Items where Author is "Godley, BJ"

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Number of items: 22.

Publication - Article

Muñoz-Pérez, JP, Lewbart, GA, Toapanta, T, Chadwick, H, Okoffo, ED, Alarcón-Ruales, D, Zurita-Arthos, L, Jones, JS, Cisneros, F, Moreira-Mendieta, A, Vintimilla-Palacios, C, Miranda, C, Vallejo, F, Houck, E, Alemán, R, Escobar-Flores, K, Skehel, A, Castañeda, J, Secoura, P, Vaden, S, Lewis, C, Galloway, T, Wallace, B, Godley, BJ, Cole, MJ, Lindeque, PK, Thomas, KV, Potvin, DA, Valle, CA and Townsend, KA 2024 Plastic pollution and health metrics in wild juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from two Ecuadorian national parks: Galápagos and Machalilla. Frontiers in Amphibian and Reptile Science, 2. 10.3389/famrs.2024.1439512

Emberson-Marl, H, Coppock, RL, Cole, MJ, Godley, BJ, Mimpriss, N, Nelms, SE and Lindeque, PK 2023 Microplastics in the Arctic: a transect through the Barents Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10. 10.3389/fmars.2023.1241829

Omeyer, LCM, Duncan, EM, Aiemsomboon, K, Beaumont, NJ, Bureekul, S, Cao, B, Carrasco, LR, Chavanich, S, Clark, JR, Cordova, MR, Couceiro, F, Cragg, SM, Dickson, N, Failler, P, Ferraro, G, Fletcher, S, Fong, J, Ford, AT, Gutierrez, T, Shahul Hamid, F, Hiddink, JG, Hoa, PT, Holland, SI, Jones, L, Jones, NH, Koldewey, HJ, Lauro, FM, Lee, C, Lewis, M, Marks, D, Matallana-Surget, S, Mayorga-Adame, CG, McGeehan, J, Messer, LF, Michie, L, Miller, MA, Mohamad, ZF, Nor, NHM, Müller, M, Neill, SP, Nelms, SE, Onda, DFL, Ong, JJL, Pariatamby, A, Phang, SC, Quilliam, R, Robins, PE, Salta, M, Sartimbul, A, Shakuto, S, Skov, MW, Taboada, EB., Todd, PA, Toh, TC, Valiyaveettil, S, Viyakarn, V, Wonnapinij, P, Wood, LE, Yong, CLX and Godley, BJ 2022 Priorities to inform research on marine plastic pollution in Southeast Asia. Science of The Total Environment, 841. 156704. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156704

Jorgensen, SJ, Micheli, F, White, TD, Van Houtan, KS, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Andrzejaczek, S, Arnoldi, NS, Baum, JK, Block, B, Britten, GL, Butner, C, Caballero, S, Cardeñosa, D, Chapple, TK, Clarke, S, Cortés, E, Dulvy, NK, Fowler, S, Gallagher, AJ, Gilman, E, Godley, BJ, Graham, RT, Hammerschlag, N, Harry, AV, Heithaus, MR, Hutchinson, M, Huveneers, C, Lowe, CG, Lucifora, LO, MacKeracher, T, Mangel, JC, Martins, APB, McCauley, DJ, McClenachan, L, Mull, C, Natanson, LJ, Pauly, D, Pazmiño, DA, Pistevos, JCA, Queiroz, N, Roff, G, Shea, BD, Simpfendorfer, CA, Sims, DW, Ward-Paige, C, Worm, B and Ferretti, F 2022 Emergent research and priorities for shark and ray conservation. Endangered Species Research, 47. 171-203. 10.3354/esr01169

Jorgensen, SJ, Micheli, F, White, TD, Van Houtan, KS, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Andrzejaczek, S, Arnoldi, NS, Baum, JK, Block, B, Britten, GL, Butner, C, Caballero, S, Cardeñosa, D, Chapple, TK, Clarke, S, Cortés, E, Dulvy, NK, Fowler, S, Gallagher, AJ, Gilman, E, Godley, BJ, Graham, RT, Hammerschlag, N, Harry, AV, Heithaus, MR, Hutchinson, M, Huveneers, C, Lowe, CG, Lucifora, LO, MacKeracher, T, Mangel, JC, Martins, APB, McCauley, DJ, McClenachan, L, Mull, C, Natanson, LJ, Pauly, D, Pazmiño, DA, Pistevos, JCA, Queiroz, N, Roff, G, Shea, BD, Simpfendorfer, CA, Sims, DW, Ward-Paige, C, Worm, B and Ferretti, F 2022 Emerging research and priorities for elasmobranch conservation.. Endangered Species Research, 47. 171-203. 10.3354/esr01169

Duncan, EM, Broderick, AC, Critchell, K, Galloway, TS, Hamann, M, Limpus, CJ, Lindeque, PK, Santillo, D, Tucker, AD, Whiting, S, Young, EJ and Godley, BJ 2021 Plastic Pollution and Small Juvenile Marine Turtles: A Potential Evolutionary Trap. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.699521

Botterell, ZLR, Penrose, R, Witt, MJ and Godley, BJ 2020 Long-term insights into marine turtle sightings, strandings and captures around the UK and Ireland (1910–2018). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 1-9. 10.1017/S0025315420000843

