Harris, RP, Irigoien, X, Head, RN, Rey-Rassat, C, Hygum, BH, Hansen, BW, Niehoff, B, Meyer-Harms, B and Carlotti, F 2000 Feeding growth and reproduction in the genus Calanus. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57 (6). 1708 - 1726. 10.1006/jmsc.2000.0959
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Irigoien, X, Head, RN, Harris, RP, Cummings, DG, Harbour, D and Meyer-Harms, B 2000 Feeding selectivity and egg production of Calanus helgolandicus in the English Channel. Limnology and Oceanography, 45 (1). 44 - 54.
Item not available from this repository.
Meyer-Harms, B, Irigoien, X, Head, RN and Harris, RP 1999 Selective feeding on natural phytoplankton by Calanus finmarchicus before during and after the 1997 spring bloom in the Norwegian Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 44 (1). 154 - 165.
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