Sauzède, R, Claustre, H, Uitz, J, Jamet, C, Dall’Olmo, G, D'Ortenzio, F, Gentili, B, Poteau, A and Schmechtig, C 2016 A neural network-based method for merging ocean color and Argo data to extend surface bio-optical properties to depth: Retrieval of the particulate backscattering coefficient. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2015JC011408
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
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Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
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Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Organelli, E, Claustre, H, Bricaud, A, Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, D'Ortenzio, F and Dall’Olmo, G 2017 Bio-optical anomalies in the world’s oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122. 3543-3564. 10.1002/2016JC012629
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
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Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, Bricaud, A, Organelli, E, Poteau, A, Schmechtig, C, Gentili, B, Penkerc'h, C, Leymarie, E, D'Ortenzio, F and Claustre, H 2018 Assessing the variability in the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration from a global Biogeochemical-Argo database. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1002/2017JC013030
Organelli, E, Claustre, H, Bricaud, A, Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, D'Ortenzio, F and Dall’Olmo, G 2017 Bio-optical anomalies in the world’s oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122. 3543-3564. 10.1002/2016JC012629
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Organelli, E, Claustre, H, Bricaud, A, Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, D'Ortenzio, F and Dall’Olmo, G 2017 Bio-optical anomalies in the world’s oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122. 3543-3564. 10.1002/2016JC012629
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
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Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Organelli, E, Claustre, H, Bricaud, A, Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, D'Ortenzio, F and Dall’Olmo, G 2017 Bio-optical anomalies in the world’s oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122. 3543-3564. 10.1002/2016JC012629
Yang, M, Archer, SD, Blomquist, BW, Ho, DT, Lance, VP and Torres, R 2013 Lagrangian evolution of DMS during the Southern Ocean gas exchange experiment: The effects of vertical mixing and biological community shift. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (12). 6774-6790. 10.1002/2013JC009329
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Joo, HT, Park, JW, Son, SH, Noh, J-H, Jeong, J-Y, Kwak, JH, Saux-Picart, S, Choi, JH, Kang, C-K and Lee, SH 2014 Long-term annual primary production in the Ulleung Basin as a biological hot spot in the East/Japan Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (5). 3002-3011. 10.1002/2014jc009862
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
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Jacobs, ZL, Jebri, F., Raitsos, DE, Popova, E, Srokosz, M, Painter, SC, Nencioli, F, Roberts, M, Kamau, J., Palmer, M and Wihsgott, J 2020 Shelf‐Break Upwelling and Productivity Over the North Kenya Banks: The Importance of Large‐Scale Ocean Dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125 (1). 10.1029/2019JC015519
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, Bricaud, A, Organelli, E, Poteau, A, Schmechtig, C, Gentili, B, Penkerc'h, C, Leymarie, E, D'Ortenzio, F and Claustre, H 2018 Assessing the variability in the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration from a global Biogeochemical-Argo database. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1002/2017JC013030
Organelli, E, Claustre, H, Bricaud, A, Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, D'Ortenzio, F and Dall’Olmo, G 2017 Bio-optical anomalies in the world’s oceans: An investigation on the diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance derived from Biogeochemical Argo float measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122. 3543-3564. 10.1002/2016JC012629
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
Item availability may be restricted.
Yang, M, Archer, SD, Blomquist, BW, Ho, DT, Lance, VP and Torres, R 2013 Lagrangian evolution of DMS during the Southern Ocean gas exchange experiment: The effects of vertical mixing and biological community shift. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (12). 6774-6790. 10.1002/2013JC009329
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
Item availability may be restricted.
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
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Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Joo, HT, Park, JW, Son, SH, Noh, J-H, Jeong, J-Y, Kwak, JH, Saux-Picart, S, Choi, JH, Kang, C-K and Lee, SH 2014 Long-term annual primary production in the Ulleung Basin as a biological hot spot in the East/Japan Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (5). 3002-3011. 10.1002/2014jc009862
Skákala, J, Ford, D, Bruggeman, J, Hull, T, Kaiser, J, King, RR, Loveday, BR, Palmer, MR, Smyth, TJ, Williams, CAJ and Ciavatta, S 2021 Towards a multi‐platform assimilative system for North Sea biogeochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1029/2020JC016649
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, Bricaud, A, Organelli, E, Poteau, A, Schmechtig, C, Gentili, B, Penkerc'h, C, Leymarie, E, D'Ortenzio, F and Claustre, H 2018 Assessing the variability in the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration from a global Biogeochemical-Argo database. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1002/2017JC013030
Powley, HR, Bruggeman, J, Hopkins, J, Smyth, TJ and Blackford, JC 2020 Sensitivity of shelf sea marine ecosystems to temporal resolution of meteorological forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 1-32. 10.1029/2019JC015922
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
Item availability may be restricted.