Sims, DW, Lieber, L, Hall, G, Hall, J, Berrow, S, Wintner, SP, Doherty, PD, Godley, BJ, Hawkes, LA and Witt, MJ et al 2020 Spatio-temporal genetic tagging of a cosmopolitan planktivorous shark provides insight to gene flow, temporal variation and site-specific re-encounters. Scientific Reports, 10, 1661. 10.1038/s41598-020-58086-4

Nelms, SE, Parry, HE, Bennett, KA, Galloway, TS, Godley, BJ, Santillo, D and Lindeque, PK 2019 What goes in, must come out: Combining scat‐based molecular diet analysis and quantification of ingested microplastics in a marine top predator. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (10). 1712-1722. 10.1111/2041-210X.13271

Duncan, EM, Arrowsmith, JA, Bain, CE, Bowdery, H, Broderick, AC, Chalmers, T, Fuller, WJ, Galloway, TS, Lee, JH, Lindeque, PK, Omeyer, LCM, Snape, RTE and Godley, BJ 2019 Diet-related selectivity of macroplastic ingestion in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the eastern Mediterranean. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). 10.1038/s41598-019-48086-4

Nelms, SE, Barnett, J, Brownlow, A, Davison, NJ, Deaville, R, Galloway, TS, Lindeque, PK, Santillo, D and Godley, BJ 2019 Microplastics in marine mammals stranded around the British coast: ubiquitous but transitory?. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). 10.1038/s41598-018-37428-3

Duncan, EM, Broderick, AC, Fuller, WJ, Galloway, TS, Godfrey, MH, Hamann, M, Limpus, CJ, Lindeque, PK, Mayes, AG, Omeyer, LCM, Santillo, D, Snape, RTE and Godley, BJ 2018 Microplastic ingestion ubiquitous in marine turtles. Global Change Biology. 10.1111/gcb.14519

Duncan, EM, Arrowsmith, J, Bain, C, Broderick, AC, Lee, J, Metcalfe, K, Pikesley, SK, Snape, RTE, van Sebille, E and Godley, BJ 2018 The true depth of the Mediterranean plastic problem: Extreme microplastic pollution on marine turtle nesting beaches in Cyprus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 136. 334-340. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.09.019

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Nelms, SE, Galloway, TSG, Godley, BJ, Jarvis, DS and Lindeque, PK 2018 Investigating microplastic trophic transfer in marine top predators. Environmental Pollution. 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.02.016

Duncan, EM, Botterell, ZLR, Broderick, AC, Galloway, TS, Lindeque, PK, Nuno, A and Godley, BJ 2017 A global review of marine turtle entanglement in anthropogenic debris: a baseline for further action. Endangered Species Research, 34. 431-448. 10.3354/esr00865

Cox, SL, Witt, MJ, Embling, CB, Godley, BJ, Hosegood, PJ, Miller, PI, Votier, SC and Ingram, SN 2017 Temporal patterns in habitat use by small cetaceans at an oceanographically dynamic marine renewables test site in the Celtic Sea [in special issue: European Marine Megafauna] Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 141. 178-190. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.001

Nelms, SE, Coombes, C, Foster, LC, Godley, BJ, Galloway, TSG, Lindeque, PK and Witt, MJ 2017 Marine anthropogenic litter on British beaches: a 10-year nationwide assessment using citizen science data. STOTEN. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.137

Nelms, SE, Duncan, EM, Broderick, AC, Galloway, TSG, Godfrey, MH, Hamann, M, Lindeque, PK and Godley, BJ 2016 Plastic and marine turtles: a review and call for research. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 73 (2). 165-181. 10.1093/icesjms/fsv165

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Scales, KL, Miller, PI, Varo-Cruz, N, Hodgson, DJ, Hawkes, LA and Godley, BJ 2015 Do oceanic loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta associate with oceanographic fronts? Evidence from the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519. 195-207. 10.3354/meps11075

McClellan, CM, Brereton, T, Dell'Amico, F, Johns, DG, Cucknell, AC, Patrick, SC, Penrose, R, Ridoux, V, Solandt, JL, Stephan, E, Votier, SC, Williams, R and Godley, BJ 2014 Understanding the Distribution of Marine Megafauna in the English Channel Region: Identifying Key Habitats for Conservation within the Busiest Seaway on Earth. PLoS one, 9 (2), e89720. 16, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0089720

Witt, MJ, Sheehan, EV, Bearhop, S, Broderick, AC, Conley, DC, Cotterell, SP, Crow, E, Grecian, WJ, Halsband-Lenk, C, Hodgson, DJ, Hosegood, PJ, Inger, R, Miller, PI, Sims, DW, Thompson, RCT, Vanstaen, K, Votier, SC, Attrill, MJ and Godley, BJ 2012 Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the Wave Hub experience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 502 - 509. 10.1098/rsta.2011.0265

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Witt, MJ, Broderick, AC, Johns, DG, Martin, C, Penrose, R, Hoogmoed, MS and Godley, BJ 2007 Prey landscapes help identify potential foraging habitats for leatherback turtles in the NE Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 337. 231-244.

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