Stebbing, ARD and Dethlefsen, V 1992 Introduction To The Bremerhaven Workshop On Biological Effects Of Contaminants. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 91 (01-Mar). 01-Aug. 10.3354/meps091001
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Stebbing, ARD, Dethlefsen, V, Addison, RF, Carr, MR, Chapman, PM, Cofino, WP, Heip, CHR, Karbe, L, Moore, MN and Vethaak, AD 1992 Overall Summary And Some Conclusions From The Bremerhaven Workshop. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 91 (01-Mar). 323 - 329. 10.3354/meps091323
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Stebbing, ARD, Dethlefsen, V and Thurberg, FP 1991 Report On The ICES IOC North-Sea Seagoing Workshop. Water Science and Technology, 24 (10). R21 - R23.
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