Moore, MN, Viarengo, A, Pipe, RK, Mazzucotelli, A, Pertica, M and Orunesu, M 1987 Effects Of Phenanthrene On The Metabolism Of Copper In The Digestive Gland Of Mytilus-Edulis-L. Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology, 408 (3). S39 - S39.
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Viarengo, A, Moore, MN, Mancinelli, G, Mazzucotelli, A and Pipe, RK 1985 Significance Of Metallothioneins And Lysosomes In Cadmium Toxicity And Homeostasis In The Digestive Gland-Cells Of Mussels Exposed To The Metal In Presence Or Absence Of Phenanthrene. Marine Environmental Research, 17 (02-Apr). 184 - 187. 10.1016/0141-1136(85)90076-5
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