and Wells, BK 2020 California Current seascape influences juvenile salmon foraging ecology at multiple scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 634. 159-173. 10.3354/meps13185
Schabetsberger, R, Økland, F, Kalfatak, D, Sichrowsky, U, Tambets, M, Aarestrup, K, Gubili, C, Sarginson, J, Boufana, B, Jehle, R, Dall’Olmo, G, Miller, MJ, Scheck, A, Kaiser, R and Quartly, GD 2015 Genetic and migratory evidence for sympatric spawning of tropical Pacific eels from Vanuatu. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 521. 171-187. 10.3354/meps11138
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King, NG, Moore, PJ, Wilding, C, Jenkins, HL and Smale, DA 2021 Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672. 33-44. 10.3354/meps13794
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Mutshinda, CM, Finkel, ZV, Widdicombe, CE and Irwin, AJ 2017 Phytoplankton traits from long-term oceanographic time-series. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 10.3354/meps12220
King, NG, Moore, PJ, Wilding, C, Jenkins, HL and Smale, DA 2021 Multiscale spatial variability in epibiont assemblage structure associated with stipes of kelp Laminaria hyperborea in the northeast Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672. 33-44. 10.3354/meps13794
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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Sargeant, SL, Murrell, JC, Nightingale, PD and Dixon, JL 2016 Seasonal variability in microbial methanol utilisation in coastal waters of the western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 550. 53-64. 10.3354/meps11705
Item not available from this repository.
Xie, Y, Tilstone, GH, Widdicombe, CL, Woodward, EMS, Harris, C and Barnes, MKS 2015 Effects of increases in temperature and nutrients on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthesis in the Western English Channel. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519. 61-73. 10.3354/meps11101
Fernandez, M, Yesson, C, Gannier, A, Miller, PI and Azevedo, JMN 2018 A matter of timing: how temporal scale selection influences cetacean ecological niche modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 595. 217-231. 10.3354/meps12551
Dando, PR, Austen, MC, Burke, RA, Kendall, MA, Kennicutt, MC, Judd, AG, Moore, DC, O'Hara, SCM, Schmaljohann, R and Southward, AJ 1991 Ecology of a North Sea pockmark with an active methane seep. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 70 (1). 49-63. 10.3354/meps070049
Helaouët, P and Beaugrand, G 2007 Macroecology of Calanus finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus in the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345. 147-165. 10.3354/meps06775
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