Barbieux, M, Uitz, J, Bricaud, A, Organelli, E, Poteau, A, Schmechtig, C, Gentili, B, Penkerc'h, C, Leymarie, E, D'Ortenzio, F and Claustre, H 2018 Assessing the variability in the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient and the chlorophyll a concentration from a global Biogeochemical-Argo database. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1002/2017JC013030
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
Item availability may be restricted.
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
Item availability may be restricted.
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Joo, HT, Park, JW, Son, SH, Noh, J-H, Jeong, J-Y, Kwak, JH, Saux-Picart, S, Choi, JH, Kang, C-K and Lee, SH 2014 Long-term annual primary production in the Ulleung Basin as a biological hot spot in the East/Japan Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (5). 3002-3011. 10.1002/2014jc009862
Lee, YJ, Matrai, PA, Friedrichs, MAM, Saba, VS, Aumont, O, Babin, M, Buitenhuis, ET, Chevallier, M, de Mora, L, Dessert, M, Dunne, JP, Ellingsen, IH, Feldman, D, Frouin, R, Gehlen, M, Gorgues, T, Ilyina, T, Jin, MM, John, JG, Lawrence, J, Manizza, M, Menkes, CE, Perruche, C, Le Fouest, V, Popova, EE, Romanou, A, Samuelsen, A, Schwinger, J, Séférian, R, Stock, CA, Tjiputra, JF, Tremblay, LB, Ueyoshi, K, Vichi, M, Yool, A and Zhang, J 2016 Net primary productivity estimates and environmental variables in the Arctic Ocean: An assessment of coupled physical-biogeochemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. n/a-n/a. 10.1002/2016JC011993
Riddick, CAL, Hunter, PD, Tyler, AN, Martinez-Vicente, V, Horváth, H, Kovács, AW, Vörös, L, Preston, T and Présing, M 2015 Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10). 7040-7066. 10.1002/2015JC011202
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Yang, M, Archer, SD, Blomquist, BW, Ho, DT, Lance, VP and Torres, R 2013 Lagrangian evolution of DMS during the Southern Ocean gas exchange experiment: The effects of vertical mixing and biological community shift. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (12). 6774-6790. 10.1002/2013JC009329
Yang, M, Archer, SD, Blomquist, BW, Ho, DT, Lance, VP and Torres, R 2013 Lagrangian evolution of DMS during the Southern Ocean gas exchange experiment: The effects of vertical mixing and biological community shift. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (12). 6774-6790. 10.1002/2013JC009329
Yang, M, Archer, SD, Blomquist, BW, Ho, DT, Lance, VP and Torres, R 2013 Lagrangian evolution of DMS during the Southern Ocean gas exchange experiment: The effects of vertical mixing and biological community shift. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (12). 6774-6790. 10.1002/2013JC009329
Joo, HT, Park, JW, Son, SH, Noh, J-H, Jeong, J-Y, Kwak, JH, Saux-Picart, S, Choi, JH, Kang, C-K and Lee, SH 2014 Long-term annual primary production in the Ulleung Basin as a biological hot spot in the East/Japan Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (5). 3002-3011. 10.1002/2014jc009862
Li, J, Roche, B, Bull, JM, White, PR, Leighton, TG, Provenzano, G, Dewar, M and Henstock, TJ 2020 Broadband acoustic inversion for gas flux quantification ‐ application to a methane plume at Scanner Pockmark, central North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 10.1029/2020JC016360
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.
Triantafyllou, G, Yao, F, Petihakis, G, Tsiaras, KP, Raitsos, DE and Hoteit, I 2014 Exploring the Red Sea seasonal ecosystem functioning using a three-dimensional biophysical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1791-1811. 10.1002/2013jc009641
Item not available from this repository.