Stubbins, AP, Law, CS, Uher, G and Upstill-Goddard, RC 2011 Carbon monoxide apparent quantum yields and photoproduction in the Tyne estuary. Biogeosciences, 8. 703 - 713. 10.5194/bg-8-703-2011
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Stubbins, AP, Hubbard, V, Uher, G, Law, CS, Upstill-Goddard, RC, Aiken, GR and Mopper, K 2008 Relating carbon monoxide photoproduction to dissolved organic matter functionality. Environmental Science & Technology, 42(9). 3271 - 3276. 10.1021/es703014q
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Stubbins, AP, Uher, G, Law, CS, Mopper, K, Robinson, C and Upstill-Goddard, RC 2006 Open-ocean carbon monoxide photoproduction. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 1695 - 1705. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.05.011
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Kitidis, V, Stubbins, AP, Uher, G, Upstill-Goddard, RC, Law, CS and Woodward, EMS 2006 Variability of chromophoric organic matter in surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53. 1666 - 1684. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.05.009
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Stubbins, AP, Uher, G, Kitidis, V, Law, CS, Upstill-Goddard, RC and Woodward, EMS 2006 The open-ocean source of atmospheric carbon monoxide. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53. 1685 - 1694. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.05.010
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