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Dornelas, M, Antão, LH, Moyes, F, Bates, AE, Magurran, AE, Adam, D, Akhmetzhanova, AA, Appeltans, W, Arcos, JM, Arnold, H, Ayyappan, N, Badihi, G, Baird, AH, Barbosa, M, Barreto, TE, Bässler, C, Bellgrove, A, Belmaker, J, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Bett, BJ, Bjorkman, AD, Błażewicz, M, Blowes, SA, Bloch, CP, Bonebrake, TC, Boyd, S, Bradford, M, Brooks, AJ, Brown, JH, Bruelheide, H, Budy, P, Carvalho, F, Castañeda-Moya, E, Chen, CA, Chamblee, JF, Chase, TJ, Siegwart Collier, L, Collinge, SK, Condit, R, Cooper, EJ, Cornelissen, JHC, Cotano, U, Kyle Crow, S, Damasceno, G, Davies, CH, Davis, RA, Day, FP, Degraer, S, Doherty, TS, Dunn, TE, Durigan, G, Duffy, JE, Edelist, D, Edgar, GJ, Elahi, R, Elmendorf, SC, Enemar, A, Ernest, SKM, Escribano, R, Estiarte, M, Evans, BS, Fan, T-Y, Turini Farah, F, Loureiro Fernandes, L, Farneda, FZ, Fidelis, A, Fitt, R, Fosaa, AM, Daher Correa Franco, GA, Frank, GE, Fraser, WR, García, H, Cazzolla Gatti, R, Givan, O, Gorgone-Barbosa, E, Gould, WA, Gries, C, Grossman, GD, Gutierréz, JR, Hale, S, Harmon, ME, Harte, J, Haskins, G, Henshaw, DL, Hermanutz, L, Hidalgo, P, Higuchi, P, Hoey, A, Van Hoey, G, Hofgaard, A, Holeck, K, Hollister, RD, Holmes, R, Hoogenboom, M, Hsieh, C, Hubbell, SP, Huettmann, F, Huffard, CL, Hurlbert, AH, Macedo Ivanauskas, N, Janík, D, Jandt, U, Jażdżewska, A, Johannessen, T, Johnstone, J, Jones, J, Jones, FAM, Kang, J, Kartawijaya, T, Keeley, EC, Kelt, DA, Kinnear, R, Klanderud, K, Knutsen, H, Koenig, CC, Kortz, AR, Král, K, Kuhnz, LA, Kuo, C-Y, Kushner, DJ, Laguionie-Marchais, C, Lancaster, LT, Min Lee, C, Lefcheck, JS, Lévesque, E, Lightfoot, D, Lloret, F, Lloyd, JD, López-Baucells, A, Louzao, M, Madin, JS, Magnússon, B, Malamud, S, Matthews, I, McFarland, KP, McGill, B, McKnight, D, McLarney, WO, Meador, J, Meserve, PL, Metcalfe, DJ, Meyer, CFJ, Michelsen, A, Milchakova, N, Moens, T, Moland, E, Moore, J, Mathias Moreira, C, Müller, J, Murphy, G, Myers-Smith, IH, Myster, RW, Naumov, A, Neat, F, Nelson, JA, Paul Nelson, M, Newton, SF, Norden, N, Oliver, JC, Olsen, EM, Onipchenko, VG, Pabis, K, Pabst, RJ, Paquette, A, Pardede, S, Paterson, DM, Pélissier, R, Peñuelas, J, Pérez-Matus, A, Pizarro, O, Pomati, F, Post, E, Prins, HHT, Priscu, JC, Provoost, P, Prudic, KL, Pulliainen, E, Ramesh, BR, Mendivil Ramos, O, Rassweiler, A, Rebelo, JE, Reed, DC, Reich, PB, Remillard, SM, Richardson, AJ, Richardson, JP, van Rijn, I, Rocha, R, Rivera-Monroy, VH, Rixen, C, Robinson, KP, Ribeiro Rodrigues, R, de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres, D, Rudstam, L, Ruhl, H, Ruz, CS, Sampaio, EM, Rybicki, N, Rypel, A, Sal, S, Salgado, B, Santos, FAM, Savassi-Coutinho, AP, Scanga, S, Schmidt, J, Schooley, R, Setiawan, F, Shao, K-T, Shaver, GR, Sherman, S, Sherry, TW, Siciński, J, Sievers, C, da Silva, AC, Rodrigues da Silva, F, Silveira, FL, Slingsby, J, Smart, T, Snell, SJ, Soudzilovskaia, NA, Souza, GBG, Maluf Souza, F, Castro Souza, V, Stallings, CD, Stanforth, R, Stanley, EH, Mauro Sterza, J, Stevens, M, Stuart-Smith, R, Rondon Suarez, Y, Supp, S, Yoshio Tamashiro, J, Tarigan, S, Thiede, GP, Thorn, S, Tolvanen, A, Teresa Zugliani Toniato, M, Totland, Ø, Twilley, RR, Vaitkus, G, Valdivia, N, Vallejo, MI, Valone, TJ, Van Colen, C, Vanaverbeke, J, Venturoli, F, Verheye, HM, Vianna, M, Vieira, RP, Vrška, T, Quang Vu, C, Van Vu, L, Waide, RB, Waldock, C, Watts, D, Webb, S, Wesołowski, T, White, EP, Widdicombe, CE, Wilgers, D, Williams, R, Williams, SB, Williamson, M, Willig, MR, Willis, TJ, Wipf, S, Woods, KD, Woehler, EJ, Zawada, K and Zettler, ML 2018 BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27 (7). 760-786. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12729
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Merino, G, Barange, M, Blanchard, J, Harle, J, Holmes, R, Allen, JI, Allison, EH, Badjeck, MC, Dulvy, NK, Holt, JT, Jennings, S, Mullon, C and Rodwell, LD 2012 Can marine fisheries and aquaculture meet fish demand from a growing human population in a changing climate?. Global Environmental Change, 22. 795 - 806. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2012.03.003
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Holt, JT, Harle, J, Proctor, R, Michel, S, Ashworth, M, Batstone, C, Allen, JI, Holmes, R, Smyth, TJ, Haines, K, Bretherton, D and Smith, GC 2009 Modelling the global coastal ocean. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 939 - 951. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2008.0210
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