Newell, CR, Hawkins, AJS, Morris, K, Richardson, J, Davis, C and Getchis, T 2013 ShellGIS: a dynamic tool for shellfish farm site selection. World Aquaculture, 44 (3). 52 - 55.
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Hawkins, AJS, Pascoe, PL, Parry, HE, Brinsley, MD, Black, KD, McGonigle, C, Moore, H, Newell, CR, O'Boyle, N, O'Carroll, T, O'Loan, B, Service, M, Smaal, AC, Zhang, XL and Zhu, MY 2013 ShellSIM: A generic model of growth and environmental effects validated across contrasting habitats in bivalve shellfish. Journal of Shellfish Research, 32 (2). 237 - 253. 10.2983/035.032.0201
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Hawkins, AJS, Newell, CR, Davis, C, Richardson, J, Getchis, T, Morris, K and Cheney, D 2012 Shell-Gis - a New Gis Tool for Oyster Farm Site Selection Oyster Growth Simulation and Production Carrying Capacity. Journal of Shellfish Research, 31. 327 - 327. 10.2983/035.031.0123
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