Yang, EC, Peters, AF, Kawai, H, Stern, RF, Hanyuda, T, Bárbara, I, Müller, DG, Strittmatter, M, Reine, WF and Küpper, FC 2014 Ligulate Desmarestia (Desmarestiales, Phaeophyceae) revisited: D. japonica sp. nov. and D. dudresnayi differ from D. ligulata. Journal of Phycology.
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Stern, RF, Andersen, RA, Jameson, I, Küpper, FC, Coffroth, MA, Vaulot, D, Le Gall, F, Véron, B, Brand, JJ, Skelton, H, Kasai, F, Lilly, EL and Keeling, PJ 2012 Evaluating The Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) as a Candidate Dinoflagellate Barcode Marker. PLoS one, 7 (8). e42780.
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