Balch, WM, Reid, PC and Surreygent, SC 1983 Spatial And Temporal Variability Of Dinoflagellate Cyst Abundance In A Tidal Estuary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 40. 244 - 261.
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Reid, PC, Balch, WM, Surreygent, SC and John, AWG 1981 Resuspension Of Dinoflagellate Cysts During 1980 From Bottom Muds In Plymouth Sound. British Phycological Journal, 16 (2). 140 - 140.
Item not available from this repository.
Reid, PC and Surreygent, SC 1980 Thalassiothrix-Longissima An Oceanic Indicator Species In The North-Sea. British Phycological Journal, 15 (2). 199 - 199.
Item not available from this repository.