Womersley, F, Waller, M and Sims, DW 2025 Do whale sharks select for specific environments to give birth?. Ecology and Evolution, 15 (2). 10.1002/ece3.70930
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Mucientes, G, Alonso-Fernández, A, Vedor, M, Sims, DW and Queiroz, N 2025 Discovery of a potential open ocean nursery for the endangered shortfin mako shark in a global fishing hotspot. Nature Scientific Reports, 2190. 10.1038/s41598-025-85572-4
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Womersley, F, Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Sousa, LL, Abrantes, K, Araujo, G, Bach, SS and Barnett, A 2024 Climate-driven global redistribution of an ocean giant predicts increased threat from shipping. Nature. 10.1038/s41558-024-02129-5
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Sequeira, AMM, Bates, AE, Hays, G, Sims, DW, Andrzejaczek, S, Audzijonyte, A, Baum, JK, Beal, M, Block, B and Cinner, J 2024 A framework for optimising opportunistic collaborative syntheses to propel ecological conservation. Biological Conservation, 298. 10, pp. 10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110717
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Da Costa, I, Sims, DW, Loureiro, B, Waller, MJ, Womersley, F, Loveridge, A, Humphries, NE, Southall, EJ, Vedor, M and Mucientes, G 2024 Measuring deoxygenation effects on marine predators: A new animal-attached archival tag recording in situ dissolved oxygen, temperature, fine-scale movements and behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 10.1111/2041-210X.14360
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Waller, MJ, Humphries, NE, Womersley, F, Loveridge, A, Jeffries, AL, Southall, EJ, Sims, DW, Watanabe, Y, Semmens, JM and Payne, N 2024 The vulnerability of sharks, skates, and rays to ocean deoxygenation: Physiological mechanisms, behavioral responses, and ecological impacts. Journal of Fish Biology. 10.1111/jfb.15830
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Bowlby, H, Druon, JN, Lopez, J, Juan-Jorda, MJ, Carreon-Zapiain, MT, Vandeperre, F, Leone, A and Sims, DW 2024 Global habitat predictions to inform spatiotemporal fisheries management: Initial steps within the framework. Marine Policy, 164. 10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106155
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Hammerschlag, N and Sims, DW 2024 Shark conservation requires mortality-limiting regulations amid global change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 39 (4). 320-322. 10.1016/j.tree.2024.03.001
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Humphries, NE, Fuller, DW, Schaefer, KM and Sims, DW 2024 Highly active fish in low oxygen environments: vertical movements and behavioural responses of bigeye and yellowfin tunas to oxygen minimum zones in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology, 171, 55. 22, pp. 10.1007/s00227-023-04366-2
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McEvoy, AJ, Atkinson, A, Airs, RL, Brittain, R, Brown, IJ, Fileman, ES, Findlay, HS, McNeill, CL, Ostle, C, Smyth, TJ, Somerfield, PJ, Tait, K, Tarran, GA, Thomas, S, Widdicombe, CE, Woodward, EMS, Beesley, A, Conway, DVP, Fishwick, J, Haines, H, Harris, C, Harris, RP, Helaouët, P, Johns, DG, Lindeque, PK, Mesher, T, McQuatters-Gollop, A, Nunes, J, Perry, F., Queiros, AM, Rees, AP, Ruhl, S, Sims, DW, Torres, R and Widdicombe, S 2023 The Western Channel Observatory: a century of physical, chemical and biological data compiled from pelagic and benthic habitats in the western English Channel. Earth System Science Data, 15 (12). 5701-5737. 10.5194/essd-15-5701-2023
Loveridge, A, Sims, DW, Elvidge, CD, Kroodsma, DA, White, TD, Evans, K, Kato, A, Ropert-Coudert, Y, Sommerfield, J and Takahashi, A 2023 Context-dependent changes in maritime traffic activity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Environmental Change, 84. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102773
Sims, DW, Braun, CD, Della Penna, A, Arostegui, MC, Afonso, P, Berumen, ML, Block, BA, Brown, CA, Fontes, J and Furtado, M 2023 Linking vertical movements of large pelagic predators with distribution patterns of biomass in the open ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (47). 10.1073/pnas.2306357120
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Womersley, F, Loveridge, A and Sims, DW 2023 Four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’. Nature, 621. 34-38. 10.1038/d41586-023-02729-9
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Sims, DW, Queiroz, N, Ellis-Soto, D, Oliver, RY, Brum-Bastos, V, Demsar, U, Jesmer, B, Long, JA, Cagnacci, F and Ossi, F 2023 A vision for incorporating human mobility in the study of human–wildlife interactions. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 10.1038/s41559-023-02125-6
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Dolton, HR, Sims, DW, Jakson, AL, Deaville, R, Hall, J, Hall, G, McManus, G, Perkins, MW, Rolfe, RA and Snelling, EP 2023 Regionally endothermic traits in planktivorous basking sharks Cetorhinus maximus. Endangered Species Research, 51. 227-232.
Waller, MJ, Queiroz, N, Da Costa, I, Womersley, F, Loveridge, A, Humphries, NE, Southall, EJ, Sims, DW, Cidade, T and Loureiro, B 2023 Direct measurement of cruising and burst swimming speeds of the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) with estimates of field metabolic rate. Journal of Fish Biology. doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15475
Mucientes, G, Fernandez-Chacon, A, Queiroz, N, Sims, DW and Villegas-Rios, D 2023 Juvenile survival and movements of two threatened oceanic sharks in the North Atlantic Ocean inferred from tag-recovery data. Ecology and Evolution, 13 (6).
Renshaw, S, Hammerschlag, N, Gallagher, AJ, Lubitz, N and Sims, DW 2023 Global tracking of shark movements, behaviour and ecology: A review of the renaissance years of satellite tagging studies, 2010–2020. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 560. 22, pp.
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Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Southall, EJ, Andrzejaczek, S and Curnick, DJ 2022 Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances, 8 (33), eaho1754. 10.1126/sciadv.abo1754
Sims, DW, Womersley, F, Southall, EJ, Berrow, S, O'Sullivan, KM, Pfeiffer, NJ, Collins, R, Smith, KL, Pfeiffer, BM and Connery, P 2022 Circles in the sea: annual courtship “torus” behaviour of basking sharks Cetorhinus maximus identified in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 101 (5). 1160-1181. 10.1111/jfb.15187
Collins, RA, Baillie, C, Halliday, NC, Rainbird, S, Sims, DW, Mariani, S and Genner, MJ 2022 Reproduction influences seasonal eDNA variation in a temperate marine fish community. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 10.1002/lol2.10271
Womersley, F, Humphries, NE, Queiroz, N and Sims, DW 2022 Global collision-risk hotspots of marine traffic and the world’s largest fish, the whale shark. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (20). 10.1073/pnas.2117440119
Mucientes, G, Vedor, M, Sims, DW and Queiroz, N 2022 Unreported discards of internationally protected pelagic sharks in a global fishing hotspot are potentially large. Biological Conservation, 269, 109534. 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109534
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Sims, DW, Druon, JN, Campana, SE, Vandeperre, F, Hazin, FHV, Bowlby, H, Coelho, R, Queiroz, N, Serena, F and Abascal, FJ 2022 Global-scale environmental niche and habitat of blue shark (Prionace glauca) by size and sex: A pivotal step to improving stock management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.828412
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Jorgensen, SJ, Micheli, F, White, TD, Van Houtan, KS, Alfaro-Shigueto, J, Andrzejaczek, S, Arnoldi, NS, Baum, JK, Block, B, Britten, GL, Butner, C, Caballero, S, Cardeñosa, D, Chapple, TK, Clarke, S, Cortés, E, Dulvy, NK, Fowler, S, Gallagher, AJ, Gilman, E, Godley, BJ, Graham, RT, Hammerschlag, N, Harry, AV, Heithaus, MR, Hutchinson, M, Huveneers, C, Lowe, CG, Lucifora, LO, MacKeracher, T, Mangel, JC, Martins, APB, McCauley, DJ, McClenachan, L, Mull, C, Natanson, LJ, Pauly, D, Pazmiño, DA, Pistevos, JCA, Queiroz, N, Roff, G, Shea, BD, Simpfendorfer, CA, Sims, DW, Ward-Paige, C, Worm, B and Ferretti, F 2022 Emerging research and priorities for elasmobranch conservation.. Endangered Species Research, 47. 171-203. 10.3354/esr01169
Collins, RA, Trauzzi, G, Maltby, KM, Gibson, TI, Ratcliffe, FC, Hallam, J, Rainbird, S, Maclaine, J, Henderson, PA, Sims, DW, Mariani, S and Genner, MJ 2021 Meta-Fish-Lib: A generalised, dynamic DNA reference library pipeline for metabarcoding of fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 99 (4). 1446-1454. 10.1111/jfb.14852
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Vedor, M, Mucientes, G, Hernandez-Chan, S, Rosa, R, Humphries, NE, Sims, DW and Queiroz, N 2021 Oceanic Diel Vertical Movement Patterns of Blue Sharks Vary With Water Temperature and Productivity to Change Vulnerability to Fishing. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.688076
Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature, 595 (7866). E20-E28. 10.1038/s41586-021-03464-9
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Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Couto, A, Vedor, M, Da Costa, I, Sequeira, AMM, Mucientes, G, Santos, AM, Abascal, FJ, Abercrombie, DL, Abrantes, K, Acuña-Marrero, D, Afonso, AS, Afonso, P, Anders, D, Araujo, G, Arauz, R, Bach, P, Barnett, A, Bernal, D, Berumen, ML, Lion, SB, Bezerra, NPA, Blaison, AV, Block, BA, Bond, ME, Bonfil, R, Bradford, RW, Braun, CD, Brooks, EJ, Brooks, A, Brown, J, Bruce, BD, Byrne, ME, Campana, SE, Carlisle, AB, Chapman, DD, Chapple, TK, Chisholm, J, Clarke, CR, Clua, EG, Cochran, JEM, Crochelet, EC, Dagorn, L, Daly, R, Cortés, DD, Doyle, TK, Drew, M, Duffy, CAJ, Erikson, T, Espinoza, E, Ferreira, LC, Ferretti, F, Filmalter, JD, Fischer, GC, Fitzpatrick, R, Fontes, J, Forget, F, Fowler, M, Francis, MP, Gallagher, AJ, Gennari, E, Goldsworthy, SD, Gollock, MJ, Green, JR, Gustafson, JA, Guttridge, TL, Guzman, HM, Hammerschlag, N, Harman, L, Hazin, FHV, Heard, M, Hearn, AR, Holdsworth, JC, Holmes, BJ, Howey, LA, Hoyos, M, Hueter, RE, Hussey, NE, Huveneers, C, Irion, DT, Jacoby, DMP, Jewell, OJD, Johnson, R, Jordan, LKB, Joyce, W, Daly, CAK, Ketchum, JT, Klimley, AP, Kock, AA, Koen, P, Ladino, F, Lana, FO, Lea, JSE, Llewellyn, F, Lyon, WS, MacDonnell, A, Macena, BCL, Marshall, H, McAllister, JD, Meÿer, MA, Morris, JJ, Nelson, ER, Papastamatiou, YP, Peñaherrera-Palma, C, Pierce, SJ, Poisson, F, Quintero, LM, Richardson, AJ, Rogers, PJ, Rohner, CA, Rowat, DRL, Samoilys, M, Semmens, JM, Sheaves, M, Shillinger, G, Shivji, M, Singh, S, Skomal, GB, Smale, MJ, Snyders, LB, Soler, G, Soria, M, Stehfest, KM, Thorrold, SR, Tolotti, MT, Towner, A, Travassos, P, Tyminski, JP, Vandeperre, F, Vaudo, JJ, Watanabe, YY, Weber, SB, Wetherbee, BM, White, TD, Williams, S, Zárate, PM, Harcourt, R, Hays, GC, Meekan, MG, Thums, M, Irigoien, X, Eguíluz, VM, Duarte, CM, Sousa, LL, Simpson, SJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2021 Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature, 595 (7866). E8-E16. 10.1038/s41586-021-03396-4
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Simpson, SJ, Humphries, NE and Sims, DW 2021 Habitat selection, fine-scale spatial partitioning and sexual segregation in Rajidae, determined using passive acoustic telemetry. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 666. 115-134. 10.3354/meps13701
McMillan, M.N, Semmens, JM, Huveneers, C, Sims, DW, Stehfest, K.M. and Gillanders, B.M. 2021 Grow or go? Energetic constraints on shark pup dispersal from pupping areas. Conservation Physiology, 9 (1). 10.1093/conphys/coab017
Sims, DW, Mucientes, Q and Queiroz, N 2021 Shortfin mako sharks speeding to the brink. SCIENCE, 371 (6527). 355. 10.1126/science.abg2355
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O'Toole, M, Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Sims, DW and Sequeira, AMM 2020 Quantifying effects of tracking data bias on species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12 (1). 170-181. 10.1111/2041-210X.13507
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Lea, JSE, Humphries, NE, Bortoluzzi, J, Daly, R, Von Brandis, RG, Patel, E, Patel, E, Clarke, CR and Sims, DW 2020 At the Turn of the Tide: Space Use and Habitat Partitioning in Two Sympatric Shark Species Is Driven by Tidal Phase. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 624. 10.3389/fmars.2020.00624
Simpson, SJ, Humphries, NE and Sims, DW 2020 The spatial ecology of Rajidae from mark-recapture tagging and its implications for assessing fishery interactions and efficacy of Marine Protected Areas. Fisheries Research, 228, 105569. 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105569
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Gallagher, AJ, Amon, DJ, Bervoets, T, Shipley, ON, Hammerschlag, N and Sims, DW 2020 The Caribbean needs big marine protected areas. Science, 367 (6479). 749. 10.1126/science.abb0650
Sims, DW, Lieber, L, Hall, G, Hall, J, Berrow, S, Wintner, SP, Doherty, PD, Godley, BJ, Hawkes, LA and Witt, MJ et al 2020 Spatio-temporal genetic tagging of a cosmopolitan planktivorous shark provides insight to gene flow, temporal variation and site-specific re-encounters. Scientific Reports, 10, 1661. 10.1038/s41598-020-58086-4
Sims, DW, Humphries, NE, Hu, N, Medan, V and Berni, J 2019 Optimal searching behaviour generated intrinsically by the central pattern generator for locomotion. eLife, 8, e50316. 10.7554/eLife.50316
Sequeira, AMM, Hays, GC, Sims, DW, Eguíluz, VM, Rodríguez, JP, Heupel, MR, Harcourt, R, Calich, H, Queiroz, N and Costa, DP et al 2019 Overhauling ocean spatial planning to improve marine megafauna conservation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 639. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00639
Simpson, SJ, Sims, DW and Trueman, CN 2019 Ontogenetic trends in resource partitioning and trophic geography of sympatric skates (Rajidae) inferred from stable isotope composition across eye lenses. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 624. 103-116. 10.3354/meps13030
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Sequeira, AMM, Heupel, M, Lea, MA, Sims, DW, Eguíluz, V, Duarte, CM, Meekan, M, Thums, M, Calich, HJ and Carmichael, R et al 2019 The importance of sample size in marine megafauna tagging studies. Ecological Applications, 29 (6), e01947. 10.1002/eap.1947
Sims, DW and Frost, MT 2019 Trade in mislabeled endangered sharks.. Science, 364 (6442). 743-744. 10.1126/science.aax5777
Hays, GC, Carmichael, RH, Casale, P, Chiaradia, A, Costa, DP, Cuevas, E, Duarte, CM, Humphries, NE, Sims, DW and Sequeira, AMM 2019 Translating Marine Animal Tracking Data into Conservation Policy and Management. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 34 (5). 459-473. 10.1016/j.tree.2019.01.009
Burns, F, Eaton, MA, Hayhow, DB, Outhwaite, CL, Al Fulaij, N, August, TA, Boughey, KL, Brereton, T, Brown, A, Bullock, DJ, Gent, T, Haysom, KA, Isaac, NJB, Johns, DG, Macadam, CR, Mathews, F, Noble, DG, Powney, GD, Sims, DW, Smart, SM, Stroh, P, Walker, KJ, Webb, JR, Webb, TJ and Gregory, RD 2018 An assessment of the state of nature in the United Kingdom: A review of findings, methods and impact. Ecological Indicators, 94. 226-236. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.06.033
Sims, DW, Mucientes, G and Queiroz, N 2018 Shortfin mako sharks threatened by inaction. Science, 359 (6382). 1342.1-1342. 10.1126/science.aat0315
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Sequeira, AMM, Rodríguez, JP, Eguíluz, VM, Harcourt, R, Hindell, M, Sims, DW, Duarte, CM, Costa, DP, Fernández-Gracia, J, Ferreira, LC, Hays, GC, Heupel, MR, Meekan, MG, Aven, A, Bailleul, F, Baylis, AMM, Berumen, ML, Braun, CD, Burns, J, Caley, MJ, Campbell, R, Carmichael, RH, Clua, E, Einoder, LD, Friedlaender, AS, Goebel, ME, Goldsworthy, SD, Guinet, C, Gunn, J, Hamer, D, Hammerschlag, N, Hammill, M, Hückstädt, LA, Humphries, NE, Lea, MA, Lowther, A, Mackay, A, McHuron, E, McKenzie, J, McLeay, L, McMahon, CR, Mengersen, K, Muelbert, MMC, Pagano, AM, Page, B, Queiroz, N, Robinson, PW, Shaffer, SA, Shivji, MS, Skomal, GB, Thorrold, SR, Villegas-Amtmann, S, Weise, M, Wells, R, Wetherbee, BM, Wiebkin, A, Wienecke, B and Thums, M 2018 Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (12). 3072-3077. 10.1073/pnas.1716137115
Lea, JSE, Wetherbee, BM, Sousa, LL, Aming, C, Burnie, N, Humphries, NE, Queiroz, N, Harvey, GM, Sims, DW and Shivji, MS 2018 Ontogenetic partial migration is associated with environmental drivers and influences fisheries interactions in a marine predator. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75 (4). 1383-1392. 10.1093/icesjms/fsx238
Humphries, NE, Simpson, SJ and Sims, DW 2017 Diel vertical migration and central place foraging in benthic predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 582. 163-180. 10.3354/meps12324
Queiroz, N, Vila-Pouca, C, Couto, A, Southall, EJ, Mucientes, G, Humphries, NE and Sims, DW 2017 Convergent Foraging Tactics of Marine Predators with Different Feeding Strategies across Heterogeneous Ocean Environments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00239
Ramírez-Macías, D, Queiroz, N, Pierce, SJ, Humphries, NE, Sims, DW and Brunnschweiler, JM 2017 Oceanic adults, coastal juveniles: tracking the habitat use of whale sharks off the Pacific coast of Mexico. PeerJ, 5. e3271. 10.7717/peerj.3271
Hawkins, SJ, Evans, AJ, Adams, L, Bray, S, Burrows, MT, Firth, LB, Genner, MJ, Leung, KMY, Mieszkowska, N, Moore, PJ, Pack, K, Schuster, H, Sims, DW, Whittington, M and Southward, EC 2017 Distinguishing globally-driven changes from regional- and local-scale impacts: the case for long-term and broad-scale studies of recovery from pollution.. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.01.068
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Lea, JSE, Humphries, NE, von Brandis, RG, Clarke, CR and Sims, DW 2016 Acoustic telemetry and network analysis reveal the space use of multiple reef predators and enhance marine protected area design. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283 (1834). 20160717. 10.1098/rspb.2016.0717
Namboodiri, VMK, Levy, JM, Mihalas, S, Sims, DW and Hussain Shuler, MG 2016 Rationalizing spatial exploration patterns of wild animals and humans through a temporal discounting framework. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (31). 8747-8752. 10.1073/pnas.1601664113
Sousa, LL, Xavier, R, Costa, V, Humphries, NE, Trueman, C, Rosa, R, Sims, DW and Queiroz, N 2016 DNA barcoding identifies a cosmopolitan diet in the ocean sunfish. Scientific Reports, 6. 28762. 10.1038/srep28762
Hays, GC, Ferreira, LC, Sequeira, AMM, Meekan, MG, Duarte, CM, Bailey, H, Bailleul, F, Bowen, WD, Caley, MJ, Costa, DP, Eguíluz, VM, Fossette, S, Friedlaender, AS, Gales, N, Gleiss, AC, Gunn, J, Harcourt, R, Hazen, EL, Heithaus, MR, Heupel, M, Holland, K, Horning, M, Jonsen, I, Kooyman, GL, Lowe, CG, Madsen, PT, Marsh, H, Phillips, RA, Righton, D, Ropert-Coudert, Y, Sato, K, Shaffer, SA, Simpfendorfer, CA, Sims, DW, Skomal, G, Takahashi, A, Trathan, PN, Wikelski, M, Womble, JN and Thums, M 2016 Key Questions in Marine Megafauna Movement Ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 31 (6). 463-475. 10.1016/j.tree.2016.02.015
Simpson, SJ and Sims, DW 2016 Are critically endangered fish back on the menu? Analysis of U.K. fisheries data suggest post-ban landings of prohibited skates in European waters. Marine Policy, 69. 42-51. 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.03.022
Sims, DW and Queiroz, N 2016 Fish stocks: Unlimited by-catch limits recovery. Nature, 531 (7595). 448. 10.1038/531448a
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Queiroz, N, Humphries, NE, Mucientes, G, Hammerschlag, N, Lima, FP, Scales, KL, Miller, PI, Sousa, LL, Seabra, R and Sims, DW 2016 Ocean-wide tracking of pelagic sharks reveals extent of overlap with longline fishing hotspots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (6). 10.1073/pnas.1510090113
Sousa, LL, Queiroz, N, Mucientes, G, Humphries, NE and Sims, DW 2016 Environmental influence on the seasonal movements of satellite-tracked ocean sunfish Mola mola in the north-east Atlantic. Animal Biotelemetry, 4 (1). 10.1186/s40317-016-0099-2
Hawkins, SJ, Bohn, K, Sims, DW, Ribeiro, P, Faria, J, Presa, P, Pita, A, Martins, GM, Neto, AI, Burrows, MT and Genner, MJ 2016 Fisheries stocks from an ecological perspective: Disentangling ecological connectivity from genetic interchange. Fisheries Research, 179. 333-341. 10.1016/j.fishres.2016.01.015
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Humphries, NE, Schaefer, KM, Fuller, DW, Phillips, GEM, Wilding, C and Sims, DW 2016 Scale-dependent to scale-free: daily behavioural switching and optimized searching in a marine predator. Animal Behaviour, 113. 189-201. 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.12.029
Humphries, NE, Simpson, SJ, Wearmouth, VJ and Sims, DW 2016 Two’s company, three’s a crowd: fine-scale habitat partitioning by depth among sympatric species of marine mesopredator. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 561. 173-187. 10.3354/meps11937
Lea, JSE, Humphries, NE, Clarke, CR and Sims, DW 2015 To Madagascar and back: long-distance, return migration across open ocean by a pregnant female bull shark Carcharhinus leucas [in special issue: FSBI Symposium. University of Plymouth, U.K. 27–31 July 2015] Journal of Fish Biology, 87 (6). 1313-1321. 10.1111/jfb.12805
Sims, DW 2015 The biology, ecology and conservation of elasmobranchs: recent advances and new frontiers [in special issue: FSBI Symposium. University of Plymouth, U.K. 27–31 July 2015] Journal of Fish Biology, 87 (6). 1265-1270. 10.1111/jfb.12861
Smyth, TJ, Atkinson, A, Widdicombe, S, Frost, MT, Allen, JI, Fishwick, J, Queiros, AM, Sims, DW and Barange, M 2015 The Western Channel Observatory. Progress in Oceanography, 137. 335-341. 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.05.020
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Miller, PI, Scales, KL, Ingram, SN, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2015 Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north-east Atlantic. Functional Ecology, 29 (8). 1099-1109. 10.1111/1365-2435.12423
Sims, DW 2015 Intrinsic Lévy behaviour in organisms – searching for a mechanism. Physics of Life Reviews, 14. 111-114. 10.1016/j.plrev.2015.06.002
Lea, JSE, Wetherbee, BM, Queiroz, N, Burnie, N, Aming, C, Sousa, LL, Mucientes, GR, Humphries, NE, Harvey, GM, Sims, DW and Shivji, MS 2015 Repeated, long-distance migrations by a philopatric predator targeting highly contrasting ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 5. 11202. 10.1038/srep11202
Sims, DW and Simpson, SJ 2015 Fisheries: Better policing for fishy catch data. Nature, 520 (7549). 623. 10.1038/520623e
Gubili, C, Robinson, CEC, Cliff, G, Wintner, SP, de Sabata, E, De Innocentiis, S, Canese, S, Sims, DW, Martin, AP, Noble, LR and Jones, CS 2015 DNA from historical and trophy samples provides insights into white shark population origins and genetic diversity. Endangered Species Research, 27 (3). 233-241. 10.3354/esr00665
Rutterford, LA, Simpson, SD, Jennings, S, Johnson, MP, Blanchard, JL, Schön, PJ, Sims, DW, Tinker, J and Genner, MJ 2015 Future fish distributions constrained by depth in warming seas. Nature Climate Change, 5 (6). 569-573. 10.1038/nclimate2607
Payne, NL, Snelling, EP, Fitzpatrick, R, Seymour, JR, Courtney, R, Barnett, A, Watanabe, YY, Sims, DW, Squire, L, Semmens, JM and Kurle, C 2015 A new method for resolving uncertainty of energy requirements in large water breathers: the ‘mega-flume’ seagoing swim-tunnel respirometer. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6 (6). 668-677. 10.1111/2041-210x.12358
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Miller, PI, Scales, KL, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2015 Basking sharks and oceanographic fronts: quantifying associations in the north‐east Atlantic. Functional Ecology, 29. 10.1111/1365-2435.12423
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Gubili, C, Sims, DW, Verisimo, A, Dominici, P, Ellis, J, Grigorio, P, Johnson, A, McHugh, MJ, Neat, FC, Sarcenella, G, Serra-Pereira, B, Soldo, A, Genner, MJ and Griffiths, AM 2014 A tale of two seas: contrasting patterns of population structure in the small-spotted catshark across Europe.. Royal Society Open Science, 51. 1575-1583. 10.1098/rsos.140175
Humphries, NE and Sims, DW 2014 Optimal foraging strategies: Lévy walks balance searching and patch exploitation under a very broad range of conditions. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 358. 179-193. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.05.032
Scales, KL, Miller, PI, Hawkes, LA, Ingram, SN, Sims, DW and Votier, SC 2014 On the Front Line: frontal zones as priority at-sea conservation areas for mobile marine vertebrates. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51. 1575-1583. 10.1111/1365-2664.12330
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Jacoby, DMP, Fear, LN, Sims, DW and Croft, DP 2014 Shark personalities? Repeatability of social network traits in a widely distributed predatory fish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 68, 1995-2003.. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 68. 1995-2003. 10.1007/s00265-014-1805-9
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Sims, DW 2014 Hierarchical random walks in trace fossils and the origin of optimal search behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.. 10.1073/pnas.1405966111
Kelly, R, Lundy, MG, Mineur, F, Harrod, C, Maggs, CA, Humphries, NE, Sims, DW and Reid, N 2014 Historical data reveal power-law dispersal patterns of invasive aquatic species.. Ecography, 37 (6). 581-590. 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00296.x
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Wearmouth, VJ, McHugh, MJ, Humphries, NE, Naegelen, A, Ahmed, MZ, Southall, EJ, Reynolds, AM and Sims, DW 2014 Scaling laws of ambush predator 'waiting' behaviour are tuned to a common ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1782). 20132997. 10.1098/rspb.2013.2997
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Hawkins, SJ, Firth, LB, McHugh, M, Poloczanska, ES, Herbert, RJH, Burrows, MT, Kendall, MA, Moore, PJ, Thompson, RC, Jenkins, SR, Sims, DW, Genner, MJ and Mieszkowska, N 2013 Data rescue and re-use: Recycling old information to address new policy concerns. Marine Policy, 42. 91-98. 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.02.001
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Humphries, NE, Weimerskirch, H, Sims, DW and Freckleton, R 2013 A new approach for objective identification of turns and steps in organism movement data relevant to random walk modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. n/a-n/a. 10.1111/2041-210x.12096
Witt, MJ, Sheehan, EV, Bearhop, S, Broderick, AC, Conley, DC, Cotterell, SP, Crow, E, Grecian, WJ, Halsband-Lenk, C, Hodgson, DJ, Hosegood, PJ, Inger, R, Miller, PI, Sims, DW, Thompson, RCT, Vanstaen, K, Votier, SC, Attrill, MJ and Godley, BJ 2012 Assessing wave energy effects on biodiversity: the Wave Hub experience. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 502 - 509. 10.1098/rsta.2011.0265
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Humphries, NE, Weimerskirch, H, Queiroz, N, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2012 Foraging success of biological Levy flights recorded in situ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (19). 7169-7174. 10.1073/pnas.1121201109
Spencer, M, Mieszkowska, N, Robinson, LA, Simpson, SD, Burrows, MT, Birchenough, SNR, Capasso, E, Cleall-Harding, P, Crummy, J, Duck, C, Eloire, D, Frost, MT, Hall, AJ, Hawkins, SJ, Johns, DG, Sims, DW, Smyth, TJ and Frid, CLJ 2012 Region-wide changes in marine ecosystem dynamics: state-space models to distinguish trends from step changes. Global Change Biology, 18 (4). 1270 - 1281. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02620.x
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Spencer, M, Birchenough, SNR, Mieszkowska, N, Robinson, LA, Simpson, SD, Burrows, MT, Capasso, E, Cleall-Harding, P, Crummy, J, Duck, C, Eloire, D, Frost, MT, Hall, AJ, Hawkins, SJ, Johns, DG, Sims, DW, Smyth, TJ and Frid, CLJ 2011 Temporal change in UK marine communities: trends or regime shifts?. Marine Ecology, 32 (Suppl). 10-24. 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2010.00422.x
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Humphries, NE, Queiroz, N, Dyer, JRM, Pade, NG, Musyl, MK, Schaefer, KM, Fuller, DW, Brunnschweiler, JM, Doyle, TK, Houghton, JDR, Hays, GC, Jones, CS, Noble, LR, Wearmouth, VJ, Southall, EJ and Sims, DW 2010 Environmental context explains Lévy and Brownian movement patterns of marine predators. Nature, 465 (7301). 1066-1069. 10.1038/nature09116
Sims, DW, Witt, MJ, Richardson, AJ, Southall, EJ and Metcalfe, JD 2006 Encounter success of free-ranging marine predator movements across a dynamic prey landscape. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B-Biological Sciences, 273 (1591). 1195-1201. 10.1098/rspb.2005.3444
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Richardson, AJ, Walne, AW, John, AWG, Jonas, TD, Lindley, JA, Sims, DW, Stevens, DP and Witt, MJ 2006 Using continuous plankton recorder data. Progress in Oceanography, 68 (1). 27-74. 10.1016/j.pocean.2005.09.011
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Southward, AJ, Langmead, O, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, Aiken, J, Boalch, GT, Dando, PR, Genner, MJ, Joint, IR, Kendall, MA, Halliday, NC, Harris, RP, Leaper, R, Mieszkowska, N, Pingree, RD, Richardson, AJ, Sims, DW, Smith, T, Walne, AW and Hawkins, SJ 2004 Long-Term Oceanographic and Ecological Research in the Western English Channel. Advances in Marine Biology, 47. 1-105. 10.1016/S0065-2881(04)47001-1
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Sims, DW, Southall, EJ, Richardson, AJ, Reid, PC and Metcalfe, JD 2003 Seasonal movements and behaviour of basking sharks from archival tagging: No evidence of winter hibernation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 248. 187-196.
Sims, DW and Reid, PC 2002 Congruent trends in long-term zooplankton decline in the north-east Atlantic and basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus ) fishery catches off west Ireland. Fisheries Oceanography, 11 (1). 59-63. 10.1046/j.1365-2419.2002.00189.x
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