Harris, O, King, NG, Foggo, A and Smale, DA 2025 Intraspecific facilitation in an intertidal foundation species plays fundamental role in promoting resistance to extreme climatic events. Oikos, e11079. 10.1111/oik.11079
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Taylor-Robinson, C, King, NG, Foggo, A and Smale, DA 2024 Spatiotemporal variability in the population demography of the golden kelp, Laminaria ochroleuca (Phaeophyceae), at its leading range edge. European Journal of Phycology. 10.1080/09670262.2024.2433471
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Leathers, T, King, NG, Foggo, A and Smale, DA 2023 Marine heatwave duration and intensity interact to reduce physiological tipping points of kelp species with contrasting thermal affinities. Annals of Botany. ttps://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcad172
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Mabey, A.L., Catford, J.A., Rius, M, Foggo, A and Smale, DA 2022 Herbivory and functional traits suggest that enemy release is not an important mechanism driving invasion success of brown seaweeds. Biological Invasions, 24 (12). 3919-3934.
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Firth, LB, Curd, A, Hawkins, SJ, Knights, AM, Blaze, JA, Burrows, MT, Dubois, SF, Edwards, H, Foggo, A, Gribben, PE, Grant, L, Harris, D, Mieszkowska, N, Nunes, FLD, Nunn, JD, Power, AM, O'Riordan, RM, McGrath, D, Simkanin, C and O'Connor, NE 2021 On the diversity and distribution of a data deficient habitat in a poorly mapped region: The case of Sabellaria alveolata L. in Ireland. Marine Environmental Research, 169, 105344. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105344
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Firth, LB, Harris, D, Blaze, JA, Marzloff, MP, Boyé, A, Miller, PI, Curd, A, Vasquez, M, Nunn, JD, O’Connor, NE, Power, AM, Mieszkowska, N, O’Riordan, RM, Burrows, MT, Bricheno, LM, Knights, AM, Nunes, FLD, Bordeyne, F, Bush, LE, Byers, JE, David, CN, Davies, AJ, Dubois, SF, Edwards, H, Foggo, A, Grant, LM, Green, JAM, Gribben, PE, Lima, FP, McGrath, D, Noël, LMLJ, Seabra, R, Simkanin, C, Hawkins, SJ and Pirotta, E 2021 Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation. Diversity and Distributions. 10.1111/ddi.13224
Redfern, JC, Foggo, A and Mieszkowska, N 2021 Handling the heat: Responses of two congeneric limpet species to environmental temperature differences. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 536, 151500. 10.1016/j.jembe.2020.151500
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Epstein, G, Foggo, A and Smale, DA 2019 Inconspicuous impacts: Widespread marine invader causes subtle but significant changes in native macroalgal assemblages. Ecosphere, 10 (7), e02814. 10.1002/ecs2.2814
Pessarrodona, A, Foggo, A, Smale, DA and Nilsson, C 2019 Can ecosystem functioning be maintained despite climate‐driven shifts in species composition? Insights from novel marine forests. Journal of Ecology, 107 (1). 91-104. 10.1111/1365-2745.13053
Hereward, HFR, Foggo, A, Hinckley, SL, Greenwood, J and Smale, DA 2018 Seasonal variability in the population structure of a habitat-forming kelp and a conspicuous gastropod grazer: Do blue-rayed limpets ( Patella pellucida ) exert top-down pressure on Laminaria digitata populations?. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 506. 171-181. 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.06.011
Hargrave, MS, Foggo, A, Pessarrodona, A and Smale, DA 2017 The effects of warming on the ecophysiology of two co-existing kelp species with contrasting distributions. Oecologia, 183 (2). 10.1007/s00442-016-3776-1
Rastrick, S, Calosi, P, Calder-Potts, R, Foggo, A, Nightingale, G, Widdicombe, S and Spicer, JI 2014 Living in warmer, more acidic oceans retards physiological recovery from tidal emersion in the velvet swimming crab, Necora puber. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 (14). 2499-2508. 10.1242/jeb.089011
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Brodie, J, Williamson, CJ, Smale, DA, Kamenos, NAK, Mieszkowska, N, Santos, RS, Cunliffe, M, Steinke, M, Yesson, C, Anderson, KM, Asnaghi, V, Brownlee, C, Burdett, HL, Burrows, MT, Collins, S, Donohue, PJC, Harvey, B, Foggo, A, Noisette, F, Nunes, J, Ragazzola, F, Raven, JA, Schmidt, DN, Suggett, D, Teichberg, M and Hall-Spencer, JM 2014 The future of the northeast Atlantic benthic flora in a high CO2 world. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (13). 2787-2798. 10.1002/ece3.1105
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Langmead, O, Jackson, EL, Griffiths, CA, Wilkes, P, Neilly, M, Lear, D, Luckraft, I, Foggo, A and Tyler-Walters, H 2009 Accessing and developing the required biophysical datasets and data layers for Marine Protected Areas network planning and wider marine spatial planning purposes Report No. 20, Task 2F.UK marine benthic diversity layer.. Bristol, DEFRA, 92pp. (UNSPECIFIED)