Bayne, BL and Livingstone, DR 1977 Responses Of Mytilus-Edulis L To Low Oxygen-Tension - Acclimation Of Rate Of Oxygen-Consumption. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 114 (2). 129 - 142.
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Dezwaan, A, Debont, AMT, Zurburg, W, Bayne, BL and Livingstone, DR 1983 On The Role Of Strombine Formation In The Energy-Metabolism Of Adductor Muscle Of A Sessile Bivalve. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 149 (4). 557 - 563.
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Dezwaan, A, Thompson, RJ and Livingstone, DR 1980 Physiological And Biochemical Aspects Of The Valve Snap And Valve Closure Responses In The Giant Scallop Placopecten-Magellanicus .2. Biochemistry. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 137 (2). 105 - 114.
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Livingstone, DR and Bayne, BL 1977 Responses Of Mytilus-Edulis L To Low Oxygen-Tension - Anaerobic Metabolism Of Posterior Adductor Muscle And Mantle Tissues. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 114 (2). 143 - 155.
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Thompson, RJ, Bayne, CJ, Moore, MN and Carefoot, TH 1978 Hemolymph Volume Changes In Biochemical Composition Of Blood And Cytological Responses Of Digestive Cells In Mytilus-Californianus Conrad Induced By Nutritional Thermal And Exposure Stress. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 127 (4). 287 - 298.
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Thompson, RJ, Livingstone, DR and Dezwaan, A 1980 Physiological And Biochemical Aspects Of The Valve Snap And Valve Closure Responses In The Giant Scallop Placopecten-Magellanicus .1. Physiology. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 137 (2). 97 - 104.
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Widdows, J 1976 Physiological Adaptation Of Mytilus-Edulis To Cyclic Temperatures. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 105 (2). 115 - 128.
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