Reid, PC, Hari, R, Beaugrand, G, Livingstone, DM, Marty, C, Straile, D, Barichivich, J, Goberville, E, Adrian, R, Aono, Y, Brown, RJ, Foster, J, Groisman, P, Helaouët, P, Hsu, HH, Kirby, RR, Knight, J, Kraberg, A, Li, J, Lo, TT, Myneni, RB, North, RP, Pounds, JA, Sparks, T, Stübi, R, Tian, Y, Wiltshire, KH, Xiao, D and Zhu, Z 2016 Global impacts of the 1980s regime shift. Global Change Biology, 22 (2). 682-703. 10.1111/gcb.13106