Malone, TC, DiGiacomo, PM, Goncalves, E, Knap, AH, Talaue-McManus, L, de Mora, S and Muelbert, J 2014 Enhancing the Global Ocean Observing System to meet evidence based needs for the ecosystem-based management of coastal ecosystem services. Natural Resources Forum, 38 (3). 168-181. 10.1111/1477-8947.12045
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Malone, TC, DiGiacomo, PM, Goncalves, E, Knap, AH, Talaue-McManus, L and de Mora, S 2014 A global ocean observing system framework for sustainable development. Marine Policy. 0 - 0. 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.06.008
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Owen, R, Mitchelmore, CL, Woodley, C, Trepedo-Rosethal, H, Galloway, TJ, Depledge, MH, Buxton, L, Sarkis, S, Jones, R and Knap, AH 2005 A common sense approach for confronting coral reef decline associated with human activities.. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51. 481 - 485.
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Connelly, DP, Readman, JW, Knap, AH and Davies, J 2001 Contamination of the coastal waters of Bermuda by organotins and the triazine herbicide Irgarol 1051. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42 (5). 409 - 414. 10.1016/S0025-326X(00)00171-5
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