Marandino, CA, van Doorn, E, McDonald, N, Johnson, M, Acma, B, Brévière, EHG, Campen, H, Carou, S, Cocco, E, Endres, S, Hilmi, N, Hopkins, FE, Liss, PS, Maes, F, Mårtensson, M, Oeffner, J, Oloyede, M, Peters, A, Quack, B, Singh, P and Thomas, H 2020 From Monodisciplinary via Multidisciplinary to an Interdisciplinary Approach Investigating Air-Sea Interactions – a SOLAS Initiative. Coastal Management, 48 (4). 238-256. 10.1080/08920753.2020.1773208
Marandino, CA, van Doorn, E, McDonald, N, Johnson, M, Acma, B, Brévière, EHG, Campen, H, Carou, S, Cocco, E, Endres, S, Hilmi, N, Hopkins, FE, Liss, PS, Maes, F, Martensson, EM, Oeffner, J, Oloyede, M, Peters, A, Quack, B, Singh, P and Thomas, H 2020 From monodisciplinary via multidisciplinary to an interdisciplinary approach investigating air-sea interactions – A SOLAS Initiative. Coastal Management.
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Brévière, EHG, Bakker, DCE, Bange, HW, Bates, TS, Bell, TG, Boyd, PW, Duce, RA, Garçon, V, Johnson, MT, Law, CS, Marandino, CA, Olsen, A, Quack, B, Quinn, P, Sabine, C and Saltzman, E 2015 Surface ocean-lower atmosphere study: Scientific synthesis and contribution to Earth system science. Anthropocene. 10.1016/j.ancene.2015.11.001