Tyler-Walters, H. and Neal, K.J. 2017 Haliclystus auricula. Kaleidoscope jellyfish. Plymouth, Marine Life Information Network - MarLIN, 25pp. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. and Wilson, E. 2008 Cancer pagurus. Edible crab. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. and Pizzolla, P.F 2008 Carcinus maenas. Common shore crab. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. 2008 Crangon crangon. Brown shrimp. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. and Avant, P. 2008 Owenia fusiformis. A tubeworm. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. and Ballerstedt, S. 2006 Cirratulus cirratus. A bristleworm. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. and Avant, P. 2006 Corophium volutator. A mud shrimp. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)
Neal, K.J. and Pizzolla, P.F 2006 Dipturus batis. Common skate. Plymouth, UNSPECIFIED. (UNSPECIFIED